「 loop 」這個字,台灣和美國認知大不同!
在台灣,不知是約定俗成還是什麼原因,很多人以為 loop 在 email 的用法是指「把某個人加到信件的副本欄位」,尤其是開會中常聽到「以後這件事,也要把大衛、瑪麗加到 loop」或是「這件事記得 loop 我」;又或者是某人覺得自己的工作可能會受影響,於是要求寄件者日後要「keep me in the loop」,希望收到這「主旨(subject)」下所有往返的信件。
但事實上,美國人對這句 Keep me in the loop 的用法並不是指在 email 把某人加入副本,如果有人對你說 Please keep me in the loop. ,指的不止所有往返的信件,甚至包括對客戶做簡報、部門召開的產品會議、媒體記者安排、或老闆召見等等都要知道,總之,就是要掌握「所有」最新狀況。
參考線上 the free dictionary 字典對片語 Keep (someone) in the loop 的解釋:
To keep someone informed about and/or involved in something, such as a plan or project, especially that which involves or pertains to a specific group.
那麼回過頭來,如果就只是希望別人把自己 #加在信件裡,不要漏掉單純就「這個主旨」底下的任何信件,就可以用 copy 這個字,等於 c.c (carbon copy)當動詞用,舉幾個例子:
1 Can you copy me on that?
2 Please copy me that email as well.
3 Just copy David in on your email to Mr. Smith.
4 I’ll copy you in on the updates next time.
很多來上 #商務Email的結構化寫作法 的同學常會提到有「#用字不精準」的困擾,我的建議:#寄件者自己要先搞清楚究竟要表達什麼,在還沒打下任何英文字之前,問自己對方真正需要知道的是什麼、該做到的又是什麼,如果只是相關但非關鍵決策者,那麼 copy 對方就夠了,但如果事關重大,對方需要有 #全面 的了解,那麼就該用 Keep someone in the loop 這個片語,意思有傳到位,才能叫「準」。
on a loop意思 在 Carol Yeung Yoga Facebook 的最佳解答
Hell yes! Come meet me!!!!!!! Finally the workshop can happen this Saturday !!!! 4 spots left!!! Contact me to save the spot!!!!!!!!
Reposted 呢張Headstand相無限loop :p Easter headstand workshop黎啦:)上次headstand workshop 反應好好,唔好意思studio人數好有限 所以只有10個,因為已留位比之前waitlist 既同學 所以今次公開人數會再少啲 (上次留左位而我未搵你既同學 對唔住可能我漏左🙏🏻 有興趣快啲搵返我啦 話我知你之前排緊waitlist 我會優先留位比你)
Posted @yogicarol 今次既頭倒立工作坊 會再仔細地講解 scapula, tailbone, hamstrings, physical strength and pain free in a long-hold headstand practice, 有興趣既請報名,名額只有10人,先到先得 DM me or @thepracticegroup for detail
Sirsasana or headstand, is known by many yoga traditions as the “King of all Asanas” because of its profound psychic, physical and psychological effects.
In this workshop, you will learn from Carol how to step by step properly and safely get into a full headstand. Not only will you learn about the theories and anatomy about the pose, but also drills around how to strengthen your scapula, hamstrings and tips on how to prevent injuries in headstand will also be covered.
This workshop is open to anyone, including beginners, who just started practicing headstand or would like to improve in their headstands practice.
• Date: 9 May 2020
• Time: 2:30pm-6:00pm
• Class Size: 10 people max
• Price: Early bird HK$ 720 (ends 31 March 2020) Regular HK$ 880
• Address: The Practice Studio 5/F, LKF29, 29Wyndham Street, Central, H.K.
• Website: www.thepracticegroup.com
on a loop意思 在 Carol Yeung Yoga Facebook 的最佳解答
呢張Headstand相無限loop 😛 Easter headstand workshop黎啦:)上次headstand workshop 反應好好,唔好意思studio人數好有限 所以只有10個,因為已留位比之前waitlist 既同學 所以今次公開人數會再少啲 (上次留左位而我未搵你既同學 對唔住可能我漏左🙏🏻 有興趣快啲搵返我啦 話我知你之前排緊waitlist 我會優先留位比你)
Posted @yogicarol 今次既頭倒立工作坊 會再仔細地講解 scapula, tailbone, hamstrings, physical strength and pain free in a long-hold headstand practice, 有興趣既請報名,名額只有10人,先到先得
Sirsasana or headstand, is known by many yoga traditions as the “King of all Asanas” because of its profound psychic, physical and psychological effects.
In this workshop, you will learn from Carol how to step by step properly and safely get into a full headstand. Not only will you learn about the theories and anatomy about the pose, but also drills around how to strengthen your scapula, hamstrings and tips on how to prevent injuries in headstand will also be covered.
This workshop is open to anyone, including beginners, who just started practicing headstand or would like to improve in their headstands practice.
• Date: 13 April 2020
• Time: 10:30pm-2:00pm
• Class Size: 10 people max
• Price: Early bird HK$ 720 (ends 31 March 2020) Regular HK$ 880
• Address: The Practice Studio 5/F, LKF29, 29Wyndham Street, Central, H.K.
• Website: www.thepracticegroup.com
on a loop意思 在 大人學- 「 loop 」這個字,台灣和美國認知大不同! 在台灣 的必吃
在台灣,不知是約定俗成還是什麼原因,很多人以為loop 在email 的用法是指「把某 ... 那麼就該用Keep someone in the loop 這個片語,意思有傳到位,才能叫「準」。 ... <看更多>