當時仍屬親英的譚惠珠領頭審議草案委員會,負責擬定《立法局(權力及特權)條例》草案,打算確立立法會日後地位,保障97後的香港自主性。然而,由於條文中有誹謗性藐視(Defamatory contempt)的罪行,尤其第19條第2節中有禁止侮辱 (insult) 議員等字眼,大律師公會、香港律師會及記協等組織都大力批評條例有侵犯言論及新聞自由的風險。由於輿情驚動倫敦,最終港英回應訴求,刪減相關誹謗性藐視的條文,英方也表明港英需要吸收更多自主的經驗教訓(there is a need for the Hong Kong Government and UMELCO to learn the wider lessons of growing autonomy)。故此特權法不單止為立法會本身充權,當年在立法過程中也為體現香港步向自主上了重要的一課。
英方與港英政府其後進行賽後檢討,除了分析民間強烈反對的原因,包括港英錯誤預計公眾反應及欠缺政治觸覺(political feel)外,更提出一個具前瞻性的憂慮,特權法有機會被表面地解讀。當年仍任職英國外交部政務官的衛奕信講明,指望中方「合理」地應用法律條文顯然是不足的(with the Chinese dimension, it is clearly not sufficient to rely on the "reasonable" application of the law),難保日後會出現條文被表面地(literally)解讀及僵化地(rigidly)執行的情況,提醒港英日後立法應多加注意。有見今日政府表面地闡釋條文中「干預」、「藐視」及「阻礙」等行為,令立會主席「煩躁不安,精神受挫」也成為干預議會運作的理據【註二】時,相信已經違反英方合理地應用的立法原意。
時任英國外交部香港司司長高德年(Anthony Galsworthy)早就預視97後中方一定會向立法會施壓,因此,特權法中誹謗性藐視的條文本為防止議員受左報的個人攻擊(personal attack)。英方立法原意雖好,但若當初條文沒有受民間壓力而「減辣」的話,現時何君堯或聲稱自己在議會被「侮辱」,指控林卓廷等人藐視立法會,將原告變被告,特權法成為更具威脅性的法律武器控告議員。
1985 FCO 40 1811 Legislative Council (Powers and Privileges) Bill
1985 FCO 40 1812 Legislative Council (Powers and Privileges) Bill
1985 FCO 40 1813 Legislative Council (Powers and Privileges) Bill
【註二】蘋果新聞:大搜捕|建制郭偉強施暴獲律政司介入放生 朱凱廸陳志全許智峯潑臭水被控「侵害罪」 「令梁君彥精神受損」https://bit.ly/3kGLlY1
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reasonable用法 在 朱庭萱 Bonnie 玻璃朱 Facebook 的精選貼文
House dusts everywhere in ur bed and pillow and sofa but u never see. It can cause allergy especially for kids. This wireless handheld vacuum helps a lot! Light, easy to use. And can’t believe only try for 30secs and u see the dust from my pillow😱. Very nice!!!! 😍 Price also very reasonable .
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reasonable用法 在 Eric's English Lounge Facebook 的精選貼文
[文法與詞彙Q&A] although, but, yet, even though, though, whereas, despite, in spite of 的區別
A. 表示「雖然、儘管、但是」
1. although, but, yet
-In theory it seems like a good idea, but I don’t think it’ll work in practice.
-In theory it seems like a good idea, although I don’t think it’ll work in practice.
-Although it seems like a good idea, I don’t think it will work in practice.
※注意:although, but 兩者只能取其一,不能同時並用
Although it seems like a good idea, but I don’t think it will work in practice. (X)
※ 亦可用 still、anyway (依然、還是) 來加強but, although的語氣
I wasn’t feeling very well, but I still went to work.
I wasn’t feeling very well, but I went to work anyway.
I still went to work, although I wasn’t feeling very well.
Although I wasn’t feeling very well, I went to work anyway.
※亦可用yet來替代 but
It’s a simple yet very effective system.
In theory it seems like a good idea, (and) yet I don’t think it’ll work in practice.
Used as a conjunction, "yet" is similar in meaning to "but," but it has a stronger effect on the reader or listener. There is perhaps more of a surprise associated with the former statement. Note that you can put "and" in front of "yet" when it comes at the beginning of a clause, but of course this is not possible with "but," so you can write the following sentence:
"The cyclists were tired and hungry, all but exhausted, (and) yet they refused to give up in their attempt to finish the race."
Source: http://www.bbc.co.uk/worldservice/learningenglish/grammar/learnit/learnitv21.shtml
2. though, even though
though 比較口語,意思與although同,但though 可以放在句尾(當副詞用)
-Though he has lived for years in London, he writes in French. (雖然)—連接詞
-He has lived for years in London. He writes in French, though. (不過、但是)--副詞
even though (即便、儘管)用法與although 同, 語氣更強烈
-Even though I wasn’t feeling very well, I still went to work.
B. 表示「而、卻、反之」(對照比較之用)
-Indonesia has a lot of natural resources, whereas Singapore has none.
-Whereas Indonesia has a lot of natural resources, Singapore has none.
※ although 與 whereas 的比較
although 含有驚訝的意味 (通常是第二個子句所透漏的訊息令人意外) We had a reasonable year in Asia, although sales fell a little in Japan.
Although sales fell a little in Japan, we had a reasonable year in the rest of Asia.
Whereas 則強調對照,驚訝意味並不濃
We had a reasonable year in Asia, whereas sales in Europe were quite disappointing.
※ while 的用法
Inflation rose by 3% last year, while house prices went up 6%. (=whereas)
While there are still some issues to resolve, I think we should go ahead. (=although)
C. despite/in spite of 的用法
despite 與 in spite of 意思同 although,但是用法不同;although 是連接詞,後面可接子句,despite/in spite of 為介係詞,後面必須接名詞或動名詞
Although sales increased, profits fell.
Despite the increase in sales, profits fell.
Although I was ill, I went to work.
In spite of my illness, I went to work.
Despite my illness, I went to work.
In spite of feeling ill, I went to work.
Despite feeling ill, I went to work.
Despite I felt ill, I went to work. (X)