全國第一個「雙語教育區域資源中心」9月27日在 國立中山大學 National Sun Yat-sen University(NSYSU)揭牌!今年三月在教育部與美國在台協會於中山大學舉辦的 #台美教育倡議 雙語教育研討會 中,部長潘文忠宣布於中山大學設立雙語教育培訓基地,歷經數月籌備,周一由教育部、中山大學、 文藻外語大學 Wenzao Ursuline University of Languages、美國在台協會、 Fulbright Taiwan 學術交流基金會及高雄市教育局共同見證揭牌典禮。
中山大學與文藻外語大學將攜手,分別協助區域內一般大學與技職大學提升英語授課水準,同時爭取 #美國國務院線上專業英語網絡計畫(Online Professional English Network Program)、#傅爾布萊特英語教學助理╱專家計畫,及擬訂外籍學位、交換及華語生至中小學教學訓練計畫等,冀望廣納各方資源,提高英語教學及學習成效。
更多詳情請見美國在台協會高雄分處 AIT Kaohsiung: https://bit.ly/3uk5uJL
🎉AIT attended the plaque unveiling ceremony of the Southern Regional Resource Center for Bilingual Education at the NSYSU on September 27 The Center was initiated and funded by the Ministry of Education (MOE) as a follow-up to the U.S.-Taiwan Education Initiative Symposium jointly organized by the MOE and AIT on March 29 at NSYSU, aimed at sharing resources promoting English as a medium of instruction (EMI) among universities and technological and vocational universities in Kaohsiung, Pingtung, and Taitung. AIT supports the Center’s efforts through the Department’s English-language programming, including the Fulbright Specialist and Fulbright English Teaching Assistant (ETA) programs, as well as the OPEN (Online Professional English) program.
同時也有34部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過8萬的網紅Jackz,也在其Youtube影片中提到,【時光倒流一個掣】 早喺2014年,Google Maps地圖嘅街景服務Street View推出時光機功能,可以俾大家睇返舊嘅街景圖相片。近日有網民再Loop呢一項「#時光倒流」功能,重溫十幾年前18區嘅社區風貌,見證住自己社區嘅變遷。 00:00 Intro 00:17 中西區 中山紀念公園 ...
「sun yat-sen」的推薦目錄:
sun yat-sen 在 民視新聞 Facebook 的最讚貼文
👉 https://bit.ly/39y5FaF
影片授權▶️ 國立中山大學 National Sun Yat-sen University(NSYSU)
sun yat-sen 在 愛信任-劉世芳 Facebook 的最佳解答
中秋節過後甫聽到我們在高雄的龍頭大學 國立中山大學 National Sun Yat-sen University(NSYSU) 申請成立學士後醫學系再度失利,既不解又不捨!希望鄭校長及教授們秉持教育初衷和服務精神,繼續努力,不要輕言放棄!#我們都是中山大學的支持者!
因此,中山大學除了規劃南部社會發展和專業的計劃外,結合高雄榮總劉院長、高雄市府 陳其邁 Chen Chi-Mai 市長,屏東縣府 潘孟安 縣長、澎湖縣府賴縣長、台東縣府饒縣長團隊的推介,並且獲得高屏澎東區所有在地立委的支持,向教育部提出申請書。
sun yat-sen 在 Jackz Youtube 的最佳解答
早喺2014年,Google Maps地圖嘅街景服務Street View推出時光機功能,可以俾大家睇返舊嘅街景圖相片。近日有網民再Loop呢一項「#時光倒流」功能,重溫十幾年前18區嘅社區風貌,見證住自己社區嘅變遷。
00:00 Intro
00:17 中西區
中山紀念公園 Sun Yat Sen Memorial Park
般咸道 Bonham Road
香港摩天輪 Hong Kong Observation Wheel
英華女學校 Ying Wa Girls' School
00:40 東區
油街實現 Oil Street Art Space
太古城中心 Cityplaza
小西灣廣場 Siu Sai Wan Plaza
00:53 南區
One Island South
海洋公園道 Ocean Park Road
01:03 灣仔區
希慎廣場 Hysan Place
利東街 Lee Tung Street
夏慤道 Harcourt Road
01:16 九龍城區
啟德郵輪碼頭 Kai Tak Cruise Terminal
忠孝街 Chung Hau Street
香港嘉里酒店 Kerry Hotel Hong Kong
01:29 觀塘區
裕民坊 Yue Man Square
牛頭角下邨 Lower Ngau Tau Kok Estate
藍田綜合大樓 Lam Tin Complex
聖言中學 Sing Yin Secondary School
大本型 Domain
01:54 深水埗區
D2 Place ONE
長沙灣道 Cheung Sha Wan Road
02:04 黃大仙區
黃大仙中心 Temple Mall
樂富廣場 Lok Fu Place
02:14 油尖旺區
旺角大球場 Mong Kok Stadium
洗衣街 Sai Yee Street
廟街 Temple Street
02:31 葵青區
青衣城二期 Maritime Square 2
02:36 北區
聯和墟 Luen Wo Hui
02:41 西貢區
PopCorn 2
香港單車館 Hong Kong Velodrome
西貢公路 Hiram's Highway
02:53 沙田區
創新路 Chong San Road
02:58 大埔區
太和邨 Tai Wo Estate
寶鄉邨 Po Heung Estate
03:06 荃灣區
海之戀商場 OP Mall
荃灣千色匯 KOLOUR
荃灣工業中心 Tsuen Wan Industrial Centre
03:20 屯門區
V city
屯門公路轉車站 Tuen Mun Road Interchange
凱都戲院 Hyland Theatre
03:33 元朗區
天秀路Tin Sau Road
03:41 離島區
北大嶼山醫院 North Lantau Hospital
用 #Google街景 睇返以前嘅社區好正
- 分享自 LIHKG 討論區
Music used:
♪ #時光倒流一句話 (Piano Cover) by @Noodles Music
♪ [Instrumental] Dua Lipa - Homesick by @HUIYA Instrumental
Google Map向來有提供街景功能,用家瀏覽地圖之餘亦可看見商戶建築,感覺有如身歷其境。有網民於連登討論區以「用Google街景睇返以前嘅社區好正」為題發文,指可以用Google Map翻看最早12年前、即2009年的香港街道景色,緬懷過去之餘亦感嘆10年來香港變化甚大,獲不少網民和議。
網民「大政奉還」在連登討論區上以「用Google街景睇返以前嘅社區好正」為題發文,分享使用Google Maps的Google街景功能可以透過調整時間線,看到特定位置在不同時間時的樣貌,從而看得出一個社區的變化。
