另外,這幾天也有好幾家醫院來聯絡我們,我們也主動去聯絡了一些醫院,聽到了很多誇張的內幕... 真的很抱歉不能曝光太多,不然等一下又害到裡面的醫生和護士... 其實現在的疫情和醫院裡面的情況,比影片裡面那時候還要嚴重,跟我們聯絡的十多家醫院的醫療物資已經嚴重缺乏,北馬某家醫院物資只夠頂兩天。還有一間醫院有四十多位醫護人員同時確診。醫生在跟我們通話的時候,有些是講話講到哭的...
這幾天很多人來inbox我們,向我們請教關於捐款買物資的事情。你問我的話,我個人一向來都不相信外面那些慈善團體,因為它們很多是背後有財團不然就是來路不明的... 至於我們自己曾經有去捐款幫助過的慈善團體都是事先派人親身去探聽過內幕的才敢放心...
如果你們想直接捐錢給醫院,很抱歉醫院不是慈善團體所以是沒有捐款賬戶的。要的話只能直接捐給“衛生部”然後讓他們來分配... 至於衛生部這種東西你們不要來問我意見,這些Cbk我講了等一下牠們不爽又來抓我...
1. Malacca General Hospital 馬六甲醫院
- CPAP/BiPAP machine with helmet x2 氧氣頭套
- PAPR x 4 高級醫用護服
- Oxygen flow meter for wall oxygen x 60 氧氣流量計
- Bedside Monitoring with 5 parameters x 5 床邊檢測儀
- Non-invasive BP monitoring (NIBP) x 5
- Medical Screen x 10 醫用屏障
- Bull nose oxygen head x 4
2. Hospital Tengku Ampuan Rahimah 巴生醫院
-Oxygen Concentrator 10 L x5 制氧機
-Blood Pressure Monitor with Pulse Oximeter x2 血壓探測儀
-Syringe Pump x20 注射泵
-Oxygen Tank 40 L x2 氧氣罐
-Twin Flow Oximeter x2 血氧儀
-Laptop (For Telehealth) x2
3. Hospital Kuala Lumpur 吉隆坡醫院
- Air Purifier with HEPA filter x5 空氣凈化機
4. Hospital Ampang 安邦醫院
-Fluid management system X 3 set
-Syringe pump X 20 UNIT
-Patient Monitor(10’ INCH) 5 parameters x 10 unit
-Portable Suction Machine x 2 unit
-Neonatal Ventilator (invasive) x 2
-Neonatal Cooling Therapy Machine x 1
-Neonatal AEEG machine x 1 unit
-Closed Incubator x 5 unit
-Open Intensive Incubator x 3 unit
-Neonate Weighing Scale with trolley x 2 unit
-pediatric weighing scale with height measurement x 1 unit
-Neonatal ECG x1 unit
-Airvo HFNC for Neonatal x 2
- Pediatric ventilator x 1
5. Hospital Tawau 沙巴斗湖醫院
-PAPR x10 高級醫用護服
-HFNC machine x5
- Nasal cannula M size (20 per box) 3 boxes
-Tubing (10/box) 6 boxes
6. Hospital Sultan Abdul Halim 吉打醫院
-PAPR x10
-Noco spray & solution (sanitation) 2 sets, solution 30Lx4
-Vital sign monitoring, 3 parameters any brand would do, blood pressure, heart rate, SPO2, x6
-Bedside monitoring, 5 parameters, blood pressure, heart rate, SPO2, ECG, respiratory rate x 4
-Syringe Pump 30 units 注射泵
-HFNC machine x4
-Portable ventilator x 2 移動制氧機
-醫院每天平均會用到 1200個PPE,自行斟酌捐獻
-Infant opened warmer x2
7. Hospital Queen Elizabeth 沙巴KK醫院
- 20 boxes of the HFNC tubings
- Nasal cannula M size (20 per box) 6 boxes
-10 PAPR
- Laptops for telehealth x3
8. Hospital Sg. Buloh 雪蘭莪雙溪毛糯醫院
- Tent x1
- Laptops for telehealth x6
9. Hospital Sultanah Fatimah Muar 柔佛麻坡醫院
- HFNC machine x6
-Syringe Pump x5
-Portable Pulse Oximeter x30
-Duckbill N95 Mask 自行斟酌捐獻,醫院平均1天會用到200片,貨存剩1個星期的份
-HFNC Tubing, S x5 pieces, M x10 pieces, L x25 pieces
A. 捐獻器材必須要有(MDA Cert)
B. 購買器材之前必須跟醫院確定好型號(model),每個醫院不一樣,避免買錯不能用。
同時也有1部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過25萬的網紅SiCAR愛車趣,也在其Youtube影片中提到,瑀熙又來了~上次合作過後老爹答應瑀熙如果有厲害的車要再找她,今天這台車厲害了,選配後2700萬的移動豪宅,繼上次婕翎之後,換瑀熙要來當貴婦享受最豪華的GT跑車,是什麼讓貧窮限制了想像,趕快來看影片吧!記得訂閱我們的頻道並開啟小鈴鐺喔! ※訂閱YouTube頻道➜http://bit.ly/SiCA...
