Here's our student, 19 year old Alisya Razman performing a contemporary dance solo "Staring at the Stars". Alisya has been with Enfiniti Academy from the first year we set up in 2011!
We're so proud of her achievements/performances:
- Best female dancer in Short and Sweet 2011 and Best supporting dancer in 2014.
- danced a solo in the Mydance Alliance event," Dancing in place "
-and in July I'll be apart of the ballet show "La Bayadere" held at Istana Budaya.
won 5 medals and a scholarship to Millenium Dance Complex at the World Championships of Performing Arts (WCOPA) in Hollywood,Los Angeles.
@enfinitiacademy #EnfinitiOpenDay #performingarts #futurestars #nurturingcreativeminds #drama #acting