🇨🇦 (english below)
加拿大│VEGAN PIZZA。創意連鎖速食
吃pizza,一定要和朋友開心分享,這次我們4個人分別點了4個pizza,由於這裡超多pizza種類,而且搭配都非常大膽創新,所以約一大群朋友來,通通吃一遍吧 😁 這次的朋友們都不是vegan,但他們都給予超高評價喔 😉
「Virtuous Pie」是一家連鎖的速食vegan pizza店,分別在溫哥華 (2家店)、維多利亞 (新開)、多倫多和美國波特蘭 (Portland) 都有分店呢!薄批,爽脆,搭配不同的配料,獨一無二的pizza誕生了!
「Superfunch」CA14,不喜歡吃火箭菜的我,居然覺得火箭菜和菇菇原來很搭;個人首推「Grandma Pie」CA14,不同的vegan cheese搭配在一起,帶點酸酸的,但又特別開胃,吃不膩啊;喜歡吃辣的可以挑戰「Calabrese」CA14,我吃了一口,臉龐馬上發燙 (超不能吃辣)
號外,Virtuous Pie背後的團隊 - TMRW Foods,將於2020年初在加拿大推出vegan漢堡 👏
Canada│VEGAN PIZZA。Creative。Fast Food Chain
To eat pizza, be sure to share it with your friends. This time, 4 of us ordered 4 pizzas. Since there are so many types of pizzas, and the combinations are very diverse and innovative, better to invite a large group of friends to try them all 😁 None of my friends are vegan, but they all give a super high ratings 😉
"Virtuous Pie" is a chain of fast-food vegan pizza restaurants with branches in Vancouver (2 stores), Victoria (newly opened), Toronto and Portland, USA! Thin and crispy dough, with different ingredients, unique pizza is born!
"Superfunch" CA14, I don’t like to eat arugula, but I actually think that arugula and mushrooms are very good match; I personally recommend "Grandma Pie" CA14. Different vegan cheeses are mixed together, a bit sour but specially appetizingt; those who like spicy food can challenge the "Calabrese" CA14. I took a bite and my face became red and hot immediately (I can't eat spicy food)
Special, the team behind Virtuous Pie - TMRW Foods, will launch vegan burger in early 2020 in Canada 👏
Virtuous Pie - Main St
📍 583 Main St, Vancouver, BC, Canada
⏳ Mon - Thu 11:00 - 22:00
⏳ Fri 11:00 - 23:00
⏳ Sat 10:00 - 23:00
⏳ Sun 10:00 - 22:00
Virtuous Pie UBC
📍 3339 Shrum Lane, Vancouver, BC, Canada
⏳ Mon - Thu 11:00 - 22:00
⏳ Fri - Sat 11:00 - 23:00
⏳ Sun 11:00 - 22:00
Virtuous Pie Victoria
📍 530 Pandora Ave, Victoria,, BC, Canada
⏳ Mon - Thu 11:00 - 22:00
⏳ Fri - Sat 11:00 - 23:00
⏳ Sun 11:00 - 22:00
Virtuous Pie Toronto
📍 611 College St, Toronto, Ontario, Canada
⏳ Mon - Thu 11:30 - 22:00
⏳ Fri - Sat 11:30 - 23:00
⏳ Sun 11:30 - 22:00
Virtuous Pie Portland
📍 1126 SE Division Ave Ste 200, Portland, Oregon, USA
⏳ Mon - Thu 11:00 - 22:00
⏳ Fri 11:00 - 23:00
⏳ Sat 10:00 - 23:00
⏳ Sun 10:00 - 22:00
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Do you have any coupons for my Vegan pizza? A. Our Plant-Based pizzas are now available in our 'Any Large pizza from $15* delivered' offer at dominos. com. ... <看更多>