【香港電訊電動方程式狂熱嘉年華,您的Physical Pokéstop】
相信呢幾日大家話題離不開 Pokémon go went gone! 不過一班 friend 捉精靈同時順便有得飲飲食食幾爽呢!
今個星期五、六 (29/7 及 30/7) 去中環海濱摩天輪舉行嘅香港電訊電動方程式狂熱嘉年華有得食有得玩,喺全港最高速既地點捉精靈都應該捉得快 d!
今日先同大家介紹8個餐飲代表,包括德國代表 Berliner German Bar & Restaurant、法國代表 Cafe de Paris - Soho、日本隊代表 Bilibala Yakitori Bar 、印度代表 Bombay Dreams、英國代表 Brick Lane、中國代表 DIM SUM ICON、美國代表 Boomshack、同點少得香港代表 &
NICE POPS,佢地特意為是次活動創作主題美食,舖頭未必有得食㗎!
#電動方程式狂熱嘉年華 #多國美食一個地方食勻哂 #電動方程式遊戲 #pokemongo #順手玩下食下捉下精靈 #識玩識食嘅一定要去 #TheClubHKT
Did you manage well as a Pokémon trainer? We have a good spot for you this weekend.
Come over to the HKT ePrix Fever Carnvial at Hong Kong Observation Wheel this Friday and Saturday. You can charge up yourself with international cuisine before head to the Pokémon Gym.
With German representative from Beerliner, Café De Paris from France, Japanese specialist from Bilibala, Indian player from Bombay Dreams, savory British dishes from Brick lane, USA dishes from Boomshack, Chinese representative from Dim Sum Icon and of course Hong Kong representative Nice Pops. This is a place that you shouldn't miss this weekend?
Stay tuned and discover more excitements of HKT ePrix Fever Carnvial!
*圖片只供參考 Photos are for reference only