先前我已經舉過知名經濟學家Deirdre N. McCloskey評價「21世紀資本論」作者Piketty連基本需求定律掌握都是不足的,竟然不理解供給會隨著稀缺程度增加而反應。(note that Piketty, trained in France and MIT, does not understand supply response to increasing scarcity.)
1. 真正的富人財富構成足夠的經濟規模聘僱專業團隊逃稅,而中產階級則無。追殺富人的財產結果就是鉅富者脫產他國,負擔不起逃稅成本的中產階級遭殃。
2. 遭殃的中產階級產出意願會大幅衰退,看看冨樫義博在最新的日本Jump漫畫雜誌50週年紀念刊上的真情告白:「在他連載初期及最後,心情在4年間有著如此濃厚的改變。因為稅金有70%左右被拿走,所以1天工作20小時等於14小時在做白工;一想到這,就很想在深夜跑出去,如果當時有駕照那就糟了」、「自己的身體、生活及思想都是分離崩解的狀態,因此對於JUMP賣出653萬部並沒有太多的感…」
冨樫義博超高人氣的幽遊白書與HunterXHunter肯定讓他排得入日本收入最高Top10作家之一,當然跟世界真正的鉅富還有一大段差距,但連這樣的作家都對於70%稅金耿耿於懷,頻頻犯懶病犯到成為「休刊王」,連中文世界都出現「富奸 = 偷懶」這樣的使用法。
Piketty這類蠢蛋竟然相信「重稅是解決方案」?蠢到無以復加!還「頂尖經濟學家」哩?! 朱敬一教授顯然自己腦袋也不清楚了。
3. 政府課稅後的無效率浪費,以及多出來的稅金產生的尋租獲利空間,恐怕才是政客們如此汲汲營營、不管經濟活力受損也要幹的真正原因!
4. 再補充一點:如巴菲特這些鉅富宣稱應該開徵富人稅,其實是都只是「吃豆腐般地政治正確表態」。
如果巴菲特、Bill Gates這些人都認為自己錢太多,大可裸捐給政府。嘿!偏偏這群人明知政府如何無效率、政客如何鯨吞蠶食稅金。他們才不幹哩!
不好意思,朱敬一教授,您真的搞錯了。請您仔細看一下WTID網站,WTID是World Top Income Database的縮寫,在2011年由Piketty等所倡議成立,目前主要是由十幾個專家所組成的所得研究團體。
WTID後來演變成World Wealth and Income Database (WID),希望能夠成為更全面的財富分配資料庫。可是一直到2015年12月為止,WID還停留在Top Income。WID到現在仍然沒有提出全面所得分配調查的方法論。請問朱敬一教授,您是憑什麼宣稱自己超越WID,能夠使用所得稅分析低收入者?
The World Wealth and Income Database - WID - Paris School of Economics
The World Wealth and Income Database
Income quintile ratio | Human Development Reports
Income quintile ratio
Ratio of the average income of the richest 20% of the population to the average income of the poorest 20% of the population.
Source: HDRO calculations based on data from World Bank (2013a).
Data in the tables are those available to the Human Development Report Office as of 15 November, 2013, unless otherwise specified.
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術後可調整度數及散光的人工水晶體 RxSight,正式被美國FDA通過,如果未來能在台灣上市,將是眼科醫師與患者的一大福音!
美國食品藥物管理局(FDA)昨(22)日批准了RxSight的光調節水晶體(light adjustable lens)和光傳遞設備(light delivery device, LDD),這是第一個可以在白內障手術後,對人工水晶體(intraocular lens, IOL)進行小幅度調整的醫療器械系統,幫助患者不戴眼鏡也能擁有良好視力。
為了替患者解決人工水晶體不當聚焦的問題,RxSight 建構獨特材料IOL,在手術後17至21天,對LDD發出的紫外線進行反應。根據所需調整量,患者在1到2周內接受3或4次光照治療,每次約40-150秒。
使用光調節水晶體的患者接受輕度LDD治療,術後6個月的裸眼視力(uncorrected visual acuity, UCVA)達到20/20或更高,是接受單焦點水晶體患者的兩倍。與使用傳統IOL相比,患者平均遠距離裸眼視力在視力表上可多看清楚一行。
75%的患者散光也有所減少,91.8%使用光調節水晶體的患者也達到目標驗光球鏡度數(manifest refraction spherical equivalent)0.5D以內的結果,這與近期LASIK研究中所見屈光準確性相似。
FDA醫療器械暨輻射健康中心(Center for Devices and Radiological Health)眼科和耳鼻喉科部門主任Malvina Eydelman表示,到今天為止,白內障手術常見的屈光不正問題,都還得透過眼鏡矯正。不過這個系統為部分患者提供了一個新的選擇,使醫生在初次手術後,可進行多次,可在辦公室內操作的步驟,對植入的水晶體做些調整,提高不戴眼鏡的視力。
RxSight執行長Eric Weinberg指出,我們很高興全球首個手術後可調式IOL成功到達另一個里程碑,這對期待屈光人工水晶體技術再度突破的患者、外科醫生和驗光師來說,是一個相當令人振奮的機會。我們很感謝所有參與這項工作的人員,包括協助研究的臨床工作人員,以及準備審查監管報告的雙方(RxSight和FDA)工作人員。
感謝 David 提供中文翻譯。
The U.S. Food and Drug Administration today approved the RxSight Inc. Light Adjustable Lens and Light Delivery Device, the first medical device system that can make small adjustments to the artificial lens’ power after cataract surgery so that the patient will have better vision when not using glasses.
