As a minister, especially the Minister for Women, Family and Social Development, what should the focus be during this period?
Dear Minister, have you ever thought that under the MCO, we have a group of unfortunate women, teenagers and children living together with domestic violence, sexual assault, drug addicts and drinkers?
Yet you asked these women to please those men?
The existence of women is not to please men. Even when a woman wants to please man, that would be her choice. It seems that on the topic of equal rights, your direction pulls Malaysia back a great step.
You have issued a letter of apology; it shows that you are sincere enough. Don’t be disheartened, let us march forth together.
To cater for the needs of this group of unfortunate women, teenagers and children, let me give you some suggestions. I am willing to be your Doraemon, give you some magic tools:
Here are six directions:
1. Activate the counseling center and Welfare Department, etc, to build a shared network in every state and the hotlines in every state. (I believe there are existing hotline).
2. Alert the public on the existence of such hotlines in every state through different media channels. Use different languages and dialects to allow the women and children of low income and illiterate/lower educated group to be aware of the existence of these hotlines.
3. Exercise the influence of celebrities; invite local artists of different ethnicity and background to stand up, to voice up for this group of unfortunate women and children. To tell the Violence makers: Stop Violence, Stop abuse. To tell the victims: MCO, you are not alone. Spread the hotlines out.
4. Behind the hotlines should be a group of professional and semi-professional individuals to support at the front line, to evaluate the callers in terms of physical and psychological hurts, external and internal resources. Then to channel them to the related professional help available (e.g. counsellor, psychologist, psychiatrist, etc), and do follow up monitoring.
5. Enhance the Acts to curb the violent acts of the perpetrators. Enhance the protection Acts. Involve the lawyers, judges, and police officers/law enforcers when and where necessary.
6. Provide shelter to related hospital/health care for the women and children who are deeply bruised/abused.
Dear Minister, I understand that it is not easy to materialize each suggestion; however, we must at least move towards this direction. This is the right direction.
Your purpose, and the existence of the Minister of Women, Family and Social Development is to protect and uphold the rights of the women and children, not teaching the wives to please the husbands.
Stop Violence, Stop Abuse.
NOT Doreamon, NOT lipstick.
Dear Minister, the April Fool this year is of great burden, please give a deep thought on this issue. Go forth, start working.
Yee Leong, Fong (Mr.)
Translator: Sylvia Chai
Mandarin Version (华文版本)
Malay Version (马来文版本)
the counseling psychologist 在 渣打銀行 Taiwan Facebook 的精選貼文
Do you remember Ren-Ding, the visually impaired student who ran with the athlete Hsiang Chun-Hsien last year in a 10-hour Relay event?
With Ren-Ding’s warm and lovely smile, it’s hard to imagine he suffered from sudden loss of vision when he was 15, but eventually he showed the extraordinary bravery and overcame his depression.
Now Ren-Ding would like to be a counseling psychologist in the future, to help people who are in the dark place like he was. Due to his limited learning resources, he needs more academic counseling to support his dream.
You are invited to join “Futuremakers” plan to help those disadvantage youth so they can have a brighter future
📌 9/27(五)-16:00 早鳥報名搶先開跑❗
📌 10/3(四)-16:00 一般報名正式啟動❗
📌賽事日期: 2020/1/19
the counseling psychologist 在 醫師立委邱泰源 Facebook 的最讚貼文
Universal Health Coverage-Leaving No One Behind
-今日(2019/05/13)上午,由臺灣醫師會(醫師公會全聯會)邀請全臺20個醫事團體,醫師、中醫、牙醫、藥師、藥劑、護理、物治師、物治生、職能、醫檢、放射、營養、臨床、諮商、呼吸、語言、聽力、牙體、驗光師和驗光生等公會全聯會,舉辦國際記者會。同時也邀請到立法委員王定宇、吳焜裕、吳玉琴、莊瑞雄、陳靜敏和羅致政共同讚聲,呼籲【全民均健,不遺漏台灣,台灣應參加WHA】,Universal Health Coverage-Leaving No One Behind。
-會中,主席邱泰源委員理事長首先強調,台灣的醫事人員平日共同合作努力照顧台灣民眾的健康,成果斐然,令人敬佩。然而,台灣的醫藥衛生成就,卻在政治力的打壓下無法在國際上呈現和分享,非常令人遺憾。邱委員接著說,大家都清楚「防疫不能有漏洞」,而今年WHA主題「全民均健-不遺漏任何一人」(Universal Health Coverage-Leaving No One Behind),更是主張不能遺漏世界任何角落的一位民眾,並且應把優秀的醫療技術和經驗分享給全世界國家,造福世人。會中邱委員和與會貴賓也共同強調,健康是普世人權,更是維護世界和平和人民的幸福,呼籲WHO秉持「全民均健」的精神,邀請台灣參加WHA。(之軒)
