【Fun in Busan with Mr. Egg】
Pororo(뽀로로)這隻小企鵝在韓國可是家喻戶曉的動畫人物! 在韓國孩子的心中,他更是被譽為「韓國兒童的總統」聽說很多外國朋友們也都跟《小企鵝pororo》一起學韓文。最近釜山樂天百貨光復店的頂樓有pororo十週年的特展(至12/11)! 50隻《小企鵝pororo》俏皮可愛表情各不相同, 有興趣的人可以來看看喔! ;)
Pororo(뽀로로)the Little Penguin is a popular computer-generated animated cartoon in SK. Pororo has become famous among children and has been regarded as "Pororo the President" in kids' world. Foreigners even learn Korean by watching pororo cartoon series! There is a Pororo exhibition at Lotte Department Store Gwangbok's rooftop(will be ended on 11th Dec.). Fifty poporo displays with different poses, go here if you're interested! ;)
#韓國 #Busan #Korea #釜山 #mregghosteloriginal
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【Mr. Egg News】
很多客人告訴我們,他們來釜山的原因是因為這裡是 #鄭容和 的故鄉。這麼說來...容和也算是我們的恩人阿~ lol 分享一下他的新劇照! 今晚首播喔,準備看鄭容和魅力大爆發。
Many customers told us that they visited Busan because of CNBLUE #JungYongHwa, whose hometown is in Busan. As such, Jung Yong Hwa is our benefactor! lol Here is his new photo! Btw, his new drama starts to air in Korea tonight! go~
#Busan #Korea #釜山 #mregghosteloriginal #CNBLUE