- 30 Cặp từ dễ nhầm lẫn các bạn chú ý nè!
Cụ tỉ ở đây:
1. Sigh /saɪ/: thở dài - Sight /saɪt/: thị lực, cảnh vật
2. Stage /steɪdʒ/: sân khấu, giai đoạn - State /steɪt/: tình trạng, tiểu bang
3. Stork/stɔːk/: con cò - Stock/stɒk/: kho hàng
4. Sin /sɪn/: tội lỗi - Sine/saɪn/: Hàm sin (lượng giác)
5. Mask /mɑːsk/: mặt nạ - Mark /mɑːk/: điểm, đánh dấu
6. Stationary /ˈsteɪ.ʃən.ər.i/: tĩnh - Stationery/ˈsteɪ.ʃən.ər.i/: đồ dùng văn phòng
7. Steel /stiːl/: thép - Steal /stiːl/: ăn cắp
8. Scarce/skeəs/: hiếm - Scare/skeər/: sợ hãi
9. Marital /ˈmær.ɪ.təl/: thuộc hôn nhân - Martial /ˈmɑː.ʃəl/: thuộc quân sự
10. Migrate /maɪˈɡreɪt/: di cư - Immigrate /ˈɪm.ɪ.ɡrənt/: nhập cư
11. Meteor /ˈmiː.ti.ɔːr/: sao băng - Meter /ˈmiː.tər/: mét, đồng hồ đo
12. Palace /ˈpæl.ɪs/: cung điện - Place/pleɪs/: địa điểm
13. Net /net/: lưới - Nest /nest/: tổ
14. Oblivious /əˈblɪv.i.əs/: Lãng quên, không để ý - Obvious /ˈɒb.vi.əs/: rõ ràng
15. Stun /stʌn/: làm choáng váng - Stunt /stʌnt/: trò mạo hiểm
16. Scald /skɔːld/: làm bỏng - Scold /skəʊld/: chửi mắng
17. Litter /ˈlɪt.ər/: rác - Liter /ˈliː.tər/: Lít
18. Loyal /ˈlɔɪ.əl/: trung thành - Royal/ˈrɔɪ.əl/: hoàng gia
19. Lawn /lɔːn/: thảm cỏ - Law /lɔː/: luật
20. Lame /leɪm/: què - Lane /leɪn/: làn đường
21. Message /ˈmes.ɪdʒ/: tin nhắn - Massage /ˈmæs.ɑːʒ/: Mát xa
22. Precious /ˈpreʃ.əs/: quý giá - Previous /ˈpriː.vi.əs/: trước đó
23. Petty /ˈpet.i/: nhỏ nhặt - Pretty /ˈprɪt.i/: xinh đẹp
24. Pirate /ˈpaɪ.rət/: hải tặc - Private/ˈpraɪ.vət/: riêng tư
25. Prefect /ˈpriː.fekt/: quận trưởng - Perfect /ˈpɜː.fekt/: hoàn hảo
26. Pear /peər/: quả lê - Pearl /pɜːl/: ngọc trai
27. Procedure /prəˈsiː.dʒər/: thủ tục - Produce /prəˈdʒuːs/: Sản xuất
28. Powder /ˈpaʊ.dər/: bột - Power /paʊər/: sức mạnh
29. Pattern /ˈpæt.ən/: mẫu, họa tiết - Partner /ˈpɑːt.nər/: bạn đồng hành
30. Persevere /ˌpɜː.sɪˈvɪər/: kiên nhẫn, kiên trì - Preserve /prɪˈzɜːv/: bảo tồn, bảo quản
Nhớ lưu về học để tránh nhầm lẫn khi sử dụng nha. Đặc biệt chú ý khi Nghe, các từ này càng dễ nhầm lẫn hơn nữa ý. Nên cẩn thận các bạn nhé.
「migrate immigrate」的推薦目錄:
- 關於migrate immigrate 在 IELTS Fighter - Chiến binh IELTS Facebook 的精選貼文
- 關於migrate immigrate 在 辣媽英文天后 林俐 Carol Facebook 的精選貼文
- 關於migrate immigrate 在 Eric's English Lounge Facebook 的最佳貼文
- 關於migrate immigrate 在 コバにゃんチャンネル Youtube 的最佳解答
- 關於migrate immigrate 在 大象中醫 Youtube 的最佳解答
- 關於migrate immigrate 在 大象中醫 Youtube 的最佳貼文
- 關於migrate immigrate 在 《活用文法》 migrate / immigrate / emigrate 的評價
migrate immigrate 在 辣媽英文天后 林俐 Carol Facebook 的精選貼文
<3 俐媽英文教室:保育紫斑蝶‧國道讓步篇
<3 preserve (v.) 保存
衍:preservation (n.) 保存/ preservatives (n.) 防腐劑
字根:-serv-: serve; keep (e.g. serve, conserve, deserve, observe, reserve, subserve...)
