2020年7月5日 ·
2004年左右我就曾為文記錄如何從消費者保護法中的「科技抗辯(state of art)」判斷當年因止痛藥Vioxx瑕疵陷入集體訴訟法律風險、股價腰斬的默克藥廠,其實真正面臨的風險並不高,並大膽$26美元危機入市,兩年半後$50多美元陸續獲利了結。
近日因Covid-19在美國失控的疫情,我們又看到新一波影響更廣的法律爭議浮出抬面:營業中斷(business interruption)。
1. 預期收入損失(For lost income from the destroyed merchandise (minus expenses you may have already paid, such as shipping).Your pre-loss earnings are the basis for reimbursement under business interruption coverage. Lost earnings, also known as the actual loss sustained, are typically defined as revenues minus ongoing expenses. )
2. 額外支出( For extra expenses if you must temporarily relocate your business because of the fire (for example, the cost of rent at the temporary location).)
然而近日上百萬家申請保險賠償的中小企業卻遭到保險公司拒付,理由是:「Covid-19疫情並未造成實質物理損失(actual physical loss)」。
一、美國商業保險營業中斷(business interruption)條款法律爭議
多數保險公司紛紛於近日在各自網站上強調「實質物理損失(actual physical loss)的存在是申請保險支付的先決條件」。實質物理損失在保險公司方面的定義為:真實損害(damage)造成營業設備、不動產失去部分或全部原本功能/效用,造成商業收入損失。
換言之,目前美國保險公司的態度是 -- 病毒並未造成中小企業保戶物理上營業設備或不動產失去運作能力,病毒讓人致病又不讓機器廠房店面生病,當然不構成支付賠償金的條件。
中小企業主的立場顯然相反 -- 病毒與政府封城措施造成營業上之不可能,我當初買保險不正是為了這種不可預期之風險?沒了收入但租金、工資與各項支出依然照付,損失哪裡不真實不存在?
為何保險公司可以如此狹隘限縮解釋?這是因為此類商業保險的營業中斷條款最早源自於美國南北內戰時期,當時的商家因戰爭破壞或徵調的關係,其所擁有的商業設備或店面因此不再能持續生產失去收入,在此侷限條件下商界所應運而生的保險制度。故,美國保險法律與習慣上,對實質物理損失的看法是有歷史累積,而因循前例恰恰是普通法(common law)的核心邏輯。
有的,而此問題的法律突破口在一個我想台灣讀者大概都想不到的關鍵點 -- 「附著與污染」。
附著概念在1980、1990年代都已經有州法院判決提供了初步概念,但最標誌性、最多後來者引用的則是2002年康乃迪克州聯邦地方法院的⟪Yale University v. CIGNA Ins. Co.⟫一案。
此觀點在2009年也於⟪Essex Ins. Co. v. BloomSouth Flooring Corp.⟫案得到位於麻州的聯邦第一巡迴法院支持,認為附著於財產上的「惡臭(odor)」也是種能造成實質物理損害的汙染。
這也是為什麼目前我們看到針對Covid-19相關幾百個保險訴訟案中,最活躍的佛羅里達州律師John Houghtaling II主張:「『附著』於建築物、商業設施表面的冠狀病毒也是一種造成實質物理損害的汙染」。即便事實上多數公衛專家均指出目前科學證據顯示,Covid-19主要還是透過人傳人機制傳染,透過附著物體表面傳染案例屬於極少數特例。
因為熟悉英美法的人都知道,common law的先例是一個比較可能勝訴的框架,律師多盡量把訴之主張想辦法塞進成功框架裡,即便看起來很彆扭。要是跳脫既有框架另創新法律見解,則勝訴機率很可能大減。
各州法院之間對於營業中斷(business interruption)的法律定義不同勢必會增加各州中小企業與保險公司各自在營運上的不確定性。當然,這也會增加再保險公司的不確定性。
於是乎我們就見到美國知名四大主廚--Daniel Boulud (米其林兩顆星), Thomas Keller(米其林三顆星), Wolfgang Puck(米其林一顆星) 以及 Jean-Georges Vongerichten(米其林三顆星)-- 結盟,並於今年3月底去電美國總統川普,要求逼迫保險公司支付停業的商業損失。
川普果然也在4月份內部會議上提出:「他知悉保險公司對多年支付保費的餐廳業者雨天收傘一事,雖然他也知道保險公司保單涵蓋範圍有限,但如果支付賠償金是公平的,則保險公司就應該支付。(... saying restaurateurs had told him they paid for business-interruption coverage for decades but now they need it and insurers don’t want to pay. He said he understood that some policies have pandemic exclusions, adding: “I would like to see the insurance companies pay if they need to pay, if it’s fair.)」
熟悉制度經濟學的朋友都知道,當「無主收入」出現時,意味著租值消散(rent dissipation),也代表著整體社會的浪費。租值消散是整個經濟學最難掌握的高級概念,許多有名的經濟學家或教授,甚至某些諾貝爾獎得主,也不見得能正確理解並掌握此概念,本文並不打算詳談,請有興趣的讀者自行參考我過去幾篇舊文。
就我所知,一般經濟學者未曾討論「準租值消散(rent dissipation on depend)」狀況 -- 在法律定義未由最高法院統一見解前,被保險人無從得知是否可以取得保險賠償金;保險人雖暫時對保費有所有權,但一旦訴訟發生依會計原則也必須劃出一部分作為賠償準備金。可是在真實世界,我們目前不存在比曠日廢時的司法或所費不貲的政治遊說(包含政治獻金/賄絡),更有效率且廣為接受的制度來安排這樣的權利衝突。
