Let's join Sienny Yong aka Siennylovesdrawing 👩🏻 to enjoy the 💯% natural #protection from mosquito 🦟 bites by using a 3️⃣-in-1️⃣ treatment by YN Scents ie. Not just #mosquitorepellent, also for mood relief 😌 & sleep 😴💤 well treatment
It's 💯% made of lemongrass as a mosquito repellent. It's also a stress reducer used to balance ⚖️ the mind & emotions. It revitalizes the overall body & minds
Personally she feels she is with nature 🌱🌿🍃🌳 when smells the lemongrass relaxing aroma 😌 around her room before #beauty bedtime 🛌😴
Yes ✅, ~ "There is no better designer than nature 🌱🍃🌿, you will love 💚 nature" ~ She loves the companion from #YNScents after almost 2 weeks++ usage now 😃
Very easy & convenient 👍🏻 to use, just plug in & let the diffuser play without having to worry about causing any flammable smoke ❌💨 etc. It's effective at treating ranges up to 200 sq ft. Why not give it a try❓⁉️ A 5% discount for your 1️⃣st trial purchase with code @ ~ "SIENNY5"
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同時也有27部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過23萬的網紅無名,也在其Youtube影片中提到,2020你心中的年度冠軍是哪首歌? Part.1: 00:00 ~ 10:11 Billboard年度單曲詳細榜單信息 Part.2: 10:12 ~ 20:12 Billboard年度歌曲按YouTube上的觀看次數排名 數據包括:觀看次數、喜歡、不喜歡、發佈日期 及歌曲在Billboar...
the smoke room 在 stu sis Facebook 的最佳貼文
[184421] 51221. 中指通:天氣冷了就吃燒肉吧!!11月作品精選!! (2020)★
[184422] 51222. 勾起你心中的惡:你們都被酷炫跟瑋哥騙了!! (2020)☆
[184423] 51223. 勾起你心中的惡:明年是你成為YouTuber最好的時機!! (2020)☆
[184424] 51224. 在不瘋狂就等死:青青親上火線解釋說明事件 (2020)☆
[184425] 51225. 敖廠長:花1000塊買了個"跳舞蛋" (2020)★
[184426] 51226. 眼球中央電視台:王又正彭文正合體嗆NCC 饒舌青年RAP挺中天尬爆全場 (2020)★
[184427] 51227. 愛吃西瓜的鑑黃師:國產推薦12——拍動作片那麼開心,也太不正經了吧?我們觀眾可是正經人呢 (2020)★
[184428] 51228. 魚子將:一本正經講幹話 看誰先笑場 (2019)★
[184429] 51229. STR Network:滅火器都滅不了的火 / 火烤大賽激敗賽——范綱群及評審總講評 (2020)★★
[184430] 51230. STR Network:火烤大賽激敗賽——么么 (2020)★
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[184432] 51232. 禁藥王 & 栗子:AV藥王!栗子進軍AV界?禁藥王失控對郎造! (2020)★
[184433] 51233. 禁藥王 & 栗子:嗩吶現場教學開把金髮洋妞?! (2020)★★‒
[184434] 51234. 禁藥王 & 栗子 - PIMP (搖滾版) (2020)★
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[184436] 51236. A1J & 韓森 - 聽筒聽筒 (2020)★★
[184437] 51237. A Jie:九柱有多強?全員戰績整理給你看,誰砍了最多上弦 (2020)★★
[184438] 51238. ABN:就差一點!而無法成為歷史第一的勇士王朝! (2020)★★
[184439] 51239. AnimalBoys666: 21Savage弟弟英年早逝!2020魔咒還要持續多久? (2020)★★
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[184441] 51241. Big Dub:我來幫你唱Hook!Ty Dolla $ign的老二哲學! (2020)★★
[184442] 51242. Big Dub:受到50 Cent賞識的20歲超級新人,足以代表紐約的饒舌歌手Pop Smoke (2020)★★✚
[184443] 51243. Big Dub:短短兩年就靠天賦站上世界頂端,卻在21歲就殞落的超級巨星Juice Wrld (2020)★★
[184444] 51244. Big Dub:幫派暴力再度引發悲劇 Rest In Peace King Von (2020)★★
[184445] 51245. Dio Chan:穿越時空的英傑傳說!塞爾達無雙:災厄啟示錄評測介紹 (2020)★★
