感謝 和酒 Washu 的邀約,才能有這麼好玩的合作,一開始聽到要做夜市主題的聯名酒單,其實自己很難想像熟悉的小吃要如何以調酒呈現,於是在酒吧繪製的同時,搶先品嚐了仙草調酒,非常好喝👍
另外的三款蚵仔煎、豬血糕、地瓜球更是讓我期待,這場聯名酒單只有短短的一週到11/29,倒數三天一起來 「喝 」小吃!
#Repost washu.taipei
感謝才華洋溢的 @ouncestudio 玩食插畫工作室,與秉持古法做出傳統風味的黑丸嫩仙草 @blackball_tw,陪我們一起探索台灣的味道。
Not exaggerating, our night market cocktails received high praises. Come see how we transform the familiar street food into drinkable cocktails!
Credits go to the talented Ounce Studio, and 黑丸嫩仙草 who values authentic tastes. We are so happy to have them exploring the flavor of Taiwan with us.
Last 3 days! Take your chance!
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singleflavour 在 That One Flavour - Banana -Nutella wrap (video ... - Facebook 的必吃
Banana -Nutella wrap (video link in comments) Banana and nutella is probably the most amazing combination ever! Check out this video for the recipe ... ... <看更多>