拒絕各種事有各種不同說法, 我們一起來學學吧!
1. I am sorry to turn you down.
- turn sb down, turn down sb
** turn sb down 不是 let sb down 喔!
2. I am not interested.
3. I'll think about it.
4. I can't afford it
5. I can't handle it.
這個 handle 跟 afford 的區別要分清楚, handle 指的是事情上應付不來, 而 afford 多半指金錢上無法負擔.
--口語上handle 也有敷衍的意思:Are you handling me?
6. I am really not in the mood.
7. There is nothing to talk about.
當別人問你的問題你不想回答或懶得回答時就可以回答, "There is nothing to talk about." 例如有人問你考試考幾分? 你自己考得太差而不想講, 就可以說, "There is nothing to talk about." 另外一個類似的用法叫 "No comment." 就是說無可奉告的意思.
8. I really want to, but I got hundreds of things to do.
我想去, 可是我有好多好多事情要做.
9. I don't want to go and that's that.
我不想去, 就是這樣.
That's that 通常是接在否定句後, 意思是, 就這樣了, 不必再多說了. 這樣的語氣是很強烈的, 通常聽的人可能會不太高興.
"That's that." 這句話跟 "That's it." 不太一樣, "That's it." 的意思是就這樣吧, 就這些吧, 在點餐時會用的到. That's that 則是表示不想再跟對方談下去了, 同樣的情況, 你也可以這麼說, "The conversation is over." 我想這個意思也很明顯了.
10. That's enough, anymore is just overkill.
那就夠了, 再多一點也是多餘的.
not anymore用法 在 吉娜英文 Facebook 的最佳解答
大家工作學習愉快! Happy Blue Monday!
課程更新:英文實用短句 121-150
121. I'm in a hurry. (我很急。我很趕。)
122. Don't rush. / What's the rush? (不要急。不要趕。 / 急什麼?)
123. There is no need to rush. (沒有必要這麼趕。沒有必要這麼急急忙忙的。)
124. Are you kidding me? (你在開我玩笑嗎?)
125. I'm just kidding. / No kidding. (我只是開玩笑。/ 不要開玩笑。)
126. I'm serious. / I mean it. (我是認真的。) 講解:這兩句都可以用來表示不是開玩笑,是認真的。
127. Believe it or not. (信不信由你。)
128. Don't take any chances. (不要冒險。)
129. A: I love it. B: Me too. (A: 我愛它。 B: 我也是。) 講解:Me too. 口語化用法,用於肯定附和。
130. A: I don't like it. B: Me either. (A: 我不喜歡它。 B: 我也不喜歡。) 講解:Me either. 口語化用法,用於否定附和。
131. Have a nice weekend. / Have a nice trip. (祝你有一個美好的週末。/ 祝你旅行愉快。)
132. You too. / Same to you. (你也一樣。) 講解:有人祝你有個愉快的假期、週末、旅行等,可以回答同樣祝福對方的用語。
133. It doesn't make any sense. (這不合理。沒有道理。不合情理的)
134. Don't screw up! / Don't screw it up! (不要把事情弄的一團糟。不要搞砸!)
135. Don't mess up! / Don't mess it up! (不要把它給搞砸了!)
136. It sucks! (很爛,很差!糟糕透頂!)
137. Guess what? (你猜猜看?你知道嗎?) 講解:引起對方注意的用語,通常是讓對方感到驚奇有趣的事情
138. Let me see. (讓我看看。讓我想想。) 講解:這個句子有兩個意思,看看和想想。
139. Let me think. (讓我想想。)
140. Take a look. (看一下。)
141. I can't help it. (我忍不住。我控制不了。)
142. Stop it! (停下來!) 講解:一個你不喜歡的狀況,請對方停止。例如,媽媽一直唸人,你就可以說 Stop it! 不要再說了。
143. Enough is enough. (你夠了!)
144. That's enough. (夠了喔!)
145. I've had enough. (我受夠了。)
146. That's too much. (太過了喔。)
147. I can't take it anymore. (我無法忍受了。)
148. Glad to see you. / Nice to see you. (很高興見到你。)
149. That's a good idea. (那真是一個好主意。)
150. Make up your mind. (你要下定決心。)
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not anymore用法 在 【實用片語】 not...anymore= no more 不再例句: I don't want... 的必吃
【實用片語】 not...anymore= no more 不再例句: I don't want to lie to Eva anymore. = I don;t want to lie to Eva no more. 我再也不想騙Eva 學習更多英文請 ... ... <看更多>