[184446] 51246. Dio Chan:想買新主機必看PS5和Xbox Series X雙平台一篇全搞定 (2020)★★
[184447] 51247. DIAN - 飛鳥 (2020)★★
[184448] 51248. Fairy Ray - 我在深夜殺了自己Freestyle (2020)★★≋
[184449] 51249. Eric Lin - THRØNE / ØNI / GUXXI (2020)★★
[184450] 51250. Flower Companyz - 深夜高速 (2004)★★
[184451] 51251. Odd Cactus:抖音網紅為了知名度做出了不可挽回的舉動 (2020)★★
[184452] 51252. Nina安安:《台北君品酒店-茶苑》美國頂級牛排10oz吃到飽,美食評論家初登場! (2020)★★
[184453] 51253. SKY-HI - Luce (2016)★★
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[184455] 51255. SKY-HI - スマイルドロップ (2014)★★
[184456] 51256. Rio Da Yung OG & Babyface Ray - Stay Wavy (2020)★★
[184457] 51257. JAY - Predictive Message Theory (2020)★★
[184458] 51258. iamnothappy - dark room (2020)★★
[184459] 51259. Jaxx, Icy Boi & 高浩哲 - Pass Out (2020)★★
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[184462] 51262. Mkultra, CXRPSE, BRUHMANEGOD, Wendigo & Lil Darkie - Super Milk Party (2020)★★
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[184466] 51266. Joe Blow - Memory Lane (2013)★★
[184467] 51267. Joe Blow - Mr. International (2013)★★
[184468] 51268. Joe Blow, The Jacka & Sirdy - Polo (2013)★★∿
[184469] 51269. Joe Blow, Philthy Rich & The Jacka - Sip My Pain Away (2013)★★
[184470] 51270. Joe Blow, AJ, Blast Holiday & Cookie Money - Thank You (2013)★★
[184471] 51271. sogumm & 10CM - 위로 (2020)★★
[184472] 51272. Slept kid & 任健欣 - 每個人都有抑鬱Depressed Norm (2020)★★
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[184474] 51274. sketodara01414:BotW Any% 27:29 (2019)★★
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[184479] 51279. Yellow Skies - 從心出發 (2020)★★
[184480] 51280. TE - 原罪 (2020)★★
the smoke room 在 Hapa Eikaiwa Facebook 的精選貼文
1) Supposed to(本当は〜するはず)
supposed toは状況によって様々な意味を持ちますが、今日の会話ではルールや決め事、法律などにより「本当は〜をするはず」または「本当は〜をするはずではない」の意味で使われています。例えば、マスクをしていない友達に、「お店の中ではマスクをしないといけないはずだよ」と注意する場合は「You’re supposed to wear a mask in stores.」と言います。
You're not supposed to smoke here. The smoking area is over there.
It’s a potluck party. You’re supposed to bring a dish.
You’re supposed to let the manager know if there are any changes.
2) Run(経営する)
runはお店やレストラン、会社などを経営することを意味します。例えば「レストランを経営する」はrun a restaurant、「会社を経営する」はrun a companyのように表現し、runの後に経営する会社やビジネスなどが入ります。
I run an English school in Los Angeles.
I’ve been running this restaurant for over 10 years.
My buddy runs a cafe around here. Do you want to check it out?
3) Any chance(〜できますか?)
any chanceは「〜する可能性はありますか?」や「〜できますか?」を意味し、可能性について丁寧な物腰で質問するときに使われる表現です。例えば、「携帯電話の充電器を持っていませんか?」は「Any chance you have a phone charger on you?」と言います。正式には「Is there any chance ____?」ですが、日常会話ではis thereを省いてシンプルに「Any chance ____?」と尋ねることがよくあります。
Any chance you can knock off a few dollars?
