📜 [專欄新文章] Scaling Ethereum 參賽心得
✍️ Johnson
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Scaling Ethereum 是一場由 ETHGlobal 所舉辦的線上黑客松,也是我第一次參加與以太坊有關的黑客松活動,這篇文章就來分享一人參賽的過程與心得。
一開始是在 telegram 群組中得知這場比賽的消息,因緣際會之下剛好有人想組隊參賽,於是就在報名截止的前一天一起跟著報名了。
報名的方式除了填一些基本資料外,最特別的是還要 stack 以太幣,也就是要傳送 0.01 顆以太幣給主辦方,規則是必須在比賽的最後,有提交作品的人才能贖回 0.01 顆以太幣,之後看到 meme 頻道有人留言:
When your project is incomplete but you submit to get back stake.
比賽方式是由 25 個左右的贊助者(sponsor)分別提供獎金,每個 sponsor 都有錄製一段影片,說明怎麼獲得他們的獎金,大部分會要你使用他們開發的工具,或者必須跟 sponsor 在做的研究有關,去實作出創新的作品。可參考:Prizes — Scaling Ethereum
你的專案可以選擇要投入哪個 sponsor 的獎金,一個專案可以投入多個 sponsor 底下,這樣獲獎機會也會比較高。
我選擇的 sponsor 是 zkSync,他們的說明如下:
zkSync is a user-centric zkRollup developed by Matter Labs. It uses zero-knowledge proofs to keep data availability on mainnet to achieve exponentially lower transaction costs. You may have seen us powering projects such as payments and Gitcoin Grants. We are currently rapidly developing zkSync 2.0, which will feature EVM-compatibility in testnet May 2021, soon followed by zkPorter, our new exponential scalability solution.
PrizeszkSync will be awarding their Prizes as follows:
- 1 winner — 4,000 USDC
- 2 winners — 2,000 USDC
- 4 winners — 500 USDC
We encourage builders to utilize zkSync SDK’s, implemented in JavaScript/Typescript and Rust. Prizes will be awarded to projects that make it simpler and easier for non-technical users to use zkSync, other ideas include integrations of current tools such as in Gitcoin Grants and tools for easy mass payments and multi-sigs.
這個 hackathon 很棒的地方是他把使用者體驗做的很好。每個人都會有自己的 dashboard 顯示目前專案的進度和一些訊息。
Check-In #1 和 Check-In #2 的階段會要你提供專案的構想,你隨時都可以修改。主辦方會看你提交的資訊,幫助你找到適合的 sponsor,或是給你一些建議,就算是一人參賽也能感受到回饋。
整個賽程期間,社群都是使用 discord 在互動,discord 裡頭有很多頻道,像是基本的大會報告的頻道,或是一些不重要的迷因、閒聊頻道都有。
每個 sponsor 也都有自己的頻道,我就會在 sponsor-zksync 的頻道詢問技術的問題,例如我想問問 zkSync 一些關於專案構想的意見:
Hi there, I want to build a gas fee relayer which make my ERC-20 token transfer without transaction fee, to be more precise, delegating gas payment by another party. I think this is done by GSN https://opengsn.org/ , but maybe it could built on L2 with zkSync? I’m not sure, could somebody give me some advice about this topic?
zkSync 團隊的人回應我:
This is an amazing idea! This can totally be built, as we support batching transactions which can be used for all kinds of creative things such as paying for transaction fees in an erc-20 token. Your idea seems like a combination of that and the gitcoin grants integration. To get started, I suggest you watch the short 10 minute presentation I made on using the SDK and batching. Looking forward to your project!!
