7 Asas Menanam Sayuran Daripada Biji Benih
Di sini kami ingin berkongsi beberapa perkara asas menanam sayuran daripada biji benih. Artikel ini disasarkan kepada mereka yang hendak bermula bercucuk tanam di rumah tetapi ianya mungkin juga bermanfaat bagi mereka yang telah lama berkebun. Banyak lagi sebenarnya perkara-perkara yang boleh dimasukkan ke dalam artikel ini tetapi maklumat di bawah adalah yang utama untuk diketahui bagi memastikan biji benih ditanam dan tumbuh dengan...
Continue Reading7 Basics Planting Veggies From Seeds
Here we want to share some of the basics of planting vegetables from seeds. This article is targeted to those who want to start planting at home but it may also be beneficial for those who have long gardening. Many more are actually things that can be included in this article but the information below is the main thing to be known to ensure seeds are planted and well growing.
1. Quality of seeds is important.
Not all seeds can grow and the addition rate depends on the quality of the seed. Generally more quality seeds contain or have a larger size. To make sure you get quality seeds get from a trusted manufacturer. Seeds treated with antimicrob and antifungus are also better.
2. The time taken for additions is different
Each plant grows at a different rate. Okra is among the plants that are easy and grow fast. Chili grows slowly and grows than okra. There are also seeds that will take long or hard to grow. To help extension, soak the seeds in the water for the night before being infused.
3. Ways of plants are different according to plants.
Plants like spinach and kangkung are easy to be planted, seeds can directly be covered on the plant media but keep the distance between seeds is not too close. For vegetable plants that grow like salad and cabbage need a larger room between plants. Plants like this and other plants such as chili and tomatoes should be sowed in the tray of a seasian and then diverted to the plant media like in a pot or on the ground. The distance between plants and vase size needs to fit the type of plants. For seeds that have low splash rates, sow over the media and then move the seeds that have grown into the tray of the semaian tray.
4. Use medium semaian and medium of suitable plants
Medium that is suitable for a piece of seed is smooth, holding humidity well, has a good ventilation, and hype (loggar). A good medium is also free from any pest, disease (sterile), and weed seeds. An example of a medium that is suitable for a seed of seeds is peat mos. Soil is not suitable to be used for a piece of seed because it's not sterile, too heavy, and doesn't have good irrigation A good medium plant is like a mixed soil that is rich with organic ingredients, has good ventilation and irrigation, optimum pH level and sufficient and balanced nutrients.
5. Make sure the medium is always moist during the extension process
The addition begins when seeds absorb water and roots will start to grow to get nutrients and water. At the extension stage, it's important to ensure the right condition for seed growth as its growth is easily affected when lack of water or too hot. The water should be enough during the period of addition without adding to it. One way to keep the humidity is to put a tray into plastic until the seeds grow.
6. Light is important after addiction
To ensure the right condition for the extension of seeds, seeds are usually sowed in dim and not hot conditions. But after the seeds have grown, the seeds need to be exposed to the sun. Lack of light after addiction will cause seeds to grow long and thin. Morning sunlight is enough to make sure seeds grow well.
7. Plants need to be maintained
Care is also important after the seed has grown and there are 4 things to be prioritized that are, light, water, nutrients and pest control. Plants need sufficient light at least 4-5 hours of sunlight but it also depends on the type of plant, some don't need much light and some need lots of light. Water also needs to be confirmed enough for plants, the frequency of siraman is depending on the weather condition. Pembajaan needs to be done to ensure plants grow fresh and produce satisfactory results, rejuvenation is usually done every 2 weeks.
Pest control is also important and it's not just to be done when there's an attack but controls also need to be made to avoid pest attacks. An example of pest control is using a spray of pest control and biologically control which is one of them by planting plants that can attract predators to plant pests.
We hope this article is beneficial and helpful in your gardening activities. If you have any questions or feedback please use the comment section below.
To be a plant to stay healthy don't forget to use fertilizer must be BAJANAS. 100 % ORGANIC AND NO SIDE EFFECT. For any enquiries please contact 017 471 6197 or click the link below for any inquiries.
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plants that grow in water without soil 在 雙娜新樂園 Facebook 的最佳解答
📌About Amazon:
因此有 #地球之肺之稱
果不其然在林間漫步時發現為數不少wildfires 的蹤跡
我想應該讓孩子了解wildfires 是什麼
我們還一起共讀 #national geographic kids系列的 #wildfires
#Fire triangle:
1️⃣heat:starts a fire and keeps it going.
2️⃣fuel:gives a fire the energy it needs to keep burning.
3️⃣oxygen:for fuel to burn,it must react with oxygen in the air.
1️⃣ground fire
2️⃣surface fire
3️⃣crown fire
1️⃣small animals burrow underground.
2️⃣Others hide under rocks or in nearby logs.
3️⃣Many run or fly to safety.
1️⃣After a fire,sunlight can shine on the forest floor,allowing new plants to grow.
2️⃣Wildfires help forests by burning dead leaves and plants and ashes add nutrients to the soil.