網上懷念10個已消失嘅靚景 Google Maps回到過去新功能
昔日嘅時光永遠係最美好,有唔少人都希望回到,甚至停留喺嗰一刻,但時間依然係會繼續過去,不過大家就可以透過Google Maps去重溫返懷念返一啲已經消失嘅靚景,幾個步驟就可以帶大家回到過去,咁神奇?一齊嚟試下啦!

sun yat-sen 在 百靈果News Youtube 的精選貼文
Part 2 :三姊妹與孫中山(一九一二~一九二五)
The sisters and sun yat sen
Ei-long: a “might smart” young lady
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sun yat-sen 在 Josh the Intern Youtube 的最讚貼文
I walked 100,000 steps in 24 hours and it was the hardest physically and mental challenge I have ever done!
I explored Macau on my 100,000 steps challenge, using my Garmin watch to record my steps. It works similarly to a fitbit, recording the amount of steps you do while walking.
I wanted to do this extreme adventure challenge to test my limits and see if I could walk 100,000 steps in a day.
As a challenge itself, it was very difficult but what made it harder was the fact that I filmed it all solo. I used my camera and tripod, carrying all my gear on my back for the 24 hour hiking challenge.
There were extreme highs and lows in this crazy travel experience however finishing it at 22 hours of walking was the most rewarding feeling in the world.
The distance of 100,000 steps is around 50 miles or 80km and I had never done anything close to that distance.
Many ultra marathons are 50 miles but I was only walking not running so it was not as bad as that! (perhaps next time I can try!)
I walked around Macau, exploring off the beaten path and discovering hidden gems all around the place. With this many steps to do I really could walk down every alleyway and street in Macau, exploring all the areas I had never travelled to before.
Macau is a great city for a challenge like this as I could explore so many different urban and natural environments, walking and hiking at the scenic Penha Hills for sunrise. When hiking off trail I even found 2 abandoned buildings that were awesome fun to explore.
I also walked past Ama Temple, the oldest temple in Macau at over 500 years old. The whole area around this Chinese temple is full of interesting history and a wonderful travel destination for things to do in Macau.
I walked down the red street, Senado Square, Hong Kung Temple and went to a secret travel destination called Sun Yat Sen Park. This park found on the border of Zhuhai offers great nature spots and very beautiful walks through greenery. It is certainly a hidden gem of Macau and worth travelling to or visiting when in Macau whether you live in Macau or are visiting on a Macau day trip from Hong Kong or China.
I then walked to Kun Iam Temple, exploring the ancient garden, off the beaten path and far from the crowds there are so many things to discover here it really makes for a great outdoor hiking adventure!
I walked over the Macau bridge to Taipa, exploring Old Taipa Village and then going back to the Grand Lisboa Hotel. Here back in Macau side you can find photogenic neon lit streets perfect for urban exploring or night photography.
Overall walking 100,000 steps in 1 day was an awesome adventure and a crazy travel challenge. Thank you to Garmin for recording all my steps!
I really hope you enjoyed this adventure video in Macau and if you would like to see more adventure vlogs like this one or more travel content in Macau, please let me know!
Thank you so much for watching this adventure challenge and I will see you in the next video!
#Garmin #adventure #challenge
My other videos:

sun yat-sen 在 國立中山大學National Sun Yat-sen University(NSYSU) 的必吃
國立中山大學National Sun Yat-sen University(NSYSU) · January 14 at 5:50 PM ·. 賀 中山大學2項USR計畫獲教育部肯定 . 社會系「城市是一座共事館」與公事所「產 ... ... <看更多>