Do you know why Batwoman’s hair is Red? Because she has a red birthstone necklace which is given by her mom and match with her mom’s earrings. Red color represents the birthstone and also the love between Batwoman and her mom. How sweet !!
Batwoman用紅色假髮,象徵同媽媽、妹妹嘅聯繫。而我手上嘅寶石手鍊,一樣象徵媽媽同仔女最親密的聯繫。佢就係早前預購Aptamil ESSENSIS HMO產品,做Apta Club ESSENSIS VIP會員送嘅「母愛寶石工作坊」飾物,可以用媽媽自己的母乳或誕生石製作,留下刻骨銘心嘅紀念,即刻覺得自己同Batwoman一樣😂so happy💖💕
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