At some angles, I look like I haven’t been eating for the past week. At certain angles, I look like I just had 10 tons of ice cream and burgers.
This, is the “some angles” 😂
Good news is, I’m back to my normal weight now! Lost a few kilograms when I was in the hospital (which I normally hardly will, cause my weight is always stable... meaning if it suddenly fluctuates even if it’s just 1-2 kgs, something’s not right) and it took me long to be back ♡ but I’m back!
Air max 270 with socks, 👌🏻?
#JLRecoveryDiary #JLRecoveryxJD
socks meaning 在 9bulan10hari Facebook 的最佳解答
ABANG.... SAYA TAK BUAT BUAT..... ia sebenarnya SILENT KILLER yang boleh membunuh isteri abang =(
Mesti mommy dah baca kisah Cikgu Siti Rohana yang baru 3 hari habis pantang 44 hari... & dijumpai tak bernyawa di atas katil manakala anaknya yang berusia 48 hari & 19 bulan berada di sisi =(
Punca kematian disebabkan paru paru berair & masalah jantung.
...Continue ReadingBrother.... I didn't do it..... it's actually a silent killer that can kill my wife =(
Surely mommy has read the story of teacher siti rohana who has only been 3 days after confinement for 44 days... & found not alive in bed while her 48-day-old and 19-Month-old child is on the side =(
The cause of death due to watery lungs & heart problems.
For the case of the late... we don't know what's going on... only that we know the late is complaining about her husband.
Good... this story has nothing to do with the late... it's only more to give awareness to husbands & wives that their form is extraordinary in confinement.....
The meaning of tiredness for a woman is not just the tiredness that a husband has passed.. What else when she just gave birth normally or czer.... movement is limited.. her emotions are mixed with baur plus the feeling that is trying to be strong even though weak...
Know... it's wrong if....:
1. Confinement alone..
2. Confinement & managing everything alone...
3. Abstain if husband is not only do not take it to know but hurt...
4. Confinement in a place that disturbing emotions & thoughts...
Please tell this to the husband... so that he also understands what you are going through:
During abstinence... where to take care of the wound after giving birth.. Jalan slammed reserve... Stone Stone (Rahim) that was berdenyut2, before shrinking & went up to the original place... by wanting to throw away the big water, the pain is afraid of tear & then constipation... Not mixed with milk swelling... the midwife is cut to remove milk.. Allah is very sick...
It's time to rest at night.. the child cried asking for milk... the husband slept and didn't help.. where with the milk didn't come out.. where with the czer wounds that are waiting for the time can be opened again if the wrong way..... plus stress With the cry of the child that makes mom confused... the yellow fever is not lacking... forced to be forced with people here to try that & this... & finally the child is vomiting & sick....
When I eat the wrong drink.. My veins hurt... one body is weak.. Blood comes out with an orgasm.. feels like there's someone who came out of the vagina... Allah... the uterus fell & almost came out....
This is just a few % of what pregnant mothers go through that makes her not only her... can even act cruel to herself & child without her self-conscious.... =(
Husband & wife need to be alert that the form of pulmonary embolism is one of the silent murderers when women are in confinement =(
" Pulmonary Disease Disease (Frozen blood in the blood channel to the lungs) is one of the main causes that causes the death of pregnant mothers and during the confinement period which is 6 weeks after giving birth. This incident rarely happens yet, it can cause the death of a sudden victim " - Dr. Mardiana kipli m. D (Unimas) - Expert and Gynecology expert.
Bad news - when... all women who are pregnant and also in the period of confinement are exposed to get disease disease disease because your blood is thicker than usual.
And, the risk of getting a pulmonary embolism during pregnancy becomes higher if you are:
1. Age more than 35 years old
2. Have children more than 2 people
3. Paralyzed and can't move straight over 3 days
4. Weight Over 80 kg or more than 30 kg / m2
5. Undergoing surgery surgery
6. Long-distance flights over 4 hours
7. Ever got frozen blood disease before pregnant or on the content first
8. Blood spilled during birth (OVER 1 Liter)
9. Pregnant with twins.
Must be among mommy who has been through this sign, right? & make it light because I am afraid of husband & people around say it isn't it?
Not only you... but there are many women out there who 'keep' themselves sick & finally get to the hospital in fainted.. in a coma & some are not alive anymore.
Say you experience signs like this when it contains & abstain PLEASE TELL HUSBAND & MEET DOCTOR SOON...