3️⃣Fires can remove sick plants and insects that kill trees.
4️⃣Heat can melt the waxy coating on the tree's comes.
After the fire,new trees can sprout in the soil.
根據fire triangle的理論
1️⃣#heat:Planes drop thousands of gallons of water on a fire at a time.
2️⃣#fuel:firefighters clear away brush and dig a long ditch to create a fire line.
#After the fire🔥
1️⃣Do not start campfires during dry spells.
2️⃣Build campfires only in fire pits.
3️⃣Do not build a campfire without the help of an adult.
4️⃣Never leave a campfire unattended.
5️⃣Put out a campfire completely before leaving or going to sleep.
6️⃣Call 911if you notice a fire that is out of control or unattended.
👉Smokey bear給人類的敬告:
#Only you can prevent wildfires.
#Fire triangle:
#heat:Planes drop thousands of gallons of water on a fire at a time.
plants that grow in water without soil 在 มติพล ตั้งมติธรรม Facebook 的最讚貼文
ตอนกลางคืน ต้นไม้จะแย่งอากาศเราหายใจ และปล่อยคาร์บอนไดออกไซด์ออกมาจริงหรือไม่?
นี่เป็นหนึ่งในความเชื่อผิดๆ ที่คนพูดกันมามาก ว่าเราไม่ควรวางต้นไม้ไว้ในห้องนอน เพราะว่าต้นไม้จะหายใจเอาออกซิเจนออกไป และคายออกมาเป็นคาร์บอนไดออกไซด์
ลำพัง คำกล่าวว่าต้นไม้จะหายใจโดยใช้ออกซิเจน และคายคาร์บอนไดออกไซด์ออกมาในตอนกลางคืนนั้นไม่ผิด เพราะถึงแม้ว่าต้นไม้จะมีการสังเคราะห์แสง แต่ต้นไม้ก็มีการหายใจใช้ออกซิเจนเช่นเดียวกับเรา และในตอนกลางคืนที่ไม่มีการสังเคราะห์แสงนั้นต้นไม้ก็จะมีแต่การคายคาร์บ...
Continue ReadingAt night, will we steal air and release carbon dioxide?
This is one of the wrong beliefs that people say that we shouldn't put a tree in the bedroom because the tree will take out the oxygen and spit out into carbon dioxide.
Alone says that trees will breathe using oxygen and spit out carbon dioxide at night. Even though the trees are synthesis, the trees have the same as we are breathing. And at night without photosynthesis, trees will only spitting. Carbon dioxide out
But this is one important point why we need to learn math because in science, in any factors, we don't care about " effective or not?" but how much we need to consider "
Let's think about one tree and one person. What do we think has more metabolism process?
If anyone can't imagine, try putting your hands on someone's arm next to see if it's warm. Now try to catch the tree. See if it's warm? One of the productivity of metabolic process is heat. Whether we light the fire or use it in the process of animals or plants. The result is that sugar mixed with oxygen, water, water and heat.
Which means if a tree is breathing as much as humans, it should have heat close to the human body. But if the tree is cooler than humans, it should be less.
Now consider who has ever put friends at home or have to share a bedroom with brothers or kids. It should know that adding another human being is not a problem with our breathing.
That's if we put someone else in our room, why can't we put a tree in the bedroom!
But if we try to answer this question more clearly about how much the trees are stealing the air we can use mathematics to help answer our questions clearer.
But how much does a tree have to breathe to be equal to one?
One human being on average will be breathing. 1 kg of carbon dioxide per day. If we think we spend 8 hours in the bedroom That's equal to one person who breathes out carbon dioxide in a total of about 0.3 kgs. Or 3 points
That tree spit out about half of the other half of the other half of the photosynthesis to increase the trees. Assuming we plant in the room. Our potatoes will take the air. We can breathe as much as one. Man, that means it's gonna spit out more than 3 carbon dioxide in 8 hours we sleep. So in one day our potato tree will have to spit out one kg of carbon dioxide. Or suck 2 kg of carbon dioxide The other part. The rest will be used in photosynthesis, simply assuming that it becomes a powder in the oil stored in the soil.
That means today, the potato tree we planted in the bedroom must have 1 kg of flour a day. But since the mass of potatoes consists of 80 % of water, it means our potatoes must grow 5 kg per day. At once! (It's called Mark Whatney still shy)
Which if the tree we planted in the bedroom doesn't grow 5 kg per day. It shows that one person to sleep with me is stealing air. We breathe more than one tree.
So don't worry that the trees are going to steal our air soon.
And stop saying that trees are not in the bedroom.
Po. L L L L L L L L But some really dangerous and often happen is to start the car and charcoal stove. Both of these have much higher amount of oxygen than humans and people sleeping in cars while they are on or sleeping by the charcoal stove in the closed because there is a cold. There is an incident. Let's see each other often.
Photo: Siriphum Waterfall, Luang Doi Inthanon project while taking this photo, the photographer had dizziness due to lack of air.Translated