the longer you live
the more you realise
to give more
and plant kindness
to witness
the miracles
of love and life..
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plant love quotes 在 Jenn’s 沬厤 Life After Cancer #spreadlovecreatehope Facebook 的精選貼文
First time chemo?
You need to read this.
I understand that there are many "freshman" in April that will be going for their first chemotherapy.
So I thought these tips below will help...
Chemotherapy can leave you feeling wiped out. It isn’t a one-and-done treatment — it’s a journey and, as with any journey, planning ahead can make the road less bumpy.
5 things you need to take note before you go for your first chemotherapy
1. Start eating healthy
Plan a balance diets. More greens. Drink 2litre of water a day. Fruits before meal (30-60 mins before). Take moderate portion of meat.
*** I had fresh coconut juice on daily basis. I ate fruits before meals which means minimum of 3 fruits a day. I took banana n papaya too to help with possible constipation caused by chemo. I ate lots of fish, sometimes chicken and pork. I don't take beef or lamb due to personal preference. I ate lots of high iron veges like spinach and black fungus - it helps to increase my red blood cell (haemoglobin). If haemoglobin is low, body will not be able to proceed with chemo. You either delay the process or require blood transfusion. So plan wisely and eat well.
2. Practice proper hygiene, avoid germs
- Wash and sanitize your hand after going toilet (esp hospital n public toilet)
- Stay away from crowded places. But if you need to do some marketing / shopping, put a mask on.
- Reduce the visits from friends, you might get infected with virus like flu or even get fever after come in contact with them (they might not realized as their body immune system is fighting the viruses / germs).
- Avoid sick ppl. If anyone is down w fever /flu (example) in the family, don't share your food or getting too near. Family members needs to be equally cautious on their own health too if they have cancer patient in the family.
- If possible, reduce the contact with pets
3. Be emotionally prepared
- Get yourself ready to expect and accept the weaker (physically) and different side of you. Dealing with all the side effects. Dealing with people who are not familiar with cancer. Dealing with all the NO - NO s from different people (check with doctor to clarify further). Just be prepared.
4. Find your motivation
- It's going to be bored during the chemo intervals. It's going to be 3 weeks once. Find something to do. Like growing a plant (I grow a tomato but it died in e end! Too much of water! Hahaha). Or picking up new hobby like cooking and baking. Watch movies / dramas!
Don't stay in the bed all day long. It's not going to help you. Do light exercise.
Prepare a to do list! When you recover, what you want to do? I went to the beach after I recover! And I brought my parents along too!
5. Be positive and have patience
- understand that people closed to you are affected by your diagnosis too. You might be physically challenged going through this ordeal but trust me, you're not alone. Your husband, your wife, childrens, parents, boyfriend, girlfriend... They're as heartbroken and confused as you too. Have patience dealing with them. Affected family need to have patience dealing with chemo patient too.
Read more bout positive quotes and stories of cancer survivor. It'll help. Talk to your love ones bout how u feel. Don't keep everything to yourself.
Its all about love and understanding.
Looking forward to your "graduation" day!
plant love quotes 在 Jade Furuta Facebook 的精選貼文
2017 was the year of worthiness and self love for me. a very important year in my life! So much has happened and I'm happy to say I MADE IT!!
I have learned how to say NO. I have learned that I am worthy of the best and nothing else. And I have learned to be more grateful than ever! I'm even grateful to some %}%^#*% ^*@! for making me a wiser person.
I was so blessed to go to amazing places and meet incredible inspiring people too. I detoxed my life from people and things that I no longer need, making space for what actually matters! I worked hard and grew so much professionally, reaching many of my goals.
Of course sometimes I fell down and thought "how am I gonna make it?!"... but every time, with the grace of the Lord, I stood up even stronger. And at last, I confronted a monster of my past, and made peace with someone very special in my life.
THANK YOU SO MUCH 2017! Now bring it on 2018!!!! Happy new year everyone!! if you made it this long ... I wanna leave you with one of the best life quotes ever -
"Don't wait for someone to bring you flowers; plant your own garden and decorate your own soul"
May all your goals be reached and your dreams come true❤️
Jade Furuta