在 Check-In #2 的時候,我提交新版的專案構想,有一個欄位是問:「目前專案遇到什麼阻礙?」我的問題應該是被主辦方貼給 zkSync 的團隊,於是 zkSync 的團隊成員就用 discord 私訊我,貼了一些程式碼教我怎麼使用他們的 Javascript SDK,這突如其來的救援也幫了大忙。
除此之外,主辦方每個禮拜都會寄 email 通知一些重要的活動,賽程期間舉辦了四個 Summits 研討會,邀請世界各地有名的以太坊開發者分享議題,主辦方還有一個自己的 TV 網頁,直播所有的線上活動。這些活動都有錄影,可以在 youtube 看到過去所有的演講內容:https://www.youtube.com/c/ETHGlobal/videos
因為我的作品是使用 zkSync 的 Javascript SDK 製作的,好像也只能投稿 zkSync 作為獎金的 sponsor,不過主辦方在最後一個禮拜,也寄 email 告訴我說可以多投稿不同的 sponsors 看看,他依據我的專案構想給我一些適合的 sponsors 作為參考。
不過最後我還是只投稿了 zkSync,有點懶著再看其他 sponsors 的文件,也覺得其他 sponsors 的題目需要花比較大的功夫才能完成,一個人能力有限,就做點簡單的東西就好。
關於我的專案 — Gas Relay Service
在以太坊的世界,每一筆交易都需要額外付一筆交易費,也就是以太坊的 gas fee。
在黑客松之前,我就想研究「第三方支付手續費」的議題,因此我大部分時間其實都在研究一般的 meta-transactions 是怎麼實作的,有興趣的人可以看看 simple meta-transactions 的原始碼:https://github.com/chnejohnson/simple-meta-transaction
之後我才開始玩 zkSync 的 SDK,並研究怎麼在 Layer 2 實現第三方支付手續費的問題,以下就附上作品連結以及簡單的專案介紹給有興趣的人參考:https://showcase.ethglobal.co/scaling/gas-relay-service-on-zksync
The target is that token sender can choose to find another account to pay for fee. The another account can be (1) the token receiver’s account, (2) sender’s another account, (3) third party’s account.
In this project, I finished the demo, which is the (1) above, that receiver pay gas fee for the sender.
有趣的是,我在研究 meta-transactions 時學到很多智能合約的寫法,結果在最後專案上都沒用到(沒寫到合約的程式),zkSync Javascript SDK 其實很簡單,他們的文件寫得很清楚。最後 Demo 還是用 zkSync 團隊的成品修改來的…XD。
所幸在沒有懂太多技術的前提下完成了這場黑客松的專案,成功贖回了 0.01 顆以太幣。
整個賽程來到最後一個禮拜,主辦方安排兩天的時間進行 Judges,使用 zoom 進行線上研討會,一個人基本上是 7 分鐘,前 4 分鐘播放 Demo 簡報,後三分鐘會有評審問問題。
第一個問題是說:「Demo 中你是使用 zkSync 的錢包網頁去操作,那實際上你做得部分是什麼?」
我就回答我在他們的網頁上加了一顆按鈕,使用他們的 SDK 做出 gas relay 的功能,還有一個後端的 server 去作 relay。
第二個問題大概是問:「什麼樣的情境下會需要由 receiver 幫 sender 支付 gas fee?」
最後一場直播就是 Finale 決選,主辦方選出十二個隊伍,公開再 Demo 一次,以及提供線上觀眾詢問問題,至此整個賽程就差不多進入尾聲。
決選後的不久,主辦方就公布了這次有獲得獎金的隊伍,幸運拿到了 zkSync 頒發的小獎~
zkSync — Matter Labs
- Zeneth — 2000 USDC
- ZeroSwap — 1500 USDC
- Kangaroo — 500 USDC
- Gas Relay Service — 500 USDC
這次的參賽隊伍中,Zeneth 跟我的主題非常相似:
Zeneth — Use Flashbots to enable arbitrary meta-transactions so EOAs can enter L2s without ETH
另一個我覺得有趣的專案是 Alexandria:
Alexandria — A dApp using STARKs to verify aspects of your identity without revealing more than you should
沒想到主辦方 ETHGlobal 下個月又要再舉辦一場黑客松,有興趣的人可以看看:https://defi.ethglobal.co/ ,這次的主題是 De-Fi。
最後,只要有到 ETHGlobal 的 TV 網頁參加 Summit 研討會的直播,就能夠獲得 POAP 勳章,它就是一個酷東西~😋
POAP: Proof of Attendance Protocol
Scaling Ethereum 參賽心得 was originally published in Taipei Ethereum Meetup on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.
