Good morning! 今日 1:00 ~ 1:45 pm會同Ngan Oscar, Chan Tsun 喺 行德 Walk DVRC 活動唱歌表演:)
一個好有意思既event,我都好想香港可以有更多舒服既公共休憩空間,唔使再咁擠迫壓迫。詳情入“行德“ 個page 睇下支持下:)!
地點:德輔道中 (近上環文安里)
// “Hong Kong is an international city but many of the situations here are not going towards that direction. The traffic initiatives are not that good compared to other cities in the world. We have to make this city more pedestrianised. People are always sceptical, but this may benefit them in a variety of ways, like bringing more visitors to Central.” // Because plain talking will never take us far, please join us this Sunday at 非常( )德 Very DVRC and walk our imagination about a highly pedestrianised Hong Kong.
#verdvrc #dvrchk
sceptical意思 在 格林法則英語單字記憶| 蘇秦老師構詞音韻分享--學測英文重要字根 的必吃
字源考據來說,以下單字都與spect同源:spy間諜、偵查,skeptic懷疑者、懷疑的,原指古希臘一個懷疑真實知識可能性的學派成員,後來衍伸view看的意思 ... ... <看更多>