三年前,我們踏上了一段旅程,到台灣各個角落向大家傳達一個簡單的訊息,那就是:台灣最好的朋友莫過於美國。旅途中,我們對台灣有更深刻的認識,也結交了無數的朋友,而我們自己也樂在其中。我們很高興這段期間有那麼多朋友(超過97,000人)在臉書上陪伴我們,希望你們能從中對美國有新的發現,甚至莞爾一笑。常有人問我,如何保持我們FB粉絲頁生動有趣。告訴你,就像老美說的,「需要一村子人」的群策群力。特別感謝前AIT發言人游詩雅做好通盤的內容管理,並跟AIT同事協調請他們客串出場。感謝Jewel、Henry、Oligo、Kathy、Jerry投入大量的精力和心血,讓我們的粉絲頁及時又有看頭。另一個大家常問的問題是,我的中文竟能寫得如此流暢。其實負責把我笨拙的英文昇華為美妙中文的,是我們AIT的優秀口譯員Janice Tsai。很多人都不敢相信,原來我們的貼文並非一開始就用中文寫的,其翻譯的功力可見一斑。至於我們到各地出遊留下的倩影,還有出席各種有趣活動的靚照,掌鏡的不是別人,正是我太太Kathy Chen陳舲舲。最後要回答一個大家最常提出的問題──沒錯,只要有我「梅健華」三個字署名的貼文,都是在下敝人我自己寫的。你們的留言,我個人不僅一一拜讀,也是我們同仁汲取靈感的泉源。我們由衷地感謝大家! --- 梅健華 #FromAITDirector
Three years ago, we embarked on a journey to every corner of Taiwan to deliver a simple message: Taiwan has no better friend than the United States. We learned a lot about Taiwan, met countless fascinating people, and had a lot of fun along the way. We were elated that so many of you (more than 97,000, actually) kept us company on Facebook for the duration of the ride, and I hope that you discovered a few things about America and had a few laughs, to boot. I’m often asked how we kept our page fresh and interesting. Well, it takes a village, as they say. Special thanks go to former AIT spokesman Sonia Urbom for overall content management and coordinating guest appearances by AIT colleagues. Thanks to Jewel, Henry, Oligo, Kathy, and Jerry for all of the energy you invested in making our posts great-looking and timely. Another frequent question I get is about the beautiful Mandarin language in our posts. AIT’s extraordinary interpreter Janice Tsai was responsible for elevating my clunky English to sublime Chinese. Many people couldn’t believe that our posts did not originate in Chinese – that’s how superb the translations were. As for the fine photographs of our travels around the island and beautifully composed shots of fun events, that was none other than my wife, Kathy Chen, behind the lens. And finally, the answer to the most frequent question of all is: yes, it was yours truly authoring each post that bore my initials “km.” We really appreciated all of your comments. I read them religiously and they were a source of inspiration to our entire team…km
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