(此處on depend概念類同於英美財產法中的on depend概念,我就不岔題解釋)
但此次對「營業中斷」定義爭議卻碰上歷史罕見的大規模被迫停業狀況,根據美國普查局 (United States Census Bureau)的資料顯示,截至今年5月8日,因被迫停業而申請Paycheck Protection Program (PPP)的中小企業高達360萬家,借款金額達$5370億美元。4月26日~5月2日該週資料更是超過51.4%企業受到疫情影響(見圖)。
我在今年五月份【美國失業人數破2千萬為何股市上漲?再來怎麼看?】一文中特別強調我們應該多關注CLOs(Collateralized Loan Obligation)潛在違約危機,也是著眼於此類別個別性風險轉為系統性風險的可能性激增。
根據富國銀行(Wells Fargo)的推估,美國目前含有營業中斷條款的保險金額約$8千億美元,其中50%透過再保險方式轉嫁。值得慶幸的是我並未查到此類保險有轉化為其他衍生性金融商品,這表示風險可能未如CDO、CLO般倍數放大。富國銀行認為美國商業保險公司應該有能力吸收$1500億左右的賠償,但根據美國普查局資料受影響商家超過5成,意味著假設$4千億索賠發生時,即便能移轉$2千億至再保險公司,依然還有約$500億的差額。
我們要特別注意的是保險公司收到保險金後必須轉為投資方能獲利,這表示當股市下挫時保險公司的資產也會跟著縮水,償付能力也會隨之下降。例如巴菲特的Berkshire Hathaway旗下保險集團於今年第一季因支付保險賠償金淨損$4.89億美元,但同時集團資產卻也記入$550億資產減損。
身為投資人還要再小心的,是本屆Fed主席Jerome H. Powell屢破歷史紀錄的灑鈔救市風格,也很可能在前述因保險爭議而生之系統性風險可能實現時再度開啟瘋狂印鈔機制,而在經濟學上會有什麼效果,我在【美國失業人數破2千萬為何股市上漲?再來怎麼看?】一文已經講得清楚,簡言之:
a. 證券資產價格將局部出現嚴重通貨膨脹。尤其這段時間持有美國資產者獲利率可能超越持有其他國家資產者。
b. 各國因貨幣政策多少掛著美元,而將出現輸入性通膨。
c. 寬鬆貨幣產生的貨幣幻覺(money illusion)將埋下更多錯誤投資地雷。
d. 每次寬鬆貨幣救市都是以美元地位為代價。當美元地位跌破均衡點,人民幣等主要貨幣不再支撐美元,美國將出現全面性嚴重通貨膨脹,美國債券價格將大跌,許多州政府、市政府有破產可能。此時,持有美元與美國境內資產者恐受相當傷害。
掌握真實世界的關鍵侷限條件必須:a. 累積大量、多範圍的各種知識,其中法學、經濟學、基礎物理/化學/醫學乃至於某些工程實務等都是必須;與b. 有足夠的能力從無數侷限條件中分離出「關鍵」。
我也談過,Benjamin Graham以降至巴菲特的傳統價值投資法最大缺失在於「忽略貨幣因素」,一旦出現極端貨幣現象時,價值投資幾乎失效。這部份價值投資者必須自行強攻以價格理論出發的貨幣學來彌補。
巴菲特老夥伴Charlie Munger認為投資者需具備各種不同知識體系,吾人深以為然。此文為一又牛刀小試。
✤ Yale University v. CIGNA Ins. Co., 224 F. Supp. 2d 402 (D. Conn. 2002)
✤ Matzner v. Seaco Ins. Co., 1998 WL 566658 (Mass. Super. Aug. 12, 1998)
✤ Arbeiter v. Cambridge Mut. Fire Ins. Co., 1996 WL 1250616, at *2 (Mass. Super. Mar. 15, 1996)
✤ Essex Ins. Co. v. BloomSouth Flooring Corp., 562 F.3d 399, 406 (1st Cir. 2009)
✤ Roundabout Theatre Co. v. Cont’l Cas. Co., 302 A.D. 2d 1, 2 (N.Y. App. Ct. 2002)
✤ Newman, Myers, Kreines, Gross, Harris, P.C. v. Great N. Ins. Co., 17 F. Supp. 3d 323 (S.D.N.Y. 2014)
✤ The Wall Street Journal, "Companies Hit by Covid-19 Want Insurance Payouts. Insurers Say No." June 30, 2020
✤ Steven N.S. Cheung, "A Theory of Price Control," The Journal of Law and Economics, Vol. XVII, April 1974, pp. 53-71
✤ Willam H. Meckling & Armen A. Alchian, "Incentives in The United States," American Economic Review 50 (May 1960), pp. 55-61
✤ Milton Friedman, "Money and the Stock Market," Journal of Political Economy, 1988, Vol. 96, no. 2
✤ Irving Fisher, "The Money Illusion," 1928
同時也有8部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過92萬的網紅Kuma Films,也在其Youtube影片中提到,We were in London last summer filming for a show on Ovation TV and had the chance to hang out with Barely Methodical for a day. We picked up some clip...
「physical theatre」的推薦目錄:
physical theatre 在 Urban Photography / kingymak Facebook 的最佳貼文
