【英文 e-mail 開頭不該這樣寫】
大家放心,這次不是 #罵罵浩
而是溫柔的 Sonny老師的翻譯&教學札記 登場
最近 Sonny 老師教學有感
雖然用中文寫 e-mail 時
但在英文 e-mail 裡
#一開頭就道歉 其實是件很奇怪的事
Sorry to bother you
Sorry for disturbing
Sorry for any inconvenience
如果要表達 #客氣禮貌
建議大家使用 allow me to… 這個片語
例如:Allow me to begin by first wishing you a happy and prosperous New Year.
Please reply as soon as possible.
以為加上 please 就會比較客氣
Please reply at your earliest convenience.
Please kindly advise.(敬請告知)
在寫正式 e-mail 的時候
3/17 即將募資上架的《Sonny 老師全方位情境寫作術》
第三章就會教你把職場 e-mail 寫得精彩又到位
把握機會,填問卷拿早鳥 8 折 coupon:
同時也有14部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過4萬的網紅SIMON JAP,也在其Youtube影片中提到,https://linkco.re/CmMdUtut 〈SEEDA〉 I thought I wanted fame, but then I got fame 有名になりたいと思っていた そしたら有名になった I thought I wanted money, but I just felt sh...
「sorry for bother you」的推薦目錄:
- 關於sorry for bother you 在 浩爾譯世界 Facebook 的最佳貼文
- 關於sorry for bother you 在 Hapa Eikaiwa Facebook 的最讚貼文
- 關於sorry for bother you 在 Adli Shinichi Facebook 的精選貼文
- 關於sorry for bother you 在 SIMON JAP Youtube 的最佳貼文
- 關於sorry for bother you 在 K DIARY Youtube 的最讚貼文
- 關於sorry for bother you 在 Chanwon Youtube 的最讚貼文
- 關於sorry for bother you 在 [口語] Sorry to bother... - Ronnie's English Cafe 3分鐘英文學習 的評價
sorry for bother you 在 Hapa Eikaiwa Facebook 的最讚貼文
1) Get along with
Get along withは人と良好な関係にあることを表現する際によく使われるフレーズで、友達や家族に限らず、仕事の上司や同僚たちなど、あらゆるシーンにおいて使うことができる表現です。「〜と仲良くやっています」は「Get along with_____」と表し、「私は妹と仲が良いです」は「I get along with my younger sister.」、「私は彼と仲良くありません」は「I don't get along with him.」、「同僚とは仲がいいですか?」は「Do you get along with your coworkers?」のように表現します。
We sometimes get into fights but we get along.
How's your new job? Are you getting along with your coworkers?
I get along with my parents-in-law. We're actually really close.
2) Get rid of
get rid of は「〜を捨てる」や「〜をなくす」を意味する表現です。不要なものを処分したり捨てたりするなど、「好ましくない物事を取り除く」というニュアンスがあり、remove のより口語的な言い方として使われます。例えば、「漫画を処分しました」は「I got rid of my comic books.」、「インスタのアカウントを削除したの?」は「Did you get rid of Instagram?」、「この染みを落とすことができない」は「I can't get rid of this stain.」と言います。
get rid ofはその他にも、迷惑な人を「追い出す」や風邪を「治す」、「習慣を直す」といった意味としてもよく使われ、「彼を追い払ってください」は 「Get rid of him.」、「風邪がやっと治りました」は「I finally got rid of my cold.」、「その悪い癖を直さないと」は「You have to get rid of that habit.」と言います。
I think it's time to get rid of this old couch and get a new one.
I came down with a nasty cold. I can't get rid of it.
What do you do to get rid of stress?
3) Get around
get around はあちこちに移動することを意味し、特に街中を歩き(動き)回ることを表す場合によく使われます。例えば、「ロスは車がないと移動するのが難しいです」は「It’s hard to get around LA without a car.」、「電車に乗ってあちこち行った」は「I got around using the train.」と言う具合に表現します。
また、get around は噂話やニュース、口コミなどで情報が広がり多くの人たちに知れ渡ることも意味します。例えば、「ニュースはすぐに広まった」は「The news got around fast.”」、「噂はすぐに広まる」は「Rumors get around quickly.」と表します。
さらに、前からやろうと思っていたことに(時間を見つけ)着手することを表す場合にも使え、“get around to + 動詞ing”の形式で表現できます。一般的に「(〜をやりたいと思っていたけど)結局、時間がなかった」のように、否定文で使われることが多く、時間的な余裕がなくてやりたい事が出来なかったことを伝える状況でよく用いられます。例えば、「今日は英語を勉強する予定でしたが、時間がありませんでした」は「I was planning on studying English but I couldn't get around to it.」のように表現します。
What's the best way to get around Hokkaido? Can I take the trains to get around or do I need a car?
