What is OUT-OF-POCKET EXPENSE ? What does OUT-OF-POCKET EXPENSE mean? OUT-OF-POCKET EXPENSE meaning ... ... <看更多>
Search What is OUT-OF-POCKET EXPENSE ? What does OUT-OF-POCKET EXPENSE mean? OUT-OF-POCKET EXPENSE meaning ... ... <看更多>
自付費用(英語:out-of-pocket expense,或是out-of-pocket cost,OOP)是由醫療保險的被保險人直接支付的費用,這種支付以後或者可以,或者不可以從第三方取得補償。
#2. out-of-pocket中文(繁體)翻譯:劍橋詞典
Patient costs, which include time off work, out-of-pocket expenses, and travel are often difficult to measure. 來自Cambridge English Corpus. The price of the ...
#3. out of pocket expenses - 英中– Linguee词典
大量翻译例句关于"out of pocket expenses" – 英中词典以及8百万条中文译文例句搜索。
#4. 自付費用,out-of-pocket expense,元照英美法詞典- 免費線上查詢!
詞條. out-of-pocket expense. 中文. 自付費用. 解釋. 以自己的資金或現款支付的費用。 ( 撰). ☆ 近期熱門優惠☆ 。 高點司律面授全新2.0版,可選搭VOD或線上課程,在 ...
#5. Out-of-Pocket Expenses 實報實銷的開支@ 流浪小白雲 - 隨意窩
pocket指「口袋」,expenses指「可報公帳的費用」,恆用複數。例:Sorry. This is not acceptable as out-of-pocket expenses.(抱歉。這筆錢不能用公款報銷。) burn ...
out of pocket ,一看這個說法,人們很容易想到,這是掏腰包的意思。對,這是表面意思,比如說,「The out-of-pocketexpense for this tripis$500,and the ...
本條所稱救助費用,是指救助方在救助作業中直接支付的合理費用和實際使用的救助設備、投入救助人員的合理費用。 The medical treatment cost that place of worker family ...
#8. Direct (out-of-pocket) expenses - 直接費用 - 國家教育研究院 ...
出處/學術領域, 中文詞彙, 英文詞彙. 學術名詞 食品科技, 直接費用, direct expense. 學術名詞 經濟學, 直接費用, Direct (out-of-pocket) expenses. 學術名詞
#9. out-of-pocket expenses-翻译为中文-例句英语
使用Reverso Context: A limit on out-of-pocket expenses for dental care for elderly people was implemented in 2002.,在英语-中文情境中翻译"out-of-pocket ...
#10. out of pocket expense - 英語_讀音_用法_例句 - 海词词典
海詞詞典,最權威的學習詞典,為您提供out of pocket expense的在線翻譯,out of pocket expense是什麼意思,out of pocket expense的真人發音,權威用法和精選例句等。
#11. Out of pocket - China Daily
如果用连字符将out of pocket这三个单词连起来,它就变成了一个形容词out-of-pocket,这个单词最基本的意思就是"没钱了"(having no money)。Out-of-pocket expenses 则 ...
#12. OUT-OF-POCKET EXPENSES 中文是什么意思- 中文翻译
insurance premiums out-of-pocket expenses and health-care costs overall. 这些不可持续的增长正在推高住院费用,保险费,自付费用和整体医疗保健费用。 ... 三种语言并存 ...
#13. 現金支出成本 - MBA智库百科
現金支出成本(Out-of-Pocket Cost)現金支出成本也稱付現成本,是指未來需以現金支付的成本。是指某項決策方案如果實施,必須立即動用本期現金、有價 ...
#14. 協議中的out of pocket是什麼意思? - 愛講古
談到out of pocket,大家可能都知道它有“賠錢、白白損失”(having ... Out-of-pocket expenses 則是指一些需要事先用現金支付的,事後可能可以報銷的 ...
#15. 在"英语"词典里out-of-pocket expenses}的意思 - Educalingo
在英语词典里带使用范例的out-of-pocket expenses含义out-of-pocket expenses的近义词以及out-of-pocket expenses的25种语言翻译。
#16. 自付费用,out-of-pocket expense,元照英美法詞典,来胜法考
词条. out-of-pocket expense. 中文. 自付费用. 解释. 以自己的资金或现款支付的费用。 ( 撰). 最新资讯. 来胜法考课 · 来胜考研课 · 来胜音频课 · 来胜直播课. 咨询 ...
#17. Out of Pocket Expenses是什麼意思啊 - 好問答網
1. i charge twenty dollars an hour plus out-of-pocket expenses. 我每小時收取20美元,另加墊付的現金開支。 來自柯林斯例句.
