One and a half year ago this group of 4-5 women met together regularly to explore ourselves as women and as our professions. We are a photographer, a hairstylist, a makeup artist and a model but we are more than that, because first we are women. We had our lives going on, our amazingness and challenges all mixed together. We came together to do tests, in the busyness of our lives we committed to meeting up to do photo shoots. I was not a conventional model, in fact when I began I was in one of the thinnest periods of my life. Before this I met a man and we were super compatible with each other. While we were enjoying our friendship, one day he disappeared and no longer returned my calls. But I didn’t allow any of this to get to me. I decided to start this project #LiveTrueBeYou to re-connect with myself—who I am as a woman and invited some women to join me. There is so much to appreciate, when we committed to being love and not let Life pull us down, Life unfolds. 6 months later, this man re-appeared and we got back together and today we are much closer than before. Also as a group of women, we are deepening individually and together. Today we met up again. It is the most amazing feeling to walk being ourselves in life. Life then supports us back. #Surrender #Commitment #Respect #Work #Women #LiveTrueBeYou #Stylist #Model #Photograher #HairStylist #Influencer #Inspiration Video by @shineestudio and Hair by @waiwaichannnnnat Thank you also to Buffacow for his support on Studio space. @elysemakeupbox @daisyatdaisy