Word gets around instantly on Twitter.
I finally got around to cleaning out my closet. I got rid of a bunch of old clothes.
4) Get away (with)
get away は「逃げる」や「離れる」を意味する表現です。一般的に追手などから逃れる意味で使われ、例えば「泥棒が逃走した」は「The thief got away.」と言います。その他、「~から離れる」の意味としても使われ、その場合は"get away from ~"形式が使われます。「ここから離れよう」は「Let's get away from here.」、「私から離れて。あっちに行って」は「Get away from me.」のように表します。
また、日常会話では仕事や地元から離れて、どこかへ旅行や遠出する意味としてもよく使われ、「Let's get away」は「Let’s go on a vacation」の代わりに使えるカジュアルで口語的な言い回しです。但し、get awayはあくまで漠然とどこかへ行くことを意味するため、具体的な目的地を含めて「Let’s get away to Hawaii.(ハワイへ旅行しよう)」と表現するのは不自然なので気をつけましょう。ちなみに、getawayはshort vacationの代わりに使える表現で「短期休暇」を意味することから、weekend getawayは「週末のお出かけ」といった意味になります。
さらに、“get away with〜”は「〜を許される」や「~を免れる」、「〜で済む」といった意味で使うこともでき、特に悪事を働いたにもかかわらず罰されずに済んだり、罪を逃れるニュアンスが含まれます。例えば、「彼はカンニングがバレずに済んだ」は「He got away with cheating.」のように表現します。その他、ずるをした相手に「ただでは済まないぞ!」と言う時は「You won’t get away with this!」、大きな交通事故に遭ったが「彼女は軽傷で済んだ」と言う場合は「She got away with minor injuries.”のように言います。
I chased after the cat but she got away.
Let's get away this weekend and go somewhere.
How did you get away with not paying the NHK fee?
5) Get over
get overは落ち込んでいる状態から立ち直ったり、辛い出来事や困難を乗り越えることを意味する日常表現です。特に失恋から立ち直ることを表すときによく使われ、「I finally got over my ex-girlfriend.(元カノのことをやっと忘れた)」のように表現します。逆に、元カノのことを忘れられない時は「I can’t get over my ex-girlfriend.」と言い、まだ未練があるニュアンスが含まれます。その他にも、家族や友人など大切な人の死や、突然の解雇といった辛い状況を乗り越える場面でも使われます。
また、get overは不安感や恐怖心を克服する意味としても使われます。人前で話す時の緊張感に打ち勝ったり、高所恐怖症を克服するなど、努力して自身の弱点や問題点を乗り越えるニュアンスが含まれます。例えば、「高所恐怖症を克服しました」は「I got over my fear of heights.」と言います。
その他、風邪やインフルエンザなどの病気が治ることもget over を使って表すことができます。「風邪が治った」は「I got over a cold.」、「インフルエンザが治った」は「I got over the flu.」のように表現します。
It took me years to get over the loss of my dog.
I'm starting to get over my fear of speaking in public.
How long did it take you to get over the flu?
6) Get off
バスや電車などの乗り物から降りる時にget offが使われます。例えば、「私はここで降ります」は「I'm getting off here.」、「渋谷駅で降りてください」は「Get off at Shibuya station.」と言います。ちなみに、車から降りる場合はget offではなくget out ofが使われ、「車から降りましょう」は「Let's get out of the car.」と表現します。
また、get offには「仕事が終わる」の意味もあり、finish workの口語的な言い回しとして使えます。例えば、「何時に仕事が終わるの?」は「What time do you get off work?」、「5時に仕事が終わります」は「I get off work at 5.」と言います。日常会話ではworkを省いてシンプルに、「What time do you get off?」や「I get off at 5.」と言うこともできます。この表現は「仕事が終わる」状況で使われるのが一般的なため、学校やレッスン、部活やプロジェクト、または宿題などが終わる意味で使うのは違和感があるので使い方には気をつけましょう。
We're getting off at the next station.
Watch your step when you get out of the car.
I get off work early today. Do you want go Christmas shopping in the afternoon?