#18. 十分鐘看懂美國醫療保險常用名詞 - 換日線
這個東西的意思是說,假設保險公司跟你簽的保單deductible 是500 元,意思是說在你每次去看醫生,該次看診 ... Out of pocket maximum:最大自付額.
#19. out of pocket中文- 英漢詞典 - 漢語網
out-of-pocket expenses. 5. paid for with your own money rather than with money from another source (such as the company you work for or an insurance company) ...
#20. out-of-pocket cost 中文意思是什麼 - 線上英文字典
out-of-pocket cost 中文意思是什麼. out-of-pocket cost 解釋. 付現成本, 實際開支成本. out : adv 1 〈位置及運動的方向〉向外,向外部;在外,在外部;出去,出外, ...
#21. Out of Pocket Expenses 是什么意思啊啊? - 百度知道
2015年8月16日 — Out of Pocket Expenses的翻译是实付开支,您所说的这个词语,是属于CMA核心词汇的一个,掌握好CMA词汇可以让您在CMA的学习中如鱼得水,这个词的意义 ...
#22. out of pocket 中文 - 578sy
Out-of-pocket expenses 則是指一些需要事先用現金支付的,事后可能可以報銷的開銷,比如出差時的飯錢、交通費等等。 1、The members ...
#23. out of pocket expenses的中文翻译及用法 - 沪江网校
沪江词库精选out of pocket expenses是什么意思、英语单词推荐、out of pocket expenses的用法、out of pocket expenses的中文翻译及用法、翻译out of pocket expenses ...
#24. 常春藤英語- Hello, 各位親愛的朋友大家晚安 - Facebook
out-of-pocket expenses 字面上的意思是『從口袋掏出來的費用』,引申為因公務需要,自己先支付,再事後核銷的費用,也就是『實報實銷的開支』。 阿強是個業務員,每個月都 ...
#25. 英文合同中out of pocket如何翻譯 - 趣關注
Out-of-pocket expenses 則是指一些需要事先用現金支付的, ... 大家可能都知道它有“賠錢、白白損失”(having suffered a financial loss)的意思。
#26. 單字out-of-pocket的中文意思與發音 - Websaru線上字典
單字out-of-pocket的中英文例句與用法. 他必須到加利福尼亞去,旅差費達四百多美元。 He had to travel to California, and the out-of-pocket expenses came to ...
#27. 法务英语|"out-of-pocket expenses"辨析 - 简书
这些费用由受托人或员工事先垫付,后续再向委托人或雇主报销,称之为"垫付费用"。 英文对应表述也是"out-of-pocket expenses"。 Non executive members...
#28. out of pocket中文翻譯 - Jex
out of pocket adj adjective: Describes a noun or pronoun–for example,該頁為英語學習者提供:out-of-pocket expense的中文翻譯,例句等。
#29. Reimbursable expenses 中文 - Angeloemiliovilla
"reimbursable expenditure"中文翻译可收回支出, 可报销的开支; ... is compensation paid by an organization for out-of-pocket expenses incurred ...
#30. 醫療保險基本知識
這些自付扣除金以及定額手續費,以及您的其他花費,合稱為自行負擔的費用(out-of-pocket expenses)。 有些計劃可能有共同保險(co-insurance)您負擔承保健康醫療服務的 ...
#31. out of pocket是什么意思、翻译 - 红联Linux门户
Even with my insurance, it still took me years to pay off the thousands of dollars of out-of-pocket costs. 虽然我有保险,但还是花了几年才还清了数千美元的自 ...
#32. Out of Pocket Expenses是什么意思- 鹏程金融
英文名称:Out of Pocket Expenses 中文名称:实付开支直接用现金支付的开支,一般指个人消费。
#33. out-of-pocket expenses — 中文翻译- TechDico辞書
包含许多翻译示例按活动分类“out-of-pocket expenses” – 英语-中文字典和智能翻译助手。
#34. out of pocket 中文– out of pocket expense - Georg23
out of pocket 中文– out of pocket expense. Started. 這群人TGOP │熱戀期與平淡期的差別How We Fall Out Of Romantic Love. Seroma, A seroma is a pocket of clear ...
#35. Out of Pocket Expenses 是什么意思啊啊 - 五星书库
Out of Pocket Expenses 是啥意思嘛? 同学你好,很高兴为您解答!Out of Pocket Expenses的翻译是实付开支,您所说的这个词语,是属于CMA核心词汇的一个,这个词的意义 ...
