#雅集 可以說是古代文士的派對(party),筵席上有精緻美味的佳餚與文藝活動助興,出席者冠蓋雲集,舉辦者張羅各種細節、參與者盛裝出席,這種慎重、期待的心情古今相通。網站設計師為大家準備了這張特別的【清 冷枚 #春夜宴桃李園 Banquet at the Peach and Plum Garden on a Spring Evening】Leng Mei (fl. 18th c.), Qing dynasty,希望大家喜歡!
#以文會友—#雅集圖特展(2019/10/05 ~ 12/25)
陳列室:北部院區 第一展覽區 202,210,212
Friends Through Culture: A Special Exhibition of Paintings on Elegant Gatherings (05 OCT ~ 25 DEC 2019)
Gallery: 202,210,212 (Northern Branch) Exhibition Area I
English: https://theme.npm.edu.tw/exh108/ElegantGatherings/en/page-1.html
【Banquet at the Peach and Plum Garden on a Spring Evening】Leng Mei (fl. 18th c.), Qing dynasty
This painting is an imaginative reconstruction from Li Bai’s (701-762) "Preface to the Banquet at the Peach and Plum Garden on a Spring Evening." It shows a garden with peach and plum trees in full bloom as figures banquet and stroll at night. The scroll also depicts scholars drinking wine and composing poetry and includes such vignettes as a lady playing with a small dog and another sneaking a sip of wine as a child attendant takes a nap to the side. The scenery is filled with an atmosphere of joy and relaxation. The preface represents Li Bai’s inspiration at the banquet to encourage people to cherish the beautiful scenery and good times, enjoying them while it lasts.
Leng Mei was a court painter during the reigns of the Kangxi to Qianlong emperors who excelled at painting figures and court scenery. The opulent colors of this work and the refined brushwork make it a typical example of the beautiful detailed style of Qing court art.
opulent中文 在 opulent中文, opulent是什麼意思:豐裕的… - 查查在線詞典 的相關結果
adj. 富裕的;豐富的,豐饒的;(文章等)華麗的。 an opulent feast 豐盛的酒席。 opulent foliage 茂盛的樹葉。 "opulent furnishings" 中文翻譯: 華麗的陳設 ... ... <看更多>
opulent中文 在 opulent-翻译为中文-例句英语 的相關結果
使用Reverso Context: Grand Palace building complex contains ornamented and opulent temples,在英语-中文情境中翻译"opulent" ... <看更多>
opulent中文 在 opulent中文(繁體)翻譯:劍橋詞典 的相關結果
opulent 翻譯:奢華的,豪華的,奢侈的。了解更多。 ... opulent 在英語-中文(繁體)詞典中的翻譯. opulent. adjective. ... <看更多>