Universal Health Coverage-Leaving no one behind
第七十二屆世界衛生大會(WHA)將於今年5月20日至28日在日內瓦聯合國萬國宮召開,雖然嚴峻的國際情勢迫使台灣至今未能受邀出席,但支持台灣參與WHA的聲浪及量能卻逐年增加,以各種方式表達對台灣參與WHA的支持!波羅的海3國90位議員致函WHO挺台參與WHA、美國前衛生部長Tom Price選擇於5月初來台參訪、以及世界上最具代表及指標性的醫師組織-世界醫師會(World Medical Association, WMA),致函WHO幹事長,呼籲台灣應繼續參與WHA,並在4月30日公開發表「WMA Calls for Taiwan’s Participation at WHA」新聞稿。顯見國際社會對於WHO遺漏台灣的事實感到憂心及無法認同。
在國際社會起而相挺台灣的同時,身為台灣醫界的一份子,更應團結一致,讓世界衛生、醫療、防疫及基層醫療照護的拼圖,因台灣的參與而完整!為此,今日全台灣共20個醫事團體—中華民國醫師公會全國聯合會、中華民國中醫師公會全國聯合會、中華民國牙醫師公會全國聯合會、中華民國藥師公會全國聯合會、中華民國藥劑生公會全國聯合會、中華民國護理師護士公會全國聯合會、中華民國物理治療師公會全國聯合會、中華民國物理治療生公會全國聯合會、中華民國職能治療師公會全國聯合會、中華民國醫事檢驗師公會全國聯合會、中華民國醫事放射師公會全國聯合會、中華民國營養師公會全國聯合會、中華民國臨床心理師公會全國聯合會、中華民國諮商心理師公會全國聯合會、中華民國呼吸治療師公會全國聯合會、中華民國語言治療師公會全國聯合會、中華民國聽力師公會全國聯合會、中華民國牙體技術師公會全國聯合會、中華民國驗光師公會全國聯合會、中華民國驗光生公會全國聯合會—召開聯合國際記者會,重申呼籲「全民均健,不遺漏台灣,台灣應參加WHA!- Leaving no one behind!」
今年WHA主題是「全民均健-不遺漏任何一人」(Universal Health Coverage-Leaving no one behind),就是確保不論年齡、種族、宗教、政治因素,人人都享有健康的權力。Health for All是WHO的核心宗旨,台灣擁有兩千三百多萬人口,政府與各醫事組織對民眾健康維護可說不遺餘力,推動以人為中心的各項醫療照護。運行多年高達99.6%納保率的全民健康保險制度,更是國際傲人之成就,我們樂於與世界分享成功經驗,藉由國際交流合作,協助WHO在2030年達到全民均健的目標。
Health for All-Taiwan Can Help,臺灣長久參與國際醫療健康照護組織,無條件貢獻所長,期望與世界各國共同努力,使全球各年齡層每一個人都能獲得醫療服務。台灣全民均健成果可謂世界數一數二,也願意把這樣的經驗與其他國家分享貢獻世界,台灣20大醫事團體在此共同呼籲WHA邀請台灣參加WHA,讓WHO真正落實Leaving no one behind的精神。
代表人:中華民國醫師公會全國聯合會(臺灣醫師會) 理事長 邱泰源
Press Release
Joint Press Conference of 20 Health Professional Societies in Taiwan
13 May, 2019
Universal Health Coverage – Leaving no one behind
Include Taiwan in WHA to achieve health for all
The 72nd World Health Assembly (WHA) will soon take place in Geneva from May 20 to 28, and it is unlikely that Taiwan would be invited due to political pressure. However, voices in support of Taiwan’s bid for WHA are mounting from different corners around the world and in different forms. Among them, ninety parliamentarians in Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania wrote letters to WHO urging for Taiwan’s participation in WHA. Tom Price, former US Secretary of Health and Human Services visited Taiwan in early May. Moreover, the World Medical Association (WMA) appealed to the WHO Director-General Dr. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus and later published a press release “WMA Calls for Taiwan’s Participation at WHA” on 30 April. These demonstrate that the international community is gravely concerned that Taiwan is unfairly excluded from WHO.
We, members of Taiwan’s healthcare family will stand in solidarity with friends around the world to point out that Taiwan is the missing piece in the global health puzzle. Therefore, we the twenty organizations of health professionals are holding the international press conference today and demanding Taiwan’s position in WHA. Health for all means no one is left behind.
The theme of the year at WHA is Universal Health Coverage – leaving no one behind. It highlights every individual’s right to health regardless of their age, race, belief and political inclination. Health for all is at the core of WHO’s mission.
We would like to reiterate: Health for All – Taiwan Can Help! Taiwan is a dedicated contributor in international healthcare organizations. We are committed to working with counterparts in the world, and sharing our knowledge and experience on UHC to ensure health for all at all ages. Thereby, the twenty organizations in Taiwan stand together to urge WHO to invite Taiwan to take part in WHA and truly leave no one behind.
Taiwan Medical Association (TMA) Dr. Prof. Tai-Yuan Chiu, President
20 Associations: Taiwan Medical Association(TMA)、National Union of Chinese Medical Doctors’ Association, R.O.C、Taiwan Dental Association、Taiwan Pharmacist Association、Pharmacist Association of R.O.C、Taiwan Union of Nurses Association、Corporation Aggregate National Federation of Associations of Physical Therapists, Taiwan R.O.C.、National Federation of Association of Physical Therapists Assistant, Taiwan R.O.C、Occupational Therapists Union of The Republic of China、Taiwan Association of Medical Technologists、Taiwan Association of Medical Radiation Technologists (TAMRT) 、Taiwan Dietitian Association、Association of Taiwan Clinical Psychologists、Taiwan Counseling Psychologist Union、Respiratory Therapists Society of the Republic of China、Taiwan Speech Language Pathologist Union、Taiwan Association of Audiologists、Taiwan Association of Dental Technician、Taiwan Optometrist Association、Taiwan Assistant Optometrist Association