The NBA Tunnel|The NBA Playoffs
當今的 NBA 帶給大家的不僅是精彩的比賽,球員穿搭在近兩年成為 NBA 備受矚目亮點,大家在穿著風格上毫不掩飾地展示自己的性格,不管是腳上 PE 款球鞋還是身上的衣服、配件。
當今的球員通道無疑成為最受歡迎球員的 Fashion Runway。像華盛頓巫師隊 Russell Westbrook、波士頓賽爾提克 Jayson Tatum,以及球員通道常客密爾瓦基公鹿隊的鞋頭 P.J. Tucker、獲年度最佳穿著來自猶他爵士隊的 Jordan Clarkson,這樣的球員本賽季並沒有讓人失望,他們穿著來自精品與設計師品牌如 Thom Browne, Rick Owens, Jacuqemus, NAMESAKE, CASABLANCA, Raf Simons, Gucci, Goyard, LANVIN, …. 等品牌。
球員通道一直是近代NBA 時尚的伸展台,2020 年見證了NBA球員的團結與轉變。去年夏天因為疫情的關係,NBA賽事移至奧蘭多 Disney 球場舉辦,在George Floyd、Breonna Taylor 和其他許多有色人種因警察暴行而被不公正殺害之後,NBA球員一致穿上 Black Lives Matter 的衣服,比賽球隊在賽前國歌演奏時單膝下跪,如同 Colin Kaepernick 作為對警察暴力與種族歧視的抗議。
隨著 NBA 季後賽邁入尾聲,總冠軍賽正式開打,代表著球季即將落幕,讓我們一同回顧今年 NBA 球員通道帶給我們的 Outfit。
namesake鞋 在 浩爾譯世界 Facebook 的最佳貼文
👗Women Are Defining Paris Couture
🇫🇷PARIS — Something unexpected has happened at the Paris couture — the tippy tippy top of the European fashion pyramid and the beating heart of its identity. Steadily, quietly, seemingly overnight (though obviously not) it has become defined by women: not those to whom it caters, but those in charge.
-couture: 高級訂製時裝
-cater to: 迎合某事、某人
🌸The three most famous French couture houses are now designed by women: at Chanel, Virginie Viard is artistic director; at Dior, Maria Grazia Chiuri; and at Givenchy, Clare Waight Keller. Meanwhile, the most singular newgen brand on the schedule, Iris van Herpen, is (duh) run by its namesake. That may not sound like a lot, but in a contracting discipline it means the balance of the power of influence is in their hands. Like what they do or not — and the results were mixed — there is no question, as the shows got underway, that a troika dominated the conversation. And that, in itself, is a step forward.
法國最著名的三大時裝公司現在都由女性設計師擔綱大位: Virginie Viard在香奈兒擔任藝術總監;迪奧的藝術總監是Maria Grazia Chiuri;紀梵希則由Clare Waight Keller擔任。與此同時,目前最獨特的新一代品牌Iris van Herpen則由她本人運營。這些聽起來也許不算什麼,但是根據合約的規範,這意味著影響力的平衡掌握在她們手中。無論她們做什麼、不做什麼——其結果是好壞參半——毫無疑問,隨著走秀繼續進行,這幾位女性所駕馭的三頭馬車主導了對話。而這本身就是向前邁出的一步。
-newgen: new generation的縮略語,指「新一代」
-troika: 三頭馬車
⚜On Monday night, Marlène Schiappa, the French minister of state for gender equality, presented the Légion d‘honneur to Ms. Chiuri. In front of a crowd that included Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie, Bianca Jagger and a host of cheering LVMH Moët Hennessy Louis Vuitton executives, Ms. Schiappa put it this way: ‘‘You proved to all women you could change things by doing it yourself.’’
週一晚上,法國負責性別平等的國務秘書 Marlène Schiappa向Maria Grazia Chiuri頒發了榮譽軍團勳章。觀禮者包括Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie、Bianca Jagger和一群歡呼雀躍的LVMH 高層,Schiappa如此說道:「你向所有女性證明,你能靠自己做出改變。」
-gender equality: 性別平等
- the Légion d‘honneur: 法國榮譽軍團勳章
#告訴我✍🏻 「 最讓你做自己的穿搭」