Photographed by @dericwongstudio
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studioportraits 在 Pinkpinkyanyoga Facebook 的最佳解答
早前同粉紅控靚媽們一齊黎 💗.pink.garden 💗 影樓影相 📷!
呢個場地以粉紅色為主題, 啱晒 #粉紅控 嘅我地瘋狂打卡💗💃
多個打卡點 少女心爆棚
❗️場地消毒 我地都好安心放心!
場內除左有多個打卡靚位,仲設備齊全添!#sohappy💛💟 🥰🥰
⭐️Party Room
⭐️大量Board Game
The pink garden
WhatsApp 查詢📞5225 7571
📍地址:九龍灣近Mega Box附近(高級商廈)
#thepinkgarden #girlsparadise #hkpartyroom #partyroom #派對場地 #網美景點 #影相好去處 #專業攝影 #hkstudio
#hkportrait #人像摄影
#写真 #写真好きな人と繋がりたい
#私影 #portraitphotography
#studioportraits #studiophotography #hkkol #hkmodel #hkinfluencer #hkblogger #beautygirl #yogapose #yogagirl #pinklover
studioportraits 在 FYi Khoo Facebook 的最佳解答
“Appear weak when you are strong, and strong when you are weak” - Sun Tzu, The Art of War
Back in 中国! I like to say that I was inspired by the colours of the flag but...it wasn’t planned
📸 @nadinefourie
Edited/makeup/modeled by me @fyi.photography
Sponsored makeup:
(1) IRRESISTIBLE eyeshadow palette @vesperlex
(2) BAD GAL BANG mascara @benefitmalaysia
(3) BOSS Matte liquid lipstick @lovefromzahara
Makeup products:
(1) Custom Face Powder SPF15 HONEY @benefitcosmetics
(2) Away We Glow DAYLIGHT HALO liquid highlighter @nyxcosmetics_my @nyxcosmetics
(3) INTENSE BLACK Stay All-day liquid liner @stilacosmetics
(4) MEDIUM TO TAN Contour kit @anastasiabeverlyhills
#photoshoot #studiophotography #modeling #chinalife #malaysiamodel #photographerslife #badgalbang #benefitmy #benefitcosmetics #sephoramy #favfulsquad #fierce #vesperlexbae #rednails #almondnails #dontmesswithme #nyxcosmetics #nyxcosmeticsmy #tartecosmetics #anastasiabeverlyhills #makeupideas #makeuplover #studioportraits #redmakeup #crazymakeup