Noone said life was easy, neither did I. I learnt the meaning of life through the hard way. Having to start being independent since young, having to care and worry about many things I shouldn't be caring and worrying. Having to give up or sacrifice things I didn't have to... But I do not regret, neither do I blame anyone or anything. I've had my ups and downs, and lately I'm assuming I'm having my downs again so yeah. I want to apologize for all the things I've said and done that have hurt any of you or offended any of you. I am constantly having mood swings and I just.. Don't know how.. So many things to care and so many things wo worry about.. So many unfinished business and so many untold stories.. Haha! But don't worry eventually ill figure it out! I'm good at figuring things out I guess! Hehe.. Well for you people out there, no matter how bad things are, don't give up and eventually you'll see the light, again. Appreciate yourself and appreciate the people around you. (: till then, have a great day and week ahead! Fighting! <3
沒有人說過人生是容易的,我也贊成這一點。也許我很樂觀也許我很開心,可是我的命一點也不容易。從年輕就得自力更生,就得顧慮和擔心一些不該顧慮和不該擔心的事情..就得放棄及犧牲一些東西..可是我不後悔,也不埋怨任何人或任何事情..每個人都有他的高和低,我想近期來也是我的人身的低點吧..所我要向大家道歉!我說過的話或做過的事情如果有令你們不開心或感到厭倦,我在此鄭重地向你道歉!最近情緒及精神都非常不穩定..所以可能會有點亂..呵呵..好煩哦好多顧慮哦!也有好多好沒辦好的事情及還沒告訴人的故事..哈哈!可是別擔心,我會熬過去的!我也會找到最好的出路因為,這就是我的強項啊!好啦,那些不開心或煩惱的人,積極一點!不管現在多辛苦,總有一天會熬過去的!千萬不能向困難屈服!因為就算再被人看不起也要好好珍惜自己珍惜身邊的人!我們一起邁向更好的未來!好吧,祝你們有個美好的一天及美好的星期!Fighting! <3