San Po Kong Mansion, a #HongKong mega composite building that once integrated a single-hall 1,454-seat cinema & 540 residential flats, completed in 1967 (the year with leftist riots in Hong Kong & Cultural Revolution in China)
過去一年鏡頭特別對香港五、六十年代商住綜合用途大廈建築有興趣,當時條例上開始打破四層唐樓、九層無電梯大廈為主的框框,各區紛紛建造着當時「最高」的綜合式商住大廈。前幾天偶然發現這一個動盪年代、動亂地區* 開業的「前」戲院建築。
皇都以外,其實當時亦有許多以戲院、商店和住宅合體的設計組合-- #新蒲崗大廈 1962-66年的建築入則圖便以”Theatre & Block of Flats “ 稱之。#鄭頌周 為工程師背景建築師。戲院部分設計以簡潔的長條形佈局,990座位的大廳低座加上464座位的上層樓座,配以梯級形普通水泥橫梁屋頂建造17米闊的無柱空間,結構實用至上。同層住宅和酒樓可見在聲學上與戲院有雙層分隔牆或以室外空隙隔聲,住宅共有540個單位,長形地盤的單位佈局能一字排開,地盤四面環街,不致於如過千單位的新都城、海山樓等,單位要向內庭「互望」。
承建商老闆並製片人 #盧林 為當時 #英華戲院 的院主。戲院1967年開業時播放「快樂年華」。八九十年代改名為 #麗斯戲院 ,2005年8月8日結業。2008年改則圖可見戲院樓座已拆掉,改為普通平面的樓板,加開窗戶後成為老人院,區内看戲的快樂年華不再。
* 六七左派暴動(香港在文化大革命期間的共產反英政府活動)早期事件的人造花廠工潮於新蒲崗發生
**the building facade doesn’t look straight not due to camera lens distortion but physical bended frontage of the building
old photos & ref from the internet &:
Gwulo: Old Hong Kong
Bosham Youtube Channel
The Industrial History of Hong Kong Group
#RitzTheatre #YingWahTheatre
#SanPoKongMansion #SanPoKong
physical theatre 在 IELTS Thanh Loan Facebook 的精選貼文
Từ vựng và ý tưởng IELTS Speaking theo chủ đề – Cities & The Countryside
👉ĐK học thử MIỄN PHÍ: https://bit.ly/3soHuDX
- the hectic pace of life (noun phrase): nhịp sống hối hả
ENG: a life that is very busy and involves a lot of rushed activity
- monotonous (adj): buồn tẻ
ENG: not changing and therefore boring
- a myriad of something (noun): nhiều cái gì
ENG: a lot of something
- downtown (adj/ adv): thành phố
ENG: in or to the central part of a city
- shopping mall (noun): trung tâm thương mại
ENG: a large building or covered area that has many shops, restaurants, etc. inside it
- go to the movies (verb phrase): đi xem phim ở rạp
ENG: to go to the theatre
- land a fulfilling job (verb phrase): có công việc tốt
ENG: to have a good job
- a nature lover (noun phrase): người yêu thiên nhiên
ENG: a person who loves nature
- lead a healthy life (verb phrase): có lối sống khỏe mạnh
ENG: to live healthily
- pollution-free (adj): không ô nhiễm
ENG: unpolluted
- the cost of living (noun phrase): chi phí sinh hoạt
ENG: the amount of money that a person needs to live
- burn the midnight oil (idiom): học hành/ làm việc đến đêm khuya
ENG: to study or work until late at night
- daily expenses (noun phrase): chi phí hàng ngày
ENG: the money that you spend on daily bills
- get the right work-life balance (verb phrase): rõ ràng
ENG: maintain the equal amount of time you spend doing your job compared with the amount of time you spend with your family and doing things you enjoy
- a strong sense of community (noun phrase): rõ ràng
ENG: very sociable