Cataracts are a common eye condition where the natural lens becomes clouded, impairing a patient’s vision. Following cataract surgery, during which the natural lens of the eye that has become cloudy is removed and replaced with an artificial lens (intraocular lens, or IOL), many patients have some minor residual refractive error requiring use of glasses or contact lenses. Refractive error, which is caused when the artificial lens does not focus properly, causes blurred vision.
“Until now, refractive errors that are common following cataract surgery could only be corrected with glasses, contact lenses or refractive surgery,” said Malvina Eydelman, M.D., director of the Division of Ophthalmic, and Ear, Nose and Throat at the FDA’s Center for Devices and Radiological Health. “This system provides a new option for certain patients that allows the physician to make small adjustments to the implanted lens during several in-office procedures after the initial surgery to improve visual acuity without glasses.”
The RxSight IOL is made of a unique material that reacts to UV light, which is delivered by the Light Delivery Device, 17-21 days after surgery. Patients receive three or four light treatments over a period of 1-2 weeks, each lasting about 40-150 seconds, depending upon the amount of adjustment needed. The patient must wear special eyeglasses for UV protection from the time of the cataract surgery to the end of the light treatments to protect the new lens from UV light in the environment.
A clinical study of 600 patients was conducted to evaluate the safety and effectiveness of the RxSight Light Adjustable Lens and Light Delivery Device. Six months after the procedure, patients on average saw an improvement of about one additional line down the vision chart, for distance vision without glasses, compared to a conventional IOL. Six months after surgery, 75 percent also had a reduction in astigmatism.
The device is intended for patients who have astigmatism (in the cornea) before surgery and who do not have macular diseases.
The device should not be used in patients taking systemic medication that may increase sensitivity to UV light such as tetracycline, doxycycline, psoralens, amiodarone, phenothiazines, chloroquine, hydrochlorothiazide, hypercin, ketoprofen, piroxicam, lomefloxacin and methoxsalen. Treatment in patients taking such medications may lead to irreversible eye damage. The device is also contraindicated in cases where patients have a history of ocular herpes simplex virus.
The FDA approved the Vision Light Adjustable Lens and the Light Delivery Device to RxSight Inc.
The FDA, an agency within the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, protects the public health by assuring the safety, effectiveness, security of human and veterinary drugs, vaccines and other biological products for human use, and medical devices. The agency is also responsible for the safety and security of our nation’s food supply, cosmetics, dietary supplements, products that give off electronic radiation, and for regulating tobacco products.
office supply中文 在 矽谷阿雅 Anya Cheng Facebook 的精選貼文
免費早餐按摩理髮 企業把矽谷那一套搬到墨西哥搶人才
Am visiting Mexico today in a software development company office. They set up office just like Silicon Valley companies - free breakfast, nap room, music band room, message session, yoga class, hair dressing service, English class and more. A whole team is recruiting talents who can't speak Spanish, and a whole team focus on traveling the world to attend conferences to ensure all team are up to speed with latest industry trends.
That makes me to worry about Taiwan. Most companies still can't take talents who can't speak Chinese. Limited companies that supply talents for global clients in other countries. Few times I wanna set up office in Taiwan but worried that don't have enough global talent pipeline to support porject.
How come Mexico can but Taiwan can't? I wish more companies can create the environment to get the best talents in the world to join the team, and I also wish companies can train and supply talents to work for global clients. Tons of opportunities but Taiwanese need to get ready for it!
#世界接軌 #人才外流 #台灣接納世界人才 #培養台灣人才供應世界 #talent #TechTalents
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office supply中文 在 Bozzini Office Furniture Supply Ltd. - 戶外排椅在中文大學。 的必吃
Bozzini Office Furniture Supply Ltd. 戶外排椅在中文大學。 生活時報相片 · 2017年5月16日 ·. 查看原大 · 黃榮標和其他5 人都對此讚好。 ... <看更多>