👏 歡迎轉載分享鼓掌
同時也有2部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過13萬的網紅暗網仔出街,也在其Youtube影片中提到,Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/dw_kid12/ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/deepwebkid/?modal=admin_todo_tour 訂閱: https://www.youtube.com/chan...
「other another題目」的推薦目錄:
- 關於other another題目 在 Taipei Ethereum Meetup Facebook 的精選貼文
- 關於other another題目 在 Yilianboy Facebook 的最讚貼文
- 關於other another題目 在 旅行熱炒店Podcast Facebook 的最讚貼文
- 關於other another題目 在 暗網仔出街 Youtube 的最佳解答
- 關於other another題目 在 Live an insight Youtube 的最佳解答
- 關於other another題目 在 [題目] One,the Other,the Others,another - 看板TOEIC - 批踢踢 ... 的評價
- 關於other another題目 在 題目裡有時any other 後面接單數 的評價
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- 關於other another題目 在 Name:______ *只有答案卷 一 文意選填 20% (每題2分) 的評價
- 關於other another題目 在 [題目] 文法題目- TOEIC - PTT生活政治八卦 的評價
other another題目 在 Yilianboy Facebook 的最讚貼文
Translation: @benkongenglish
讓個性怕麻煩 怕混亂的我
對我而言 是一種解脫
終於可以推開一整學期的課本 也是解脫
畢業後不用擔心記功記過 成績高低 是種解脫
最後離開學校 離開老師和教官 我以為終於解脫
心中也焦急壓抑 緊繃窒息
實際上 是一種誘惑和安慰
在當下自在 享受過程
安時處順 方為帝之懸解 真正的解脫
Thanks to a royal blue file, I could file my exam paper accordingly when I was in primary school, since i am a person who can’t stand for fuss and mess
When the mid-term exam papers were distributed back to us, I could finally fold all of them in half, and put it in the drawer to join other piles of exam paper I put in earlier.
This is a kind of relief to me
It’s another kind of relief to be able to put away books of the semester
And forget about being demerit and academic results after graduation.
I thought I’m thoroughly relieved of all these when I left my teachers and the school.
I thought I could fly in the sky without burden
I thought I could be a mature and independent adult
But I have yet to be realised until now
I’m longing for the weekend during weekday.
Waiting for the day my salary is paid monthly.
Or the day when I repay all my debts?
The day I’m retired?
The day when my body figure is good enough?
The day when I’ve read enough books?
The day when my calligraphy is good enough?
When will I be truly free and relived?
I tend to forget to live in the moment when I’m longing for the finish line.
And stressed and kind of suffocated
Since there will always be the next thing I desire after each relief,
Will I still be cheated by scams like this?
I guess that’s the false kind of relief
It’s a temptation and consolation in itself
It is a true relief only if I can live in the moment and enjoy the process and when I’m at ease with everything.
other another題目 在 旅行熱炒店Podcast Facebook 的最讚貼文
[繞道亞洲心臟的一人背包旅行] Bypassing the Heart of Asia: a Solo Backpacking Trip
(English edition available below)
「亞洲心臟」指的是中亞,一個突厥、蒙古與伊斯蘭文化相遇並交融的地方。這趟旅行之所以稱作亞洲的心臟繞道(heart bypass),是因為路線雖然貫穿俄羅斯、中亞與中國,卻不是直接「刺穿」亞洲的心臟,而是從心臟的一端繞一大圈到另外一端。用文字說明不太清楚,看下面這張路線圖應該就比較明瞭了。
Starting May 7, 2018, I’ll be on a 42-day solo backpacking trip to Central Asia, Western/Northwestern China and Russia. The title I give this trip is “Bypassing the Heart of Asia”.
