📜 [專欄新文章] The tangent of code and law: Spin up legal containers on blockchain in 1 second for 1 dollar (DAI)…
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The tangent of code and law: Spin up legal containers on blockchain in 1 second for 1 dollar (DAI) / 用買杯咖啡的價格與時間,成立間美國公司! — Han Verstraete
Crosslink Taipei 在10/19、10/20 台北矽谷會議中心舉辦的 區塊鏈conf。 這是Crosslink Taipei 下午的演講,主講者是Otonomos.com的CEO — Han Verstraete先生。
近年來,由於 區塊鏈的技術與社群發展蓬勃,所以也越來越多人以這個技術來設立新創公司,但是想利用這個技術賺錢,就必須要與真實世界接軌,而創業者勢必要在法規的限制下,一步步完成創立公司的手續。而即便再這個E化的世代,這些創建公司的文件很多仍以紙本形式呈現,而不是電子檔,所以講者就想到用立用 區塊鏈存放這些文件,不僅讓創立公司的門檻、成本降低,也可以讓這些繁雜的文件存放到安全的 區塊鏈上。http://xn--otonomous-ut5sr3b.com/ 這家公司就因應而生。
圖(一) Blockers
惰性: 以前用紙本存放的方式就很好了,為何要用新科技呢? 當所有東西當存放到 區塊鏈時,他們還合法、會被承認嗎?
政府機關: 在申請這些文件時,我們一切的手續都被政府機關所壟斷,而政府機關的效率又很差,我們有沒有別的管道可以完成這些手續呢?
圖(二) Solution
首先將1 DIA傳給auto corp所產生的智能合約,之後這個智能合約會再產生另外一個包含有限股份公司的經營協議的智能合約。而這部分所做的事就是依照現實世界的法規、程序去產生一些必要的文件,並且存到 區塊鏈上,如此一來就可以減少時間成本,也不用耗費心力去保護這些文件。
這是demo網址 → https://upbeat-shaw-75fa27.netlify.com/ 由於當天網路不給力的原因,所以講者止步於第二步,而我自己也因為錢包沒$$,所以止於第三步。
1. 選擇公司名稱
2. 確認公司名字可以用
3. 連結你的錢包
4. 同意支付1 DIA 的手續費
5. 成功創立公司(等待好心人的實驗)
Q: for example if you ridges LLC(Limited Liability Company) in the other way you should get the tax ID right?
Ans: No, at least you don’t get birth certificate for your company to get your company incorporated, you don’t need a tax id, and this is why we actually do love United State because there is no KYC involved whatsoever when you set up a company in contrast with a lot of countries. For instance in Europe you need to have a notary involved which is a total pain right? But the notary is effectively that sort of person who need to check who you are. In Singapore , Hong Kong you need to basically disclose who you are with attested document that you are who you are before you can incorporate. The United States because of tradition what have you, you basically have to declare who you are , you could actually incorporate a company United States saying that you’re Mickey Mouse. There’s no check whatsoever on your identity which is why this works in the United States and we believe it’s going to work in some other places outside as well. Only at the point that you start doing real-world stuff for instance opening a bank account will you be asked by the system to attest to your real world personality, so we are perfectly fine to have you spin up a company where the owner is effectively a wallet address, the public address of your wallet. ( 大意: 在剛剛的demo裡面因為公司是創立在美國,所以不需要稅號。但這依各國法規都有不同的要求,例如: 歐洲、香港,在創立公司的時候都需要有個人去做類似擔保、證明這間公司的存在的事情,而這也是創立公司麻煩的地方;在美國則不用,你甚至可以以米老鼠的名義去創立一間公司,因為他們並不會去檢查你的身分,他們只會依錢包位置去認公司。只有在當你需要做一些現實世界的活動時(例如: 開設銀行帳戶、雇傭員工…..)才會被要求確認你的身分,所以現階段並不會需要繳號)
The tangent of code and law: Spin up legal containers on blockchain in 1 second for 1 dollar (DAI)… was originally published in Taipei Ethereum Meetup on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.
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notary public意思 在 台中公證人薛任智事務所 - Facebook 的必吃
May be an image of airplane and text that says 'eBponeйcKи eBponeйcKи EUROPEAN UNION cbю3. Send message. 台中公證人薛任智事務所. Notary Public. ... <看更多>