1. Feet and pain on the calf (usually one foot only)
2. Hard to breathe
3. Chest pain
4. Bleeding cough
5. Pulse is so fast
That's why since pregnant mommy's emotions need to be taken care of.... afraid of being carried away until confinement =((for those who already have the book of @[151329642013884:274:9bulan10hari]... ask husband to refer to page 53-55... about the role of husband when wife Pregnant & listen to the expert in documentary video...-may it help husband understand the condition of the wife facing this change)
Confinement 44 days.... 100 days.. 6 MONTHS & 2 years... there is a reason.... (page 132).
Wearing socks... avoid sleeping in the air conditioner there is a reason....
My hand.. Herbal Shower... Massage.... There's a reason.... (page 135-138)
Don't make all your own work... ask husband to make it.. say husband BZ ask for family please... say BZ too.. then take CL / midwife to take care of mommy.
Avoid eating pelik2 during confinement.. refer to the confinement food set on page 140.
Don't be alone when abstain.... if you feel like someone whisper '.. quickly install Surah Ruqyah at home....
For Mommy.. Yes.. of course we make our husband happy & try to do the best for the family... but know.. if mommy is healthy... then the children will be happy too.... =)
Think good... do good things.. Insyaallah everything will be fine...
Source: #9 Bulan10hari &
Copyright @ @[1416700617:2048:Nazira Nazir] for @[151329642013884:274:9bulan10hari] is not allowed to copy paste!Translated
socks meaning 在 玳瑚師父 Master Dai Hu Facebook 的精選貼文
Storing Water Is Akin To Accumulating Wealth
(English version below)
財為養命之物,但千萬不可將之私藏。 反而應該慷慨解囊,以免下一代或孫輩中,會出現敗家子,那就富不過一代或兩代囉!很多人都忽略家中,衛生間水桶裡的水。告訴妳你,這桶水就是妳你朝思暮想的財啊!每天臨睡前,記得到衛生間,檢察一下水桶裏的水,是否有蓄滿八分,這是玳瑚師父再賜福給妳你,要知道蓄水即聚財。
In the field of geomancy, great importance is placed on the ability to harness the energy of water. The water harnessed must be of auspicious nature. If the water energy harnessed is damaged, that is inauspicious and disasters would follow. I hope fellow practitioners would be extra cautious, when doing site selection for their clients. People says that the mountains govern the descendants while the water holds the key to wealth. Fact is, this is not absolute. Mountains can also govern the wealth, while water can also influence the descendants. Water always surrounds the mountain, and travels along the mountain valleys. There is always water in the presence of mountain, and vice versa. This is know as the dual energies of Yin and Yang. If there is a mountain but no water, it is a false dragon. A simple analogy: if a human body has no blood circulation, there can be no life in the man.
The mountains and rivers offer great wisdom that is both broad and profound. For those who are not willing to use their brains and work their socks off, they can forget about learning the art of geomancy in this lifetime. As the Chinese saying goes, "The adept recognizes the artistry, the layman simply enjoys the show.". Recently, a lady who is very "worldly" and deeply-seated in this secular world, rang me to "instruct" me to write more articles that could be comprehended easily. She suggested topics like what luxury brands should a person purchase, what is the best shape of eyebrows for the women, etc. I responded with a slight laugh, and told her that there are two kinds of people in this world - those who use their brains, and those who do not. Therefore, my articles cannot just appeal to one kind. I sincerely wishes her to regain "normal functions" of the brain, so that she would not become the laughing stock of her own children in the future.
Mountains and streams do not just exist in the deep mountains and green forests. In fact, you will find them in your own home. I believe my counterparts would absolutely understand the meaning behind my words. The home of the deceased is known as the Yin house. The home of the living is known as the Yang house. Regardless of their nature, they both hope for descendants, wealth, fortune, high positions in the career and social standings. The mountains and waters are everywhere in the deep forest to locate a good spot for Yin residence. However, when it comes to the Yang residence, you will need real prowess to do ingenious formation. When the affinity is ripe one day, and upon your sincere invitation, I shall help you to sweep away the "gloomy clouds" of bad Feng Shui in your house.
Wealth is a mean of life preservation, but you must not hoard it for your own selfish gains. You should be generous with your wealth to help others, and prevent the sorry fate of having a wastrel and prodigal in your children or grandchildren, or your wealth will be squandered away within the next generation or two! Many people neglect that bucket of water in their bathrooms. Let me tell you this: that pail of water holds the key to the wealth, which you have been dreaming of! Make this a ritual: Everyday before you go to bed, please check if the bucket in your bathroom is filled with water, at least to the 80% mark. This is the blessing Master Dai Hu bestows upon you again, for you must know the storing of water signifies wealth accumulation.
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