The heart of Asia, commonly known as central Asia, is a region where Turkic, Mongolian and Islamic cultures intertwine. After Rather than “piercing” through it, I will first get to one side of it, and then make a huge detour to the other side. This is why I call it a heart bypass. (I guess it still sounds vague. Check out the maps attached to this post.)
This grand trip idea started last year, after a few European trips I took. Due to the limit of my paid time-off, those trips lasted only one week or even shorter. Then I started thinking: how cool would it be if I can get a longer time off, let’s say like 1 month, to travel from Europe to Asia through all the former Soviet Union countries (which seem extraordinarily attractive to me after my Baltic States trip last year)? And I knew that the best timing for me to do that would be the gap between two jobs. Therefore, I started conceiving this trip while looking for a new job. The job search went fairly smoothly, but the trip planning soon faced some difficulties.
The biggest difficulty is visa. As a Taiwanese passport holder, visa is required for me to enter Russia, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan and Kyrgyz, and those countries are notorious for their lengthy and costly visa application process. For each visa, I have to buy a letter of invitation (LOI), go to the consulate in Washington DC in person, wait for one or two weeks, and then pick up the visa in person. Each visa can take a month and cost $200-300. Things have changed recently -- visa waiver is now available for many western countries, but not for Taiwan citizens, unfortunately.
Another difficulty is time. One month may seem long, but to travel from the westernmost point of Europe (Lisbon) to Taiwan without flying, it’s still way too short. Even if I take train through all the European countries without making stops, I’d probably have only 3-4 days to spend in each central Asian country, and 2/3 of the time I’ll be on the train. This is not the way I would like to travel!
As my original plan was quickly proven unrealistic, I began to make compromises: giving up the attempt to start from the westernmost point of Europe, allowing myself to fly once (in order to enter using visa on arrival, which is applicable only if you fly in), and reducing the number of countries to visit. Finally, I came up with this “heart bypass” itinerary:
Week 1: Uzbekistan
Week 2: Heading east to Kyrgyzstan
Weeks 3-4: Heading east/northeast to western and northwestern China
Weeks 5-6: From Russian Far East heading west to Golden Ring, the European part of Russia
Some may wonder about this: why do I travel eastward into China first and turn westward to go back to the European part of Russia first, instead of starting from European Russia and go eastward all the way? This is because Russia has a visa waiver policy during the 2018 FIFA World Cup: all foreign ticket buyers can enter Russia between June 4 and July 25 without a visa. Since my trip has to end on June 17, the only period for me to take advantage of that would be June 4-17. That’s why I have to do Central Asia and China first and enter Russia later.
Still cannot believe the trip is just around the corner! I have found a new job, wrapped up my previous job, and been approved for all visas. This is my first time trying to write about my trip while still traveling -- previously I always did that after trips. Writing while traveling means the narratives would probably be closer to what I actually see and feel on the way. I’m not a big fan of broadcasting or checking-in everywhere to show off my trip, but I’d like to do this “near-time writing” as an experiment, and see how my travel and my writing would both be made different.
Welcome to join my trip. Get yourself ready to head out with me on Sunday night!
other another題目 在 暗網仔出街 Youtube 的最佳解答
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/dw_kid12/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/deepwebkid/?modal=admin_todo_tour
訂閱: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCKC6E5s6CMT5sVBInKBbPDQ?sub_confirmation=1
Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/album/2LjUOH9T9j21GiX8jzytu6
異度空間恐怖APP: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6PiyPZ3d_Fw&t=12s
首支單曲: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UASHWB6Ai9Y
鬼故事: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-CfqxuCHq3Y&t=3s
我的成長故事: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Kdhtp6A6YJE
我講 '香港' 10,000次: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-G4uDe3QUfs
我受夠了, 我的精神困擾: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aQ6uxaQhiS4&t=7s
24小時內學印度話: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g3EmtyVK1BQ&t=55s
我有身體聚焦重複行為障礙 (強迫症的一種)-精神問題
最近看杜汶凙喱騷講強迫症的題目令我想到今年加拿大疫情最差時自己也表示有強迫症的症狀: 咬手指. (Show clip)片中他提及的數格子等的強迫症行為其實我小時候每隔地上走過兩步格子會喜歡跪一次在地上. 睡覺前數自己眨多少次眼, 不能有6或者6有關或pooy數. 例如: 6,12, 16, 18也不行. 因為6是魔鬼的號碼. 如果眨了6次眼要馬上眨到7,8, 或9. 或when I use to sit in the car I needed to use both sides of my hand to touch the car window. 4 times with both hands. I don’t even know why.
