第一 Part #1
我們從正確的呼吸方式和“ 喉式呼吸方法”的說明開始。
We start the session with proper breathing and an explanation of the "Ujjayi Breathing method."
The next is the "Open Leg Stretch" combined with proper breathing technique to promote healthy circulation and muscular flexibility.
呼叫功夫媽媽們跟著我們的教學影片進行產前瑜伽練習!認證的實踐Ashtanga瑜伽老師(RYT200) #劉軒蓁 為懷孕的媽媽們提供了一些相對較容易的瑜伽姿勢,以減輕妊娠晚期的韌帶疼痛和骨盆所承受的壓力。當然,這些也可以在懷孕前及生完小孩後進行練習!
Calling all kungfu mommas out there to follow these videos for a prenatal yoga session! Registered Ashtanga Yoga Teacher (RYT200) #Rayrayliu came up with some relatively easy asanas for pregnant women to practice in order to ease the round ligament pain and pelvic floor pressure in the third trimester. Of course these can also be practiced before and after pregnancy as well!
非常感謝 Mollifix 瑪莉菲絲 提供超舒適,高質量的運動服。您可以在這邊找到影片裡我們穿的衣服!
Thanks so much to Mollifix 瑪莉菲
for the ultra comfortable, high-quality sportswear. You can check out what I'm wearing here!
短褲連結(藍+灰): https://lihi1.cc/E4w53
短版上衣(黑): https://lihi1.cc/KTCvy
Bra (藍): https://lihi1.cc/egyGZ
Shorts (Blue and Gray):https://lihi1.cc/E4w53
Short Top (Black):https://lihi1.cc/KTCvy
Bra (Blue):https://lihi1.cc/egyGZ
With any exercise, make sure that know your limits and you only do what you feel comfortable with and always consult your doctor.