Any chance you have a room with an ocean view?
Any chance you can help me out with the event tomorrow?
4) Clueless(無知な)
clueは「ヒント」、-lessは「~ない」を意味することから、 cluelessで「無知な」を意味します。「He is clueless.」のように人に対して使う場合は、「彼は何が起こっているのか全く分かっていない馬鹿だ」のようなネガティブなニュアンスになります。
また、日常会話では「〜について全然分からない」の意味で使われることが多く、clueless about ____の形式で使われます。例えば「私は株についてはさっぱりわかりません」は「I’m clueless about stocks.」のように表現します。ちなみに、「全然分からない」は「I’m clueless.」と言うことができますが、個人的には「I have no clue.」の方がよく使われるように思います。
I’m clueless about celebrity gossip. I don’t follow that stuff at all.
When it comes to programming or coding, I’m completely clueless.
I have no clue where Steve is. Maybe you should ask Tom. He might know.
5) Pass away(亡くなる)
pass away は「亡くなる」や「この世を去る」を意味する表現で、die(死ぬ)よりも柔らかく上品な響きがあります。「彼は亡くなりました」は「He passed away.」、「彼は癌で亡くなりました」は「He passed away from cancer.」と表現します。日常会話では「彼が亡くなりました」を「He passed.」のように略して言うこともあります。
She passed away at the young age of 50.
I used to have a dog but he passed away 5 years ago.
Apparently, he passed away from a heart attack.
本日ご紹介したフレーズは、iTunes Japanの「Best of 2017/2018/2019」に3年連続選出されたHapa英会話の人気コンテンツPodcast第315回「2020年の感謝祭」の内容の一部です。Podcastの全内容をご覧になりたい方は、Hapa英会話のブログをチェック!会話の全文、会話の要約、ピックアップしたフレーズ、ポッドキャストでは説明できなかった表現や言い回しが掲載されています。
the smoke room 在 無名 Youtube 的最佳解答
Part.1: 00:00 ~ 10:11
Part.2: 10:12 ~ 20:12
?本視頻所有歌曲YouTube 播放清單?
1 - Blinding Lights - The Weeknd
2 - Circles - Post Malone
3 - The Box - Roddy Ricch
4 - Don't Start Now - Dua Lipa
5 - Rockstar - DaBaby ft.Roddy Ricch
6 - Adore You - Harry Styles
7 - Life Is Good - Future ft.Drake
8 - Memories - Maroon 5
9 - The Bones - Maren Morris
10 - Someone You Loved - Lewis Capaldi
11 - Say So - Doja Cat
12 - I Hope - Gabby Barrett ft.Charlie Puth
13 - Whats Poppin - Jack Harlow ft.DaBaby,Tory Lanez,Lil Wayne
14 - Dance Monkey - Tones and I
15 - Savage - Megan Thee Stallion ft.Beyoncé
16 - Roxanne - Arizona Zervas
17 - Intentions - Justin Bieber ft.Quavo
18 - Everything I Wanted - Billie Eilish
19 - Roses (Imanbek Remix) - Saint Jhn
20 - Watermelon Sugar - Harry Styles
21 - Before You Go - Lewis Capaldi
22 - Falling - Trevor Daniel
23 - 10,000 Hours - Dan + Shay,Justin Bieber
24 - WAP - Cardi B ft.Megan Thee Stallion
25 - Ballin' - Mustard ft.Roddy Ricch
26 - Hot Girl Bummer - Blackbear
27 - Blueberry Faygo - Lil Mosey
28 - Heartless - The Weeknd
29 - Bop - DaBaby
30 - Lose You to Love Me - Selena Gomez
31 - Good as Hell - Lizzo
32 - Toosie Slide - Drake
33 - Break My Heart - Dua Lipa
34 - Chasin' You - Morgan Wallen
35 - Savage Love (Laxed – Siren Beat) - Jawsh 685,Jason Derulo
