參觀咗 H.K. Lovecraft 本地手工啤酒廠見學,了解啤酒製作嘅過程。設備同大麥全部來自德國,由釀酒師Perry帶領參觀麥芽粉碎房、釀酒機器等,然後去到好似圖書館嘅試酒室試4款Lager啤酒,我喜歡Rauchbier啤酒嘅smoky 味,亦喜歡Doppelbock嘅有趣「冰火」飲法!😆🍻如果你都有興趣去參觀下,3月份嘅見學團仲有13、14、18、19、29及30日,每位$150,可以參觀酒廠同試4款手工啤酒,抵!快d去佢地FB報名啦!cheers!🍻
Visited H.K. Lovecraft local craft beer brewery & understand more about the beer making process. The whole production line as well as malts r from Germany. The master brewer Perry showed me the production line, including the grinding room, mashing and fermentation process. Then, we headed to the library tasting room to try 4 craft lager. I like the smoky notes of Rauchbier as well as the interesting warm & cold Doppelbock experience!😆🍻 if u r interested, there r public tour sessions in March, including 13, 14, 18, 19, 29 & 30 March. It’s hk$150/person for a brewery tour & tasting 4 lagers. Value for money! U can enroll from their FB! Cheers!🍻
#beer #brewery #hklovecraft #hkbeer #localbeer #fun #weekendvibes
master brewer 在 Whiscript 威事記 Facebook 的最佳貼文
大家有發現今天六點多天就快黑了嗎?沒錯,秋天要到了!抓住最後夏天的尾巴,來做一隻很特別Ale的品飲。這是在北義看到的,原因是上面那個很小的HP logo. 起初以為aged 12years的啤酒真是特別,回家一看才發現是寫「黑暗騎士 12號」。這不僅讓我想到蝙蝠俠,我的女神安海瑟薇還有以前法國的「數字酒」。什麼東西!!! 上面清楚寫著, this ale is matured in the selected Highland Park 12y.o single malt cask. "Ola Dubh"的意思就是black oil, 對, 黑油,在滿城風雨的台灣這名字現在格外諷刺。包裝還很賤的用了HP12特有的那個橙色。標簽上除了一個head brewer的簽名還有一個master of wood的簽名。master of wood這個title真夠威的!不過這隻8%的ale對我來說喝起來就跟Guinness一模模一樣樣,就多了一點巧克力味.....我也煞有其事的寫了一篇review不過實在是木舌。好啦,入秋這天打混一點,下個禮拜有Glenglassaugh以及Springbank CV V.S Longrow CV, 然後就需要尋求新idea啦!各位晚安,我還是喜歡喝whisky :3
master brewer 在 Isaactan.net Facebook 的最讚貼文
.. soft launch event with Starker master brewer Timothy O'Rourke ..