長大後我慢慢tou ley這些重複性的精神狀態. 這些年唯一陪伴我的是咬手指.
今天的身分拍這條影片不是而暗網仔的身分去拍, 而是為我自己找出答案. 因為彈琴或任何要show手指的行為有時都會有goo leuy. 因為不漂亮.
I know theirs a billion people will worst tragic fates than me and this is such a stupid small problem but this channel is for me to express my self.
這幾天找到原來這類型的強迫症學名叫 ‘身體聚焦重複行為障礙’ 是你重複obsessively對自己肉身做成的創傷. 這個koy kuet名詞令我發現自己某一些其他我曾經以為正常的行為也其實是強迫症. 當然咬手指是我最明顯的symptom. But like biting my lips, bitinh the inside of my mouth (like this) biting other parts of my hand, picking my bitten fingernails. Scratching my eyes inner part, before my elbows I constantly scratched for no reason. It’s almost like self harm.
I used to think everyone did this at least bit their lips.
Now the reasons for this some believe is anxiety. But honestly I bite my hands when I’m either bored or thinking. I think it’s a mixture because when I upload a video and I’m writing the tags and all that I’m both thinking but also anxious because I’m nervous about the video performance. So I think for me it’s both those things.
Now a cause of 身體聚焦重複行為障礙或BFRB有一些人説有自己問題外還有遺傳成分. 因為我也真的見過長booy有scratch themselves的習慣.
My solution: after watching this video they told me that the solution is not to stop yourself from the impulse of doing these things before that’ll only make you want to do it more. Actually it is to be conscious in that moment that you want to do this and do another action as a replacement. So what I did is I pretend I’m playing the piano every time I get this self harm impulse. Strange it when I do this my mouth still moves and if I were biting my nails or my lips and yesterday I caught myself constantly want to bite.
But over time it has gotten easier. And I think with enough effort I can stop this. Because honestly my nails are traumatized beyond belief and it’s been so long time I’ve had to cut nails because they don’t grow and is so weak. When I scratch an itch it feels weak. Like it’s gotta fall off. And it’s just...I don’t want that you know so let’s try to change it.
Thanks for letting me make this weird video bye.

