EducationUSA 留美線上行前說明來囉!
時間:6月16 日(週三)7pm - 8:30 pm
#留學美國 #留學美國在台灣 #在家學習美國教育 #留學美國在家上網 #AIT留學美國服務 #到美國旅行 #免費諮詢 #遠距諮詢 #郵件諮詢 #電話諮詢 #教育很重要 #教育有助就業 #教育改變世界 #赴美行前說明 #秋季班赴美就學 #留學美國五步驟 #我們遠距連結吧
EducationUSA Pre-departure Seminar
Time: June 16, Wednesday, 7-8:30 pm.
Link to the seminar:
EducationUSA Taiwan will hold a pre-departure information session for all students departing for fall semester 2021. Two EducationUSA advisers will explain the visa application process, travel arrangements, necessary materials and documents for arrival, as well as how to report to your school, health insurance, food and culture, transportation options, housing, and more.
AIT works with Fulbright Scholarly Foundation (FSE) for EducationUSA services.
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phoneadvising 在 2022taiwan visa-汽車保養配件資訊,精選在PTT/MOBILE01 ... 的必吃
... #emailadvising #phoneadvising #pre-departuresession #FiveStepstoUSStudy #AITEducaitonUSA #FreeAdvising #LetsConnectwithDistance. ... <看更多>