7) Get back
Get back はreturnの口語的な言い回しで、「戻る」や「帰る」を意味します。例えば、「昨日帰ってきた」は「I got back yesterday.」、「仕事に戻らないといけません」は「I need to get back to work.」と言います。"Get back from ~"で「〜から帰る・戻る」になり、「昨日、出張から帰ってきた」は「I got back from my business trip yesterday.」になります。また、get backは誰かに貸したものや預けたものが返ってきたり、失くしたものが戻ってくる意味としても使われます。例えば、点検に出した車が明日戻ってくる場合は「I get my car back tomorrow.」という具合に言います。
さらに、get back toは「〜に返事する」を意味します。例えば、メールで「ご返信ありがとうございます」は 「Thanks for getting back to me.」と表現することができ、「Thank you for your reply.」よりもカジュアルな響きになります。また、折り返しの電話をしたり、改めて連絡をするときは、get back to you ~の形式が使われます。例えば質問に即答できないときは、「I’ll get back to you on that.(その件については折り返し連絡します)」や「I’ll get back to you by next week.(来週までに改めて連絡します)」のように返答するといいでしょう。
また、仕事に復帰したり、しばらく休んでいた運動や英語の勉強などを再開する時はget back into ~ と表現します。特に長い間、距離を置いていたことを再開するような状況で使われ、例えば、「I got back into studying English.」と言うと、「しばらくやっていなかった英語の勉強を再開しました」といったニュアンスになります。
その他、一度別れたカップルがよりも戻すことや、一度離婚した夫婦が同じ相手と再婚する時は"get back together"が使われます。基本的には別れた2人の関係性が修復された状況に対して使われます。「私たちはよりを戻した」は「We got back together.」、「トムとリサはよりを戻した」は「Tom and Lisa got back together.」と言います。ちなみに、音楽グループが再結成するときにも使われます。
Sorry for not getting back to you sooner.
I don't know the exact dates off the top of my head. Let me get back to you on that.
This winter, I want to get back into snowboarding.
8) Get to
ある場所への行き方を尋ねる時の定番の質問が、"How do I get to ~?"です。例えば、「空港まではどうやって行きますか?」は「How do I get to the airport?」、「渋谷駅まではどうやって行きますか?」は 「How do I get to Shibuya station?」のように言い、"How do I get to"の後には行きたい場所を入れるだけでOKです。
また、"get to work"で「仕事に取り掛かる」という意味になります。例えば、ミーティングが終わった後、みんなに「仕事に取り掛かりましょう」と言う場合は「Let's get to work.」と言います。この表現は基本的に「仕事に取り掛かる」の意味で使われるため、例えば「準備に取り掛かる」を「Let's get to preparation.」と言うことはできないので気をつけましょう。
その他、何かにイライラしたり不快に思う気持ちを表す時に、"get to someone"が使われます。AnnoyやBotherと同じ意味合で使われ、例えば「彼にはイライラする」は「He gets to me.」、「この湿気にイライラしてきた」は 「This humid weather is getting to me.」のように表します。
Excuse me, how do I get to the city hall?
We have a lot to do today. Let's get to work.
Don't let little things like that get to you.
sorry for bother you 在 Adli Shinichi Facebook 的精選貼文
Assalammualaikum & Salam Muhibah semua. Maaf mengganggu ruang hidup kalian sekali lagi.
Saya ada masuk Pertandingan Monolog Rakyat 1.0 di Channel Tok Ayah.
Terima kasih Channel Tok Ayah Nam Ron , Perbadanan Kota Buku , Ayaq Hangat Entertainment atas pertandingan ini. Terima kasih juga kepada Adieyka Zainal yang sudi kolaborasi dari segi skripnya.
Silakanlah menonton di pautan yang saya sediakan ini. Selesai menonton, sudikanlah diri untuk menekan butang SUKA di video tersebut. Jasa anda amat dihargai. Saya dahulukan dengan ucapan terima kasih.
Greetings you all. Sorry to bother your life once again
I have entered the People's Monologue Competition 1.0 on Channel Tok Ayah.
Thank you Channel Tok Ayah (Nam Ron), Perbadanan Kota Buku, Ayaq Hangat Entertainment for this competition. Thanks also to Adieyka Zainal who is willing to collaborate in terms of script.
