#英國當代藝術 #英國泰納獎 #完整文章版本 #建築 #設計 #Assemble
這幾天剛好在研究「The Future of Curating/Art/Design/Architecture」,所以又拿出Assemble的例子來看,再加上幾個例子,包括從事On-Site Participatory project的藝術家Marjetica Potrč、從建築觀點切入的Self-Build概念-建築師Walter Segal與建築團體RUSS。這些案例其實都點出一個有趣的問題:面對未來,我們都在思考How to make it valuable? How to make it sustainable? How to make a change/difference to the world?
這樣想的話,Assemble是不是藝術家真的那麼重要嗎?他們在英國利物浦的計畫讓我們看到的是一個跨領域團體,如何向世界展示他們對社區運作的不同方式。這個街區計畫的主要價值其實不在建築本身,而是人們被在這個空間中會發生什麼事、會對社會產生什麼樣的效益。這樣的建築不再是所謂的building或是architecture,而是以「人」為主的「social architecture」。
寫作那段期間,我跟一位工業設計師朋友聊泰納獎,他問我對此次獲獎結果的想法。我說:「Their project must be seem not as a work,but as a model of work that takes place elsewhere; not in the art world, but the world itself. In this sense, is it art or non-art seems not that important.」
「This is something we deal with at work a lot. From a design perspective, we call it "proof of concept". Sometimes just a gesture or a point of view. For the Assemble's project, I think it's the same. It was an example / a pure vision. Even if most artist only do 5%, the effect could be very large. Perhaps, what design and art are now facing this question: "how to make work valuable?" - to the world or to the future.」他說。
最近也跟建築師朋友聊到這個話題,他說:「我們當然不會自稱自己是藝術家,就像Assemble也沒有那樣標籤他們。關於身分的問題都只是學術上的討論,但我會說在某種程度上,藝術家、策展人、建築師、設計師......我們想做的事情都是一樣的。你懂我的意思嗎?Make something different。」
「就像我們系上教授常說『What curators do? Well, we do stuff.』」
Yeah, What and how we work is who we are.
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