💛MOViE MOViE by bc
最新一期 ⓂⓂⓂ #26 經已陸續送達百老匯院線及中環年宵2.0啦!
ATTENTION! The latest issue of MOViE MOViE Magazine is now available at Broadway Cinemas & Mart in Hong Kong!
奧斯卡頒獎禮即將揭幕,MOViE MOViE 頻道秉承傳統,於家中重溫經典得獎傑作之餘同時於戲院舉辦「金像好戲獨家睇」,一同於揭盎前夕齊齊睇今屆好戲!記得留意我哋 Facebook 或者 Instagram @moviemoviebybc 專頁嘅最新消息!
MM 首映星期天獨家首播《海街女孩日記》、《甜味人間》、《身後戀事》及與戲院同步《如此,如此這般》及《緊張大師-希治閣vs杜魯福》。
封底為本地藝術家 Keo Chow 的《海街女孩日記》插圖。
MOViE MOViE仝人謹祝大家新年進步,萬事如意!
The Oscars 2017 is approaching! As usual, MOViE MOViE is presenting a number of award-winning gems for you to enjoy relaxingly at home. What's even more exciting is that we will be having Count Down to The Award to celebrate this year's ceremony with nominated movies!
MOViE MOViE Home Premiere exclusively presents OUR LITTLE SISTER, AN, JOURNEY TO THE SHORE, and this month's cinema co-release SOMETHING LIKE, SOMETHING LIKE IT and HITCHCOCK/TRUFFAUT.
Back Cover illustrated by Keo Chow, inspired by OUR LITTLE SISTER.
MOViE MOViE wishes you all a fruitful and joyful Year of Rooster!
#海街女孩日記 #OurLittleSister #如此如此這般 #SomethingLikeSomethingLikeIt #MMM #moviemoviemagazeine #MOViEMOViE #moviemoviebybc