Please watch at the link I provided. After watching, Please vote by press the LIKE button on the video. Your LIKE are greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance.
sorry for bother you 在 SIMON JAP Youtube 的最佳貼文
I thought I wanted fame, but then I got fame
有名になりたいと思っていた そしたら有名になった
I thought I wanted money, but I just felt shame
お金が欲しいと思っていた でも寂しく思えた
I thought I wanted drugs, but I won't stay sane
麻薬が欲しいと思っていた でも正気でいられなかった
I thought I wanted love, but love gave me pain (2x)
愛が欲しいと思っていた でも愛は俺に傷みを教えた
Slipped into the belly of the beast
Enemy’s around so I gotta keep the peace
敵がまわりにいるから 平和でいたい(武器を持つ )
(Yeah) (b-b-bitch)No my money don't crease
ビッチ 金は減らない
Look straight at em when we seeing the police, Yeah
お巡りの眼も 余裕で見れる
会社 上下 が ある
There are social ranks in companies
仕事 以外 wass up で十分
Other than work “wass up” is enough
息苦しくて 死にたくなる
Its hard to breath and I feel I want to die
そんなの日本だけ やめる理由
Thats only in Japan and I wanna quit
And you know we had them hard times, hard times
They keep you medicated if you doing hard time
Even money ain’t gon make a difference
Only from inside can we get deliverance
40 years man I’m walkin my shoes
I keep my head up when they sang me the blues
過去の人と言われる度 ツーパックの歌を口ずさみ頭を上げてきた
Some people just grab for the nues
That shit would break my heart when I watching the news
ニュースを見る度 俺の心も痛む
いじめにヤク 漬け
bullying and drugs
カネってレースが下手な だけ で
Just because I wasn’t good running in the race to chase the bag
悲惨な目?Fuck だぜ
Fuck those eyes filled with pity
aye aye aye aye
情熱燃える 魂が吼えてる×2
Remember the pain and bottle up the anger
Seeking the light without fear of the darkness
Delivering hope, never stopping
Burning with passion, my soul screams
〈Jesse McFaddin〉
Sorry that I made you play the roll of daddy
It killed me when I left you with our daughter and the baby cuz
I don’t give a fuck about a lot of things
(that’s why) little thing is killing me
Losing the lottery
But please don’t bother me
(Because I finally found my way)
I’m living proof worth 40 years man
many more coming with my blood sweat and tears so
I’ve walked a little far but
(I needed something opposite, I’m fiending it)
Try to find my another end of chain
Still looking for it maybe next time
(habit that I have will never go away)
(so)you’ll have to understand me
(Art is all about pain)
So just let me flow as i want
(Every day daily)
(It’ll repeat)
(sometimes) feeling numb but I’ll
(ride my way through) with a black eye
Singing songs Iv been lately
So I can think sanely
But pain keeps on changing me
Cuz I’m born with a scar of Eighty
Since I know pain, I can release my anger.
Never scare darkness. Hope is what I want to find out
I take that hope to you, keep doing.
情熱燃える 魂が吼えてる×2
my soul is passionately screaming.
I’m out for presidents to represent me get money
Then I'm fine even if I get hurt
I will try to attack without giving up even if I get tired
I'm not setting limits
Theres a fine line between genius and idiot
put all of my energy to my lines,
blast, spit and fly
Time never goes back
Hold hands of my family to not have regret.
No other request
I was bad boy. Now I’m 40 years old and became a father.
We can talk after time has passed
It sticks deeply in my heart and does not disappear
The day the sky shed tears instead
I never forget to make one flower bloom
It ’s a scratch, except to die
This era to live tough
Since I know pain, I can release my anger.
Never scare darkness. Hope is what I want to find out
I take that hope to you, keep doing.
情熱燃える 魂が吼えてる×2
my soul is passionately screaming.
Produced by SIMON JAP & GUCHI
Arranged & Mixed by Fourd Nkay
Designed by N.S.P
SIMON JAP(サイモンジャップ)
Jesse McFaddin(ジェシーマクファディン)
SIMON JAP - ART OF PAIN Feat.GUCHI,Felipe,麻猿,Tomokuni,GRACE https://youtu.be/0Xub6-xef8A
#simonjap #seeda #jessemcfaddin

sorry for bother you 在 K DIARY Youtube 的最讚貼文
#vlog #abg @ErnaLimdaugh
instagram cherihyeri_94
Vlog hôm nay kết thúc với sự tỏ tình hơi kỳ lạ của mình ha!!? Trước đây đã có một bạn nào đó hỏi mình sao mình luôn trông có vẻ hạnh phúc và vui vẻ.