#36. out-of-pocket是什么意思 - 木瓜小说网
同学你好,很高兴为您解答!Out of Pocket Expenses的翻译是实付开支,您所说的这个词语,是属于CMA核心词汇的一个,掌握好CMA词汇可以让您在CMA的学习中如鱼得水,这个词 ...
#37. Out of pocket expenses: 中文翻译, 含义、同义词、反义词、发音
Out of pocket expenses : 中文翻译, 含义、同义词、反义词、发音、例句、转录、定义、短语.
#38. It was out of my pocket.不是說出自我的腰包,而是指公款開支
Out-of-pocket expenses 則是指一些需要事先用現金支付的,事後可能可以報銷 ... stick one's neck out的中文意思是冒險一搏,比如:The boss said he ...
#39. Out-of-pocket maximum/limit - Glossary
After you spend this amount on deductibles, copayments, and coinsurance for in-network care and services, your health plan pays 100% of the costs of covered ...
#40. out-of-pocket expenses - 将英语译为西班牙语
使用全世界最精确的翻译器将out-of-pocket expenses从英语即时翻译到西班牙语。每天都有数百万人使用DeepL进行翻译。
#41. 雜費英文
額外費用) sundry fees; extras; miscellaneous fee [expenses]; out of pocket expenses; sundry charges; expenditure雜費帳目charge account.
#42. 英文合同中out of pocket如何翻译 - 知乎专栏
out of pocket ,大家可能都知道它有"赔钱、白白损失"(having suffered a financial loss)的意思。如果用连字符将out of pocket这三个单词连起来, ...
#43. 英文合同中out of pocket如何翻译_The
“out of pocket,大家可能都知道它有"赔钱、白白损失"(having suffered a financial loss)的意思。如果用连字符将out of pocket这三个单词连起来,它 ...
#44. out-of-pocket cost or expenses – 中文翻译– Multitran 词典
The Multitran dictionary contains translations of words and phrases in dozens of languages and in over 1000 subject areas.
#45. out-of-pocket expenses - Chinese Translation - 吕氏英汉字典
out-of-pocket expenses, Chinese Translation of out-of-pocket expenses, Chinese Definition ... out-of-pocket expenses in Chinese, out-of-pocket expenses中文翻译.
#46. About: Out-of-pocket expense - DBpedia
For example, when operating a vehicle, gasoline, parking fees and tolls are considered out-of-pocket expenses for a trip. Car insurance, oil changes, and ...
#47. pocket money 中文 - Exuwu
out of pocket money的中文翻譯,out of pocket money是什麼意思,怎麽用漢語翻譯out ... and the out – of – pocket expenses came to over $ 400 他必须到加利福尼亚 ...
#48. spiraling expenses - 读音、用法和例句_英語字典 - 极简词典
spiraling expenses的中文意思,spiraling expenses汉语解释| 返回spiraling ... about the families I've met whose spiraling premiums and out-of-pocket expenses ...
#49. Pocket money 释义| 柯林斯英语词典
Volunteers receive £21 pocket money each week, accommodation and expenses. ... The trick was to lash out and spend a few weeks' pocket money on a complete ...
#50. 木钱了…… - 法律翻译的博客
Out-of-pocket expenses 则是指一些需要事先用现金支付的,事后可能可以报销的开销,比如出差 ... 不在办公室"也就渐渐引申为"某人不在这儿"的意思。
#51. What is an Out-of-Pocket Maximum? | Cigna
If you meet that limit, your health plan will pay 100% of all covered health care costs for the rest of the plan year. Some health insurance plans call this an ...
#52. 第貳章聯合貸款市場的發展背景、理論與實務
(Reasonable Out-of-Pocket Expenses),諸如律師. 費、郵電費、旅費、印刷費及強制執行費用等悉由借款. 人負擔。至於先付前置作業費(Front-End Fees)與管.
#53. 現代英語評註-10
值得一提的是,spin-meister 與美國當紅的流行用語spin doctor 意思相同。 ... And when that happens, you're not just in for out-of-pocket expenses for repair.
#55. 承保對象:個人/家庭| 計劃類型:首選醫療服務提供者組織(PPO)
no cost aids and services to people with disabilities to ... The out-of-pocket limit is the most you could pay in a year for covered ...
#56. 参考Ⅱ KPMGが使用する契約書のフォーム - 米国における ...
なお、私共は見積もり報酬の20%を超えない現金支払いの費用(out of pocket expenses)を請求します。 それらの費用には旅費、宿泊、食事代、電話代、ビデオ会議 ...
#57. 客戶往來總約定書Master Relationship Agreement
understands the risks set out in Appendix II (Risk Disclosure Statement) and ... indemnify the Bank for and against all reasonable out-of-pocket expenses, ...