36 - No Guidance - Chris Brown ft.Drake
37 - My Oh My - Camila Cabello ft.DaBaby
38 - Dynamite - BTS
39 - Go Crazy - Chris Brown,Young Thug
40 - High Fashion - Roddy Ricch ft.Mustard
41 - Laugh Now Cry Later - Drake ft.Lil Durk
42 - Woah - Lil Baby
43 - Death Bed - Powfu ft.Beabadoobee
44 - Señorita - Shawn Mendes,Camila Cabello
45 - Highest in the Room - Travis Scott
46 - Bad Guy - Billie Eilish
47 - Mood - 24kGoldn ft.Iann Dior
48 - Rain on Me - Lady Gaga,Ariana Grande
49 - For the Night - Pop Smoke ft.Lil Baby,DaBaby
50 - Ritmo(Bad Boys for Life) - Black Eyed Peas,J Balvin
51 - Heart on Ice - Rod Wave
52 - Nobody but You - Blake Shelton,Gwen Stefani
53 - Trampoline - Shaed
54 - Come & Go - Juice Wrld,Marshmello
55 - Truth Hurts - Lizzo
56 - If the World Was Ending - JP Saxe ft.Julia Michaels
57 - We Paid - Lil Baby,42 Dugg
58 - Yummy - Justin Bieber
59 - One Man Band - Old Dominion
60 - Got What I Got - Jason Aldean
61 - Sunday Best - Surfaces
62 - Godzilla - Eminem ft.Juice Wrld
63 - Bandit - Juice Wrld,YoungBoy Never Broke Again
64 - Party Girl - StaySolidRocky
65 - Die from a Broken Heart - Maddie & Tae
66 - Popstar - DJ Khaled ft.Drake
67 - All I Want for Christmas Is You - Mariah Carey
68 - One of Them Girls - Lee Brice
69 - Hard to Forget - Sam Hunt
70 - One Margarita - Luke Bryan
71 - Panini - Lil Nas X
72 - Hot - Young Thug ft.Gunna
73 - I Hope You're Happy Now - Carly Pearce,Lee Brice
74 - Emotionally Scarred - Lil Baby
75 - Suicidal - YNW Melly ft.Juice Wrld
76 - The Bigger Picture - Lil Baby
77 - Only Human - Jonas Brothers
78 - The Woo - Pop Smoke ft.50 Cent,Roddy Ricch
79 - Sum 2 Prove - Lil Baby
80 - Stuck with U - Ariana Grande,Justin Bieber
81 - Mood Swings - Pop Smoke ft.Lil Tjay
82 - You Should Be Sad - Halsey
83 - Dior - Pop Smoke
84 - Supalonely - Benee ft.Gus Dapperton
85 - Even Though I'm Leaving - Luke Combs
86 - The Scotts - The Scotts,Travis Scott,and Kid Cudi
87 - Juicy - Doja Cat,Tyga
88 - Be Like That - Kane Brown ft.Swae Lee,Khalid
89 - Homesick - Kane Brown
90 - Rags2Riches - Rod Wave ft.ATR Son Son
91 - Bluebird - Miranda Lambert
92 - Wishing Well - Juice Wrld
93 - Does to Me - Luke Combs ft.Eric Church
94 - Pussy Fairy (OTW) - Jhené Aiko
95 - ILY (I Love You Baby) - Surf Mesa ft.Emilee
96 - More Than My Hometown - Morgan Wallen
97 - Lovin' on You - Luke Combs
98 - Said Sum - Moneybagg Yo
99 - Slide - H.E.R. ft.YG
100 - Walk Em Down - NLE Choppa ft.Roddy Ricch

the smoke room 在 ROOFTOPMOB Youtube 的最佳解答
ROOFTOPMOB -【Numb / Skit 1】(Official Audio)
ROOFTOPMOB首張團體完整專輯【REEF】Officially Out Now !!
