😊🎉✨AIT終於要搬到內湖新館囉⋯但是!提醒各位民眾,5月6日前我們還是在信義路上為各位服務喔!如果您已預約於5月1日當日或之前在AIT辦理簽證領事服務,請到信義路上的台北辦事處辦理,並見證我們舊館的風華。如果您已預約於5月6日當日或之後辦理簽證領事服務,請到我們的內湖新館辦理,祝各位參觀新館愉快!讓我們一起來觀賞世新大學小世界新聞記者所製作的有關AIT新館領事服務的精彩報導!更多搬家資訊:https://bit.ly/2Ub5sVP #不要跑錯了喔
😊🎉✨AIT is finally moving to Neihu…but not until May 6th! If you have an appointment at AIT before May 1st, please come to the Xinyi Road location and be one of the last to visit our old AIT building! For appointments on or after May 6th, please come to Neihu and be one of the first to greet the new AIT! Watch this excellent report by student journalist from Shih Hsin University’s SHU-J Newsweek for a sneak-peak into consular services at the new AIT! Learn more about AIT's relocation: https://bit.ly/2Utyr6z