復課又停課,再復課再停課再復課..... 我已經見怪不怪,處變不驚,所謂 #HomeSchool 一次生兩次熟,這年來手頭上在家學習資源愈儲愈多,所以沒有恐懼,係時間表經常被打亂,有點煩有點無奈!
趁著Bat Bat 又停課5天,分享一下在 Yum Me Play 👩🏻💻 YMP寶寶教育研究所👩🏻💻 的home school 好東西🌟 ~ 希望對各位媽媽都有用。
因為Yum Me Play提倡「#玩住學」,配合Wonder Themed Kit 圍繞主題有系統地教,基本上唔使迫小朋友,拎啲嘢出嚟佢就會搶住去玩去探索,唔怕教唔到!
例如今次我哋玩嘅主題係 #海洋世界,就有STEAM 教育玩具、探索海洋嘅圖書同埋好玩嘅海洋主題砌圖‼️可以全方位多角度地學習一個主題,再引導小朋友去思考更深更廣嘅海洋知識,甚至建構自己嘅主題研究!
唔好以為小朋友得幾歲唔識,其實Bat Bat 愈睇得多,愈多嘢問,愈想知得多,你會好驚訝小朋友記到咁多嘢,而諗到嚟問你嘅嘢原來都可以好深入,由不同海洋生物嘅物種,到海底珊瑚保育都會觸及到。
今次我覺得其中最特別嘅係一頂manta ray (鬼蝠魟/魔鬼魚)嘅帽 (即係 #我是遺物整理師 內亞氏保加症男主角鍾意嘅魚呀🥰 有冇人睇過?好感人!)
呢頂WonderHat 其實係一個STEAM認證嘅想像遊戲工具,唔只得意好玩,可以俾小朋友自己砌一條魚出嚟戴,仲特別為3歲或以上嘅小朋友提供一個完整嘅社交情感學習體驗,可以用來玩role play, 當小朋友戴上呢頂帽,佢就變成一隻瀕臨絕種嘅Manta Ray,配合附送嘅書仔,進入鬼蝠魟嘅世界!媽媽可以喺佢變身嘅時候,同小朋友傾談作為鬼蝠魟嘅所見所聞及感受,好玩有趣,除了學到平時難以接觸嘅海洋知識,仲可以幫助小朋友建立同理心㖭。
WonderHat 仲有好多唔同動物款,有不同玩法,詳情可以睇呢度:https://bit.ly/3ieX5U3
另外仲有好多主題學習套裝,媽媽可以慳啲時間唔使自己搜羅資源配套,跟住Yum Me Play 幼兒教育專家嘅意見去玩住學就得啦‼️
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Don't you wish your children are focused at educational play and not bother you at home? I caught Lily in that zone with Yum Me Play box!!! Mine is about space and my girls are fascinated by it. Yum Me Play is a creative platform of experiences specially curated for young children, facilitated through the concept of “Learning through Play”. These junior kits are:
-Selected quality tools and books to engage and educate children of ages 3-8 through play
-Designed based on 4 key learning elements – Interactive Game, Imaginative Play, Sensory Reading, and STEM Learning.
-Each thematic kit includes a minimum of 4-6 special products curated by professional mothers and STEMPLUS. Find out more at www.yumme.com.hk
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