#58. 富蘭克林高成長基金半年度財務報告中文簡譯本
It does not reflect any fees, expenses or sales charges. ... class reimburses Investor Services for out of pocket expenses incurred and, ...
#59. Bupa HealthPlus Health Insurance Scheme 保柏悅康健醫療 ...
Minimise your out- of-pocket medical expenses incurred from follow-up treatments after hospitalisation. 賠償出院後的跟進治療費用,. 盡量免除您的自付費用。 保障 ...
#60. 如何看懂你的医疗保险?-医疗保险基本术语介
比如说你的保险计划是deductible为1,000元,其意思就是在你参保的期限内(通常为一年),你 ... Maximum out-of-pocket expense – 年度最高支付额。
#61. How Deductibles, Coinsurance, Copays & Premiums Work
For details on your plan's out-of-pocket costs and the services covered, check the Summary of Benefits and Coverage, which is included in your enrollment ...
#62. cost sharing -
But under private health insurance or Medicaid, “out-of-pocket costs” generally only refer to cost-sharing incurred when a person has medical claims (even ...
#63. 職業道德規範公報第一號中華民國會計師職業道德規範
可直接歸屬委辦事項之墊付費用,諸如規費、差旅費、郵電費、印刷費等,得於約定酬金外另行收取。 Article 9. Out- of pocket expenses of the engagement is not the fees.
#64. O - 鉅亨網金融中心
off -board market, 場外交易市場. offer, 報價;要約 ... off-shore financial center, 境外金融中心 ... our-of-pocket expenses, 墊付費用. out of stock rate ...
#65. insurance deductible中文自負額 - Prdceg
deductible中文_deductible是什么意思. deductible的中文意思:絕對免賠費率可扣除In an insurance policy,11/20/2014 ... Out Of Pocket Costs Wellmark
#66. Lecture 13: Health Care and Long Term Care - CUHK-SWK
... with 52% paid by employers,. 48% paid by employees; $842 by consumer out-of- pocket* ... from the full cost of health care through insurance will.
#67. Out-of-Pocket Expenses Definition - Investopedia
Out-of-pocket expenses are costs you pay from your own cash reserves—such as medical care and business trips—which may be reimbursable.
#68. sundry expenses是什么意思-学帮网
... expenses是什么意思 out-of-pocket expenses是什么意思 会计中的prepaid expenses是什么意思? ... 在会计学中,为什么prepaid expenses是包含在assets中?
#69. 適用於投資帳戶的一般條款及細則 - 玉山銀行
「本協議」 指如本條款及細則第四部分第2(d)條所述的意思。 ... Loss does not include a party's legal fees and out-of-pocket expenses referred to under Clause ...
#70. Expenses and Claims - Overview - SAP Help Portal
Add the associated out-of-pocket expenses, attach the imported credit card transactions to the expense claim, provide expense detail (such as attendees and ...
#71. 保險業常用名詞 - Oxford Health Plans
Out-of-Pocket Maximum (自付最高金額): 指一個醫療福利計劃內會員需支付費用的上限。該最高金額為所有自付扣除金、定額手續費及共同保險金的總和,並不包括會員應繳 ...
#72. 3'of pocket'的意义 - vwin真人av娱乐场
几十年来,人们一直在询问“禁止口袋”的“不可用”的意思,但也有一个正在传播的“不恰当” ... to most of you: “out of pocket” refers to expenses you cover yourself, ...
#73. Current health expenditure (% of GDP) | Data - 世界银行公开 ...
Current health expenditure (% of GDP) from The World Bank: Data. ... Out-of-pocket expenditure (% of current health expenditure).
#74. General Banking Services Charges - Bank of China
Securities deposit/withdraw Except our Bank charges, plus out-of-pocket expenses. Please contact our Bank for details. Singapore Securities - Jardine Group ...
#75. 參加亞洲稅務行政及研究組織第10 屆工作階層會議報告
文的意思是貓,因此古晉在馬來文中稱為貓城。1994 年古晉接受世界衛生組織(WHO) ... there is no out of pocket expenses incurred in the process of.
#76. Out-of-pocket - Idioms by The Free Dictionary
COMMON Out-of-pocket expenses are costs connected with work that people pay themselves at first but are usually paid back to them later. I charge twenty dollars ...
#77. 1 V2020.05 - 台新銀行
“Close-Out Event” has the meaning ascribed to it in the General ... out-of-pocket expenses as imposed by the custodian or agent in relation to the operation ...