other another題目 在 Live an insight Youtube 的最佳解答
-Sister Tag 題目 -
1. Do people ever get you mixed up? 我們會被認錯嗎?
2. Funniest memory? 有趣的回憶?
3. Describe each other in one word. 請用一個詞形容對方。
4. Inside joke? 認識我們才會知道的事?
5. What’s the best thing about one another? 有對方最好的地方?
6. Who takes longer to get ready? 誰出門要花較長的時機打扮?
7. Favorite singer? 對方最喜歡的歌手?
8. Favorite animal? 對方最喜歡的動物?
9. Favorite movie? 對方最喜歡的電影?
10. Favorite festival? 對方最喜歡的節日?
-可以找到我們的地方 -
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Live-an-Insight-811058208988621/timeline/
Instagram: https://instagram.com/liveaninsight/
-影片相關資訊 -
1. 恐龍圖片來源
Liz Climo: https://www.facebook.com/LizClimo/
2. Dido - Thank You
粉底 Bourjois 果然美肌光輕粉底
修容 The Body Shop Honey Bronze Bronzing Powder (03 Medium matte )
蜜粉 Bourjois妙巴黎 果然新肌光蜜粉餅#51
遮暇 Maybelline Instant Age Rewind
打亮 The Balm Mary-Lou Manizer
腮紅 The Balm Frat Boy
眼妝打底 Nars 無所謂眼影打底筆
眼影 Lorac Unzipped Palette
眼線 Miss Hana 不暈染防水眼線膠筆(黑) & Clio 魅黑防水柔順眼線液筆(黑)
唇膏 Revlon 晶燦耀眼亮唇膏#415 pink in the afternoon
打底 Sofina 控油瓷效妝前隔離乳 SPF25 PA++
粉底 Hera 防曬水凝舒芙蕾 SPF50 PA+++ #C23
修容 Canmake 小顏粉餅 Shading powder
蜜粉 Bourjois妙巴黎 果然新肌光蜜粉餅 #01
遮暇 Ipsa 自律循環遮瑕組
眼妝打底 Nars 無所畏!眼影打底筆
眼影 Lorac Unzipped Palette
眼線 Miss Hana 不暈染防水眼線膠筆(咖啡)
睫毛膏 D.U.P. Mascara Perfect Extension
-音樂資訊 -
YouTube 音效庫

other another題目 在 題目裡有時any other 後面接單數 的必吃
淺談anyone任一、another(另一、再)、any other(任何其他) Anyone(單數) e.g. "Does" anyone want to have the pizza? Another (接單數) 大家對這個字的理解是" ... ... <看更多>
other another題目 在 [文法] another, the other的問題- 看板Eng-Class | PTT職涯區 的必吃
問題1 在ETS出版的多益題庫書籍中的閱讀部分看到一個題目裡面有一題,書籍對這題給的中文大意是說: 2個政黨之間存在著矛盾,但是只要有一個良好的談判者就能化解與"另 ... ... <看更多>
other another題目 在 [題目] One,the Other,the Others,another - 看板TOEIC - 批踢踢 ... 的必吃
※ 引述《DiCaprio (我要贏)》之銘言:
: 又是一題搞死人的題目 看了文法之後以為觀念清楚
: 但下面這題又讓我整個困惑了
: 題目:I was so hungry that I ate one cookie after ________ until they
: were all gone.
: (A)other
: (B)others
: (C)another
: (D)the other
: 疑問:答案是C 我選B
: 基本上A.D我已經知道錯誤所以先刪掉 但是B.C兩個我還是選錯
: 我比較不懂得是為何是選another?????????????????
: another不是用在三個以上的比較嗎?
: EX:I saw three sweaters.One is red,another is blue, and the other is yellow.
: 另外cookie餅乾是可數名詞 another不是指單數嗎??????
: 最後一個問題 如果選項改成the others也是正確的嗎???
another adj. 另一個的
n. 另一個
這題的one cookie after another,「一個餅乾之後在另一個」表示「一個接著一個」。
而other + Ns就等於others,所以表示others本身就是當複數名詞用。
ex. Some people prefer tea, while other people(= others) love coffee.
*. 在有「明確範圍」的確定「最後」一個或是「最後」一批,就要用the other(s)。
ex. I have two sons. One is Tom and the other is Jim.
這句話有明顯範圍(two sons),所以一個講完了,
另一個就是「兩個當中的最後」,要用the other(注意the other當代名詞,當做單數)。
而先前講過:other + Ns = others,
所以不難推敲出:the other + Ns = the others
*. 此處the other跟剛剛的例句不同,這裡當adj,可接單數名詞或複數名詞。
ex. In this class, some students live nearby,
while the other students(= the others) live farther.
1. another adj. 另一個的(+ 單數名詞)
n. 另一個(本身就當單數代名詞用)
2. other adj. 其他的(+ Ns)
3. others n. 其他(= other + Ns)
4. the other n. 最後一個
adj. 最後其他(+ 單數名詞 / 複數名詞皆可)
5. the others n. 最後其他(本身就當複數名詞)
ex. She flung up first one arm and then the other.
ex. Freddie set off and the others followed.
ex. Mr. Harris and Mrs. Bate and three other teachers were there.
ex. Some designs are better than others.
ex. I work on the other side of the town.
※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自:
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/TOEIC/M.1433728515.A.5BE.html
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