mcb是什麼 在 Facebook 的精選貼文
生日快樂 Leng Sean Leng Sean Gaming!今天是妹妹生日正日 ❤️ 昨晚臨時倒數DJ直播很多人今天來靠北姐姐為什麼沒有通知你們所以今晚10.30pm 我做個最後倒數妹妹 @lengsean 生日一小時多直播ok。別說我沒有通知🤣🤣🤣
Counting down my sister @lengsean birthday tonight on her FB page Live DJ Party at 10.30pm. Tune in to wish her happy birthday 🥳 🎂 🎉
To the person who complete my life in a way no one can ever do, and the key reason for me to become a better person by day, being the sole provider for my mental health, the only partner i need in life till death do us apart, the love of my life, the milk to my cornflakes, the apple of my eyes, the home thru my mco cmco fmco mcb, the oxygen for my lungs, the irreplaceable person in my heart … Happy Happy Birthday.
By wishing My King on her birthday every year meant ALOT to me as it was also the celebration of her existence. This date is set to remind me that my world is INDEED a better place, only because of her existence.
Everyday of her being alive, living, smiling, breathing and reappearing in my world, my daily life, is her birth day to me.
We grind together, stand together, study together, work together, create together, improve together, improvise together, make choices together, create chances together, make decisions together, succeed together, plan together, execute together, travel together, eat together, secure & reassure together, reevaluate together, taking care of each other’s health, mental health, our family members, our properties, our assets and securing each other’s life back and forth wrapping up all details in a whole.
I had never had anyone who are as close knitted to me than my sister. Not even near.
Today celebrates the birth of My King - The Key to my life. For me to live on, to plan forward, to carry forward, to carry on, to lean on, to rely on, and to pass on 👭
Cant tell ya all how great she is coz ya only know by knowing her and thats a privilege i was given since birth ❤️
Love u with all my heart & soul, My King
mcb是什麼 在 Facebook 的精選貼文
你們把國家搞得那麼爛,疫情越來越嚴重,多少人中病死掉,多少人公司倒閉,多少人失業... TMD現在人家又不是去掃你一巴掌!頂多只是掛個黑旗表達不滿,或者掛一下白旗討吃,KNN你連這樣也不能接受?也要去捉人?MCH...
不要忘了,你的薪水是我們人民付給你的,現在你做什麼LJ事情出來?一天到晚只會Laosai。我們國家領空被軍機入侵了你連屁都不敢放一聲,就只會欺負手無寸鐵的人民... 真的是PKM來的,死Laosai王。
mcb是什麼 在 SiCAR愛車趣 Youtube 的最讚貼文
※追蹤Andy老爹IG ➜ http://bit.ly/老爹IG
最貴試駕 兩位女神到底選誰 讓老爹暈了!?ft. 婕翎
省油、好開、空間大、還要六氣囊 70萬有找可能嗎?ft. IRIS艾莉絲 vs Ford Focus
重機女神也被老爹收服了!!600RRxSUPRA Ft.罐罐
瑀熙與CLA200的親密接觸 倒車入庫/路邊停車 一天學會有可能嗎? ft.瑀熙