- give a helping hand (verb phrase): giúp đỡ ai
ENG: to help somebody
- the relaxed pace of life (noun phrase): nhịp sống chậm
ENG: a life that isn’t very busy
- downtown (adj/ adv): thành phố
ENG: in or to the central part of a city
- down in the dumps (idiom): buồn
ENG: sad
- hang around with somebody (phrasal verb) ra ngoài với ai
ENG: to spend time with someone
- sightseeing (uncountable noun): tham quan
ENG: the activity of visiting interesting buildings and places as a tourist
- uplift somebody (verb): khiến tâm trạng ai tốt hơn
ENG: to make somebody feel happier or give somebody more hope
- sip something (verb): nhâm nhi
ENG: to drink something, taking a very small amount each time
- all-time favourite (adj): (cái gì) yêu thích nhất từ trước đến nay
ENG: that is liked the most of any time
- hit the gym (verb phrase): đến phòng tập
ENG: to go to the gym
- a sedentary lifestyle (noun phrase): lối sống ít vận động
ENG: a lifestyle in which you spend a lot of time sitting down
- full-body workout (noun phrase): bài tập toàn thân
ENG: a period of physical exercise that you do to keep fit for your whole body
- die-to-for (adj): tuyệt, được ưa thích
ENG: excellent or to be strongly wished for
- have a big passion for something (verb phrase): có đam mê với cái gì
ENG: am interested in something
- engage in something (phrasal verb): tham gia vào việc gì
ENG: to take part in something
- an early bird (idiom): người thức dậy sớm
ENG: a person who gets up, arrives, etc. very early
- make a bargain (with somebody) (verb phrase) trả giá
ENG: a thing bought for less than the usual price
- a great sense of accomplishment (noun phrase): cảm giác đạt được gì
ENG: an impressive thing that is done or achieved after a lot of work
- take good care of somebody/ something (phrasal verb): chăm sóc ai/ cái gì tốt
ENG: to care for somebody/something very well
- breathtaking (adj): (cảnh) đẹp
ENG: very exciting or impressive (usually in a pleasant way)
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physical theatre 在 Kuma Films Youtube 的最佳解答
We were in London last summer filming for a show on Ovation TV and had the chance to hang out with Barely Methodical for a day. We picked up some clips and thought we'd put them together for you guys // Kuma Shirts→ http://bit.ly/KumaShirt // Subscribe→ http://bit.ly/kumaf1lms // More vids → http://bit.ly/kumavids
Subscribe → http://bit.ly/1tLVDYk
Vlogs/BTS → https://www.youtube.com/kumakumatime
Facebook → https://www.facebook.com/KumaFilms
Instagram → http://instagram.com/KumaFilms @KumaFilms
Twitter → https://twitter.com/kumakumafilms @kumakumafilms
Soundcloud → https://soundcloud.com/kuma-films
Contact us at kumakumafilms@live.com
Location → London
Featuring → Barely Methodical Troupe