Như các bạn xem trong video này, mình cx có lúc thăng trầm như mọi người khác, thật ra mình có thăng trầm ít nhất 1 lần mỗi tháng. ?
Gần đây mình bị căng thẳng nhiều nhất vì công việc, nhưng lần này vì mình quyết định tuyên dụng biên tập viên nên sự căng thẳng của mình được giải quyết nhiều rồi. Mình hối hận sao mình k tuyên dụng biên tập viên sớm hơn.
Do việc học tập, công việc, quan hệ con người, diet v.v. chúng ta luôn sống cùng với nhiều sự căng thằng trong cuộc sống và mỗi ngày chúng ta cố gắng để vượt qua những stress này. Vì vậy mình hy vọng rằng các bạn dành đủ thòi gian để giải toả những căng thẳng này theo cách riêng của mình và coi trọng bản thân mình hơn. Chắc là lần sau mình sẽ chia sẽ những cách mình giải toả stress hiii??
Dù đã làm youtube gần 5 năm rồi mà mình vẫn còn nhiều thiếu sót. Xin cám ơn mng đã luôn ủng hội mình ạ.
Mình sẽ cố gắng để tiếp tục truyền tải năng lượng tích cực cho các bạn Cherish nhé.❤️
Hwating nhaaaa!!
Sorry that today’s vlog ended with my weird confession? Before, there was someone asking me how I always stay positive and happy all the time.
But as you can see, I have my ups and downs just like everyone else, I think I have these crazy mood swings once every month to me honest.?
For the past few weeks, I was so stressed about my work but now I got it figured out since I’m going to have a video editor soon. (yah) I don’t know why I haven’t found one sooner.
Whether it’s work, relationships, losing weight etc, we all live in a world surrounded by stress and we live each day to overcome those things that bother us. Therefore I always want to tell you that it is very important to take a moment to relax and find your own way to relieve stress. Hmm I should make a video on tips how I manage my stress.
It’s been almost 5 years I’ve been on Youtube but I still suck sometimes…thank you all for supporting me despite all my mistakes and laziness.
I will try my best to make videos that could give a little joy to your life.❤️
Music in the video
Epidemic Sound
Under Your Spell 5 - Martin Carlberg
When You’re Around (Instrumental Version) - Houses On The Hill

sorry for bother you 在 Chanwon Youtube 的最讚貼文
Thank you everyone for your wishes. We have been together for 9 years, never ever once I thought he will be proposing me on my birthday until the moment I heard ‘nobody nobody but you’ song on screen, I stunned. It was the song we performed back in our uni time. Exactly 9 years ago, I met him in MMU Cyberjaya. I’m playing guitar on the stage while the rest of my orientation group member dancing, he is one of the group member.
Fast forward to 9 years later, whenever people ask about marriage I always so happy but I keep thinking that will be... maybe next year as it was the answer I told him when he became my bf.
So I never thought of anything, as usual I go for work trip together with my team. I landed in KL at night, it was my actually birthday. Smelly told me he prepare a surprise which is the home cooked ABC soup and mashed potatoes. Both my favorite and I was so so happy enjoying my dinner. Next he say another thing we gonna watch Japanese Anime [天氣の子]together. Then I went to take a shower and prepare to wear my sleepwear go out for a night movie.
So once i go in I realize the staff was pointing and smile so lovely and I asked smelly why you go in cinema for movie no need show them ticket one. He just answer me some random stuff which I got no ideas about it but I don’t bother because I’m so excited for the movie?? After that we take a seat and it was so creepy, the cinema is damn quiet even the teaser ads on screen look abit creepy because I’m alone, because smelly that damn nerd leave me alone and went out to pick up his call. Then the screen full of our photos and I got no clue why and feel so scary on what happened next. Sorry my face look suck because so swollen after my flight and didn’t get enough rest LOL.
So the rest, is on this video. Thank you all my friends who helped Smelly on this. Instagram stop me from writing an long essay due to the maximum amount of words. THANK YOU?

sorry for bother you 在 [口語] Sorry to bother... - Ronnie's English Cafe 3分鐘英文學習 的必吃
▻ Sorry to bother you. ✎說明: 這句話的意思是"抱歉,打擾一下"。 ✎例句: Sorry to bother you. But I ... ... <看更多>