#78. Health Insurance Terms Glossary - Ambetter
Cost Sharing: The sharing of costs under your insurance plan that you pay out of your pocket. This includes items such as copays, deductibles and coinsurance.
#79. 渣打银行(中国)有限公司非标准化服务收费表(公司银行业务)
The cost to the bank as a result of early prepayment of the loan by the client. ... exclusive of any out of pocket expenses and costs incurred in connection ...
#80. reimbursed 中文 - Ibizfree
Any costs that you incur will be reimbursed in full. 你的所有花費都將全額付還。. 4. Any out-of-pocket expenses incurred on the firm's business will be ...
#81. 2021 Instructions for Schedule A (2021) - Internal Revenue ...
If you itemize, you can deduct a part of your medical and dental expenses, ... Contributions can be in cash, property, or out-of-pocket expenses you paid to ...
#82. In-Network vs. Out-of-Network Insurance Providers - CareFirst
With a PPO plan, you may have coverage for out-of-network care whenever you choose, but your out-of-pocket cost for out-of-network health care may be higher ...
#83. Glossary of English-Chinese Financial Terms - files ...
Out-of-network. 網路外. Out-of-pocket expenses. 自付費用. Outreach. 宣傳. Outreach event. 宣傳活動. Outstanding principal balance. 未付本金餘額. Overdraft.
#84. 香港證券市場收費表Fees and Charges for Hong Kong ...
由本公司、監管及税務部門收取的費用將會不時更改,本公司將不會另行通知。 Note: All out-of-pocket expenses including correspondent bank charges will be charged ...
#85. Summary of Benefits and Coverage: What this Plan Covers ...
Even though you pay these expenses, they don't count toward the out–of–pocket limit. Will you pay less if you use a network provider? Yes. See www.EmblemHealth.
#86. Glossary of billing and insurance terms - Mayo Clinic
Copayment is the portion of a claim or medical expense that you must pay out of pocket. Copayment usually is a fixed amount. Cost share: The share of costs by ...
#87. out-of-pocket expenses 中文意思是什麼 - TerryL
out-of-pocket expenses 例句. If an ongoing project is stopped or delayed due to any reason attributable to the developer, the developer shall take the ...
#88. 医疗费用查找工具
可在预约专科医生之前,通过电话询问有关费用的问题,并在看诊过程中获得更多细节。 这可帮助您对可能需要支付的费用做好规划。 医疗费用查找工具. (Medical Costs Finder ...
#89. allowance 會計
又和allowance 或pocket money 不同囉. petty cash 是公家的”預備零用金”. allowance ... should not be too generous” a sum granted as reimbursement for expenses.
#90. Out of pocket costs -
Explains what a 'gap' or out of pocket cost is for both hospital and medical treatment and what you can do.
#91. What Are Out-of-Pocket Costs? Meaning, Maximums, and ...
A Guide to Out-of-Pocket Costs · The basics · A health insurance premium · A deductible · Coinsurance · Copayment · Prescription medication · Services ...
#92. Xe: Currency Exchange Rates - International Money Transfer
Check free live currency rates, send fast money transfers to 130+ countries, and view currency data and analysis using the most accurate, up-to-the-minute ...
#93. 法律英語:語句翻譯點睛 - 第 200 頁 - Google 圖書結果
... prime rate o o >連詞 but 表示意思轉折,對上面提到的支付報酬的安排加以限定。 ... person except repayment of out - of - pocket expenses and interest at the ...
#94. 英语词源浅析: - 第 166 頁 - Google 圖書結果
Health care costs politicians claimed to be out - of - control were actually ... The only health care costs that went up were out - of - pocket expenses for ...
#95. Senate Ethics Manual - 第 339 頁 - Google 圖書結果
... the Senator would reimburse the individual for any out - of - pocket expenses ... 長意思 While several of these rulings turned on the question of the ...
#96. What is OUT-OF-POCKET EXPENSE? What does ... - YouTube What is OUT-OF-POCKET EXPENSE ? What does OUT-OF-POCKET EXPENSE mean? OUT-OF-POCKET EXPENSE meaning ...
#97. swift code pockit. As the name suggests, online banks exist ...
This functionality activates only AWS Billing and Cost Management console ... A swift ball on target is the goal, allowing the pitcher to strike out the ...
out of pocket expenses意思 在 常春藤英語- Hello, 各位親愛的朋友大家晚安 - Facebook 的必吃
out-of-pocket expenses 字面上的意思是『從口袋掏出來的費用』,引申為因公務需要,自己先支付,再事後核銷的費用,也就是『實報實銷的開支』。 阿強是個業務員,每個月都 ... ... <看更多>