Available on iTunes, Apple Music : https://music.apple.com/tw/album/reef/1544228717?l=en
Listen on Spotify : https://open.spotify.com/track/1CNgzYfk2fmdLjInarCc2T
KKBOX : https://kkbox.fm/dshT2t?utm_source=share&utm_medium=song&utm_campaign=RooftopMob+-+NUMB
Presented by | ROOFTOPMOB
Artist | Aminato / Zac Rao / LICKONE / Zashō / Lil $tummy
Beat Arranger | Zac Rao / Aminato
Composer & Lyricist | Aminato / Zac Rao / LICKONE / Zashō
Producer | Aminato / Zac Rao / LICKONE / Zashō / Lil $tummy
Recording x Mixing | Zac Rao
Mastering | Zac Rao
Mastering Studio | 金剛門大樹林工作室
Photographer | Kenalwayscan
Album Art Designer | LICKONE
Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/rooftopmob_official/
Soundcloud : https://soundcloud.com/rooftopmob
StreetVoice : https://streetvoice.com/Rooftopmob/
[Follow Members]
Aminato : https://www.instagram.com/rooftopmob_aka_aminato/
Zac Rao : https://www.instagram.com/rooftopmob_zac_rao/
LICKONE : https://www.instagram.com/rooftopmob_lickone/
Zashō : https://www.instagram.com/rooftopmob_zasho/
Lil $tummy : https://www.instagram.com/rooftopmob_lilstummy/
Ken : https://www.instagram.com/kenalwayscan/
Copyrights 2020 ⓒ ROOFTOPMOB. All Rights Reserved
[Verse 1: Aminato]
Sing about da
『Ready or not ? Here I come.』
for the real talk
把麥克風 抓在手上
唱出 喉嚨中火燙的炎漿
再往地心 灌入
拋著頭爐 從無到有的韻腳
我籌足 夠能量讓它奔跑
出的flow 讓城市神魂顛倒
浸濕了我的soul 描寫誰的城府還有不同面貌
聽懂看懂90s vibe
我寫著台灣 加上一點big NY
從紐約到LA 幻想中的世界
回到台北的現實 緊張的像 天塌
Ah shit
So we the Mob
would be the killa killa
Ready or not
Man I 'm for rilla rilla
[Verse 2: ZacRao]
要記得 誰記得 是killa 還是rilla
磨利了 變利的 劍又一而 再的再而三的repeat
你聽懂我的比喻 拿出空白的筆記 充滿荒唐的過去還有吃太多米粒
學著知足 懂的吃苦 但似乎 當作都沒發生過不是每個人的事務
忘掉了現實懷念過往 會選擇逃避而用肉擋 通常結果不是魚死 就是破網
受過傷 不代表視野就不敢再擴張 出點差錯 就好像要你命
[Hook: Aminato]
Used to get numb
Now is the time to wake up
Feeling alright
Now is the time to pay up
[Verse 3: LICKONE]
I’m gonna put dynamite inside my deepest mind
You ain’t dare to block on my path
I bet that you are blind
I’m a warden you’re a prisoner
What you gonna proof
I'm a demon slayer,and you better make some room
Smoke some cigarette to buy some time wonder if I’m wasting time
Time pass is a mirage but
You're still alive
I’ll put you as a target
Enemy state of mine
People that I slaughter
I feeling like immortalize
Fear is a mind killer
Imma rhyme killer
Hit the button for reset
Then I’m the God Eater
Destiny awaits, what else still remains
Future shimmy shine bright
Like I’m the top of the chains
[Hook: Aminato]
Used to get numb
now is the time to wake up
Feeling alright
Now is the time to pay up
[Verse 4: Zashō]
Let it burn baby let it burn
備上的貨 還有份 都還有剩
到 our turn
那該要爭 的
就頑強用字與歌 亮警 示燈
謹慎的 writing like Henrik Ibsen, uh
氣凌人 道破時代所造的神
怎麼繼續呢不必當個 fictional character
在這段瀝血的script 裡
不談僅此 一場的戲 it’s all about the team roof
About the career 能對得起藝術
They blowing hot air 把生活給虛度
That’s not my option 只在意能否完整傾述
讓意承載音符 帶你心不再迷路 nah
[Hook: Aminato]
Used to get numb
now is the time to wake up
Feeling alright
Now is the time to pay up
[Skit 1 : $tummy's murmuring]

the smoke room 在 maco marets Official Youtube 的最佳解答
Now on streaming!