<3 purple crow butterfly 紫斑蝶
<3 tiny (a.) 小的
cf. tidy (a.) 整齊乾淨的(片:tidy and clean 整齊清潔的)
<3 migrate (v.) 遷徙
衍:migration (n.) 遷徙/ migratory (a.) 遷徙的/ immigrate (v.) 遷徙入.../ emigrate (v.) 遷徙出...
片:migratory bird 候鳥
字根:-migr-: remove, wander
<3 generally (adv.) 一般地;普遍地(= in general)
衍:general (a.) 普遍的;概略的/ generalize (v.) 普遍化
字根:-gen-: produce (e.g. generate, genesis, genital, gentile, indigenous, progenitor, genius, genus...)
<3 lay (v.) 產卵;放置(-laid-laid)
cf. lie-lied-lied (v.) 說謊/ lie-lay-lain (v.) 躺
片:lay off 開除/ laid-back (a.) 散漫的;放鬆的
<3 specific (a.) 明確的
原:specify (v.) 明確指出
字根:-spec-: look, see (e.g. special, spectacle, spectrum, speculate...)
<3 route (n.) 路線
片:en route 在路上(= on the way)
<3 reproduce (v.) 繁殖
原:produce (v.) 製造;生產
片:reproductive organ 生殖器官
<3 distance (n.) 距離
衍:distant (a.) 遙遠的(= faraway = remote)
<3 reservoir (n.) 儲水槽;水庫
原:reserve (v.) 保存;預訂/ reservation (n.) 保存;預訂/ reserved (a.) (話語/態度/個性)有所保留的
片:make a reservation 預訂(座位/房間)
<3 freeway (n.) 國道
<3 section (n.) 區段
字根:-sect-: cut (e.g. insect, sector, intersection, vivisection...)
<3 bureau (n.) 局
衍:bureaucracy (n.) 官僚制度/ bureaucratic (a.) 官僚的
<3 precious (a.) 珍貴的
<3 launch (v.) 發起;發射
片:launch an activity 發起活動/ launch a campaign 發起造勢或競選活動/ launch a missile 發射飛彈
<3 yield to N 讓步;屈服於
片:yield one's seat to sb. 讓座給...
<3 conservation (n.) 保育
原:conserve (v.) 保育/ conserves (n.) 蜜餞
<3 set up (ph.) 建立
<3 lane (n.) 車道;巷道
cf. lamb (n.) 羔羊/ lame (a.) 弱的;跛的
<3 per (a.) 每一... (e.g. per day, per hour...)
<3 strategy (n.) 策略
衍:strategic (a.) 策略的
<3 invisible (a.) 看不見的
字根:-vis-: look, see (e.g. advertise, envy, evidence, revise, supervise, visage, visionary, visit, vista, visualize...)
<3 valuable (a.) 珍貴的
原:value (n.) 價值;(v.) 珍惜
衍: invaluable (a.) 無價的(= priceless)/ valueless (a.) 一文不值的(= worthless)/ evaluate (v.) 評估(= assess)
片:be of ... value 有...價值的
<3 responsibility (n.) 責任
衍:responsible (a.) 負責任的
片:a sense of responsibility 責任感/ take the responsibility 扛下責任/ be responsible for... 為...負責/ hold N responsible 要...負起責任
<3 slow down (ph.) 慢下來
反:speed up 加速(= expedite = accelerate)
migrate immigrate 在 Eric's English Lounge Facebook 的最佳貼文
emigration, immigration, migration 的區別
emigration 是移出移民
immigration 是移入移民
migration 是移民 (同時表示包括移出和移入居民)
比如我太太移民到美國,對台灣人來說她是經過 emigration (emigrant),對美國人來說她是 immigration (immigrant)。對台灣人和美國人,她都是 migration (migrant)。而對在台灣的我是...celebration (jk!)。
1. Emigration and immigration are both forms of migration.
2. If you move out of a country, you have emigrated, and you are an emigrant.
3. If you move into a country, you have immigrated, and you are now an immigrant.
4. Either way, or even if you move within the same country, you have migrated, and you are a migrant.
5. Also, animals and people can all migrate, but only people can immigrate and emigrate.
You may be familiar with the prefix ex- meaning “out” from words like exodus. If you can remember both that and identify the immigration with the word in, then this will help you to remember that emigration is from the point of view of coming out, while immigration is from the point of view of coming in.
Sources: http://zhidao.baidu.com/question/85506147.html
Detailed explanation: http://www.educationbug.org/a/immigration-vs-emigration.html
migrate immigrate 在 《活用文法》 migrate / immigrate / emigrate 的必吃
migrate, immigrate, emigrate這三個字長的好像,要怎麼分辨? 字根字首大攻略。如果是硬背,一定會昏頭轉向的。 讓我們用字根字首拆解! migrate. ... <看更多>