When Layla first started solids, i was so fixated on babyled weaning. I wanted her to be able to feed herself, i wanted her to experience all those sensations from the food, i wanted her to develope her motor skills while feeding herself.
I must admit, it went well when it first started. But i was working and could not attend to her meals for 3 months. In that period, my helper and my mom was too afraid to let her feed herself, they just can't bear watching her gag. So they started feeding her.
When i took over after my production ended, she's learnt to open her mouth at the sight of spoon approaching her. For 2 weeks i tried to adjust her back to blw. She was so confused, and she also wasnt eating well with all my fussing. I was upset, she was upset. It took an entire hour just to feed her, a really unpleasant 1 hour too.
I struggled. I struggled with holding on to my ideals. I wanted the vision i played in my head to come true.
I almost sacrificed my daughter's happiness for my ego.
That's when i decided, it doesn't matter if its traditional weaning or babyled weaning. As long as she eats well, grows well, she enjoys her meal time and we enjoy our time together, how i feed her shouldn't matter. She will eventually learn to feed herself. It's fine and it's all good!
So much life lessons to learn in parenthood. It constantly challenges me to reflect on my thoughts and expectations. One thing i keep doing in this motherhood is to keep reminding myself to be mindful. And to stay happy!
#sspositivepsychology #ssfoodforthoughts #SSmotherhoodjourney #babyWooLaLa #babymukbang #sheilaloveherlife #9monthsold #myhappybaby #myheartisfull @woolayla @deon.woo
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It's been 6 beautiful months with this little one. Where did all that time go?
Layla, you bring so much joy and love to those around you. Since you came along, our house have never felt more like a home. After a long, tiring day at work, all we want is to rush back home as soon as we can. Thank you for always welcoming us with your wide toothless smile that brighten our hearts. Thank you for being such a great team player. Whenever i change a new routine, you'll always adjust and adapt successfully within a few days. I love your spirit and enthusiasm, especially so with food. It's been so fun coming up with recipes for you, because i know you'll communicate with me very clearly with your dramatic expression on your likes and dislikes! Your voice is the most angelic sound i have ever heard, even when it's going at 3 in the morning. I love your cute little quirks, like when I'm feeding you, you'll hold my thumb and bring it to your thighs and do the patting motion to ask me to pat you! Showering you is one of the highlights of my day. You've loved showering from Day 1, so it's a lot of fun showering you cos you're full of smiles!
Everything beautiful aside, you're of cos just like any baby. Your reward to me for your half year birthday is waking up every 2-3 for the last few nights crying in vain. It could be growth spurt or teething. Who knows. All i know is you're feeling clingy and needy, and i want you to know that i am right here with you.
We love you so much sweetheart. Words can't express how much we love you. But we know you know it and you feel it too, bcos you reciprocate it in your sweet little gestures that melt our hearts.
Happy 6 months old my darling.
Thank you for choosing us.
#sheilaloveherlife #babyWooLaLa #SSmotherhoodjourney #motherhood #6monthsold #infant #myheartisfull #ssfoodforthoughts #lettertomybaby
#sheilalovesherlovenest #firsttimemom
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Since the day Layla was born, I've been faced with dilemmas every single day. Shld i carry her or let her play on her own? Shld i let her nap longer or wake her up? Shld i let her nap first or shower first? Shld i change her diaper before or after feeding her? Omg.. the worse would be those in the wee hours in the morning. Shld i pump or shld i wait to latch?
Every stage will present new dilemmas. The last 2 days have been utterly exhausting. Since Day 0, Layla's been sleeping w somebody in her room. First was the confinement nanny, after she left, my helper took over. At 4m old, i decided it was time for Layla to start sleeping on her own, since she started sleeping 7pm-7am for quite a few nights already.
I'm not sure if it's sleep regression or her feeling insecure sleeping in the room alone - 2 nights ago, she woke up 5 times. 😭😭 It was especially hard bcos I've nv successfully put her to bed without nursing her before. So at the same time, i also had to teach her to disassociate Mama to milk only. She was confused and crying when i pat her instead of feeding her. SO TIRING!
I kept asking myself. Am i doing the right thing? Why am i doing this to myself? I can just continue with how things were, let my helper sleep w her. Nothing has to change! It would be so much easier for both Layla and i. But deep inside, i know I'm doing the right thing. I just need to not let this fatigue trick me into giving in!
Seriously though, no matter how tired i am. When i see her face in the morning with that huge toothless grin, everything just make sense, everything is worth it. 🥰
#sheilaloveherlife #babyWooLaLa #howmotherhoodhaschangedme #sheilalovesherlovenest #SSmotherhoodjourney #motherhood #4monthsold #myheartisfull #infant #appleofmyeye #happylife