Torches by maco marets
Produce, Mix & Mastering: TiMT
Recording: Keisuke Mukai
Cast: Sharar Lazima, Putami,
Amin Shirato, Yuga Suzuki, Lina Nakayama,
HIBARI, TOGASHI KANAE, Takaaki Kanasashi,
Yoshiaki Kanasashi, Edo Oliver
Director: Takanobu Watanabe
Producer: Jun Hirayama
Assistant Director: Tomoyuki Kamada
Art Director: Julie Giesen
Director of Photography: Shuhei Maeno
First Camera Assistant: Shohei Kondo
Second Camera Assistant: Masanori Sato
Gaffer: Ennosuke Mori
Best Boy: Shuhei Akahoshi, Wang Moqi
Hair/Make-up Artist: Yukari Yamamoto
Still Photographer: kuno mirei
Production Assistant: Noemi Minami
Casting Director: Jun Hirayama
Editor: Takanobu Watanabe
Colourist: Yoichi Ishikawa
Special Thanks: Sasazuka Bowl
Produced by NEUT MEDIA CO., LTD
かわいた 冷たい空気が肺をみたした
小さな部屋 求めたことば逃げられたまま
目をみひらいた 特別な昨日すりつぶす朝
もううんざりかい 電話みたいにふるえている朝
切れたくちびる いかり かむような
退屈な秋雨の隙間で roll up
おどろくそぶりみせぬ my boy ああ!
隣り合わせ かたく身動ぎもせぬ you & me
光らせる チャコールのトーテム
それは 消えない 消えない
消えない 火のしらせ
骨は白く 焼けたら灰になる
若い煙のように そらにのぼるぼくらの季節よ
のどにくすぶる思いも はぜるまで抱きしめていよう
それは 消えない 消えない
消えない 火のしらせ
それは 消えない 消えない
消えない 火のしらせ
[Lyrics / English version]
*Translation / Noemi Minami & Dillon Kuniyoshi Onaka
Dry cold air filled up my lungs
A small room, the words that I have desired remain escaped
Eyes wide open, a morning that grinds precious yesterday
Fed up? the morning shivering like a phone vibrating
Like a barometer that points 36℃
Cut lips as if they bite anger
In between boring autumn rain drops, I roll up
Pretending to be unsurprised, my boy ah!
Next to each other, no movement is made, you & me
Still hesitating to touch
Looking at each other, making a grimace
Follow the stolen heat
Charcoal totem that shines
I heard the sound of burning
It doesn't go away, go away
It doesn't go away, a sign from the fire
Open messages
Towards something better
Broken into pieces, unbalanced
Chalk and ribs about to be broken
White bones, it will become ashes
Thinking about the view in the night
In the middle of continuous coughs and sweet conversations
I read the black forest
Sentiment like broken glasses
A lighter that burns a little pain
Like a young smoke, our season will rise to the sky
Feelings around the throat, let’s hold them in till they rip
I heard the sound of burning
It doesn't go away, go away
It doesn't go away, a sign from the fire
Open messages
Towards something better
I heard the sound of burning
It doesn't go away, go away
It doesn't go away, a sign from the fire
Open messages
Towards something better
【maco marets】
▶Official HP: https://www.macomarets.me/
▶Twitter: https://twitter.com/bua_macomarets
▶Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/bua_macomarets
▶soundcloud: https://soundcloud.com/macomarets
#WSIV #LostinNovember #macomarets