Website → http://www.barelymethodicaltroupe.com
Facebook → https://www.facebook.com/barelymethodical/
Email → barelymethodical@hotmail.com
“BMT is an experimental acrobatic circus company, fusing Hand-to-Hand and Cyr Wheel with a through line of creative dynamic movement.”
“Charlie Wheeller, Beren D'Amico, Louis Gift, Nikki Rummer, Jonathan Bendtsen, and Jean-Daniel Broussé are amazing artists who came to circus, each having trained independently in their own respective fields (Bboying, Tricking and Parkour) with a thirst for breaking boundaries. This combination of technical ability with their stylish flow and physical comedy is the defining feature of BMT as they hope to transcend categorisation and inspire interests. Be it theater, circus or dance.”
Music→ LVTHER - Dots ft. Jenny Broke The Window
iTunes Download → https://itunes.apple.com/us/album/dots-feat.-jenny-broke-window/id1053973472
Listen on Spotify → http://open.spotify.com/album/3Lq5Z7rkNqCtEznuqgnDMC
Video Link → https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PYEZfF6ncrY
The Camera Gear We Use!
Canon C100 Mk II
Canon 5D Mk III : http://amzn.to/210DFEx
Sony RX100 mk iv: http://amzn.to/1U9Plzo
Canon 16-35mm f2.8 : http://amzn.to/210DIQE
Canon 24-70mm f2.8 : http://amzn.to/1LuVJdy
Canon 70-200mm f2.8 : http://amzn.to/1RQ8sOq
Canon 50mm f1.4 : http://amzn.to/1LuVNtF
Tokina 11-20mm f2.8 : http://amzn.to/1RQ8Bl9
GoPro Hero 4 : http://amzn.to/1U9P5R0
Glidecam HD2000 : http://amzn.to/1LuVOOc
Edelkrone Slider Plus (large)
Manfrotto 561BHDV-1 Fluid Video Monopod : http://amzn.to/1U9P9jD
Manfrotto 055XPROB tripod: http://amzn.to/210DZ67
B+W Circular Polarizer Filter : http://amzn.to/210E0Hm
Tiffen Variable ND Filter : http://amzn.to/1RQ8Z2M
Shure VP83F video mic : http://amzn.to/1LuVXRZ
physical theatre 在 Paochang Tsai Youtube 的最佳貼文
***** British Theatre Guide ***** A Younger Theatre
**** Scotsman **** The Skinny **** ThreeWeeks
"Tsai's portrayal of the grieving process is frequently touching." _ The Times
"this is a well-crafted, well-produced story, with an interesting complexity that only becomes entirely evident in its final moments."_TV Bomb
"There is an ocean of emotion and alien-ness and a degree of physical phenomena underlying this piece." The Edinburgh Reporter
8th-11th September Ars Electronica Festival, Linz, Austria
physical theatre 在 夾腳拖劇團 Youtube 的精選貼文
Mettez les voiles! Set the sail!
- Juggling & Object
By Flip Flops Theatre 2013
A performance about an adventure story, combines juggling,objects, yoyo, physical theatre, image projection,mapping, puppets, devices, and black light. The show is poetic and interesting, does not rely on verbal languages and words, suitable for family program as well.