《我的幸福5/2 週末》
*週日下午兩點誠品信義書店「廿世紀典範人物」新書分享會,我下午二時開始演講,離上次在台灣大學公開演説。快半年了!分享會報名一小時預告已額滿,但TVBS電視台慷慨的支持。派出SNG車,屆時TVBS文茜的世界周報YouTube 及世界周報Facebook 都將同步直播。
*新書分享會後我將直奔高雄衛武營,參加劉孟捷(李斯特巡禮之年)鋼琴獨奏會。這是劉孟捷回台,最重要的一場音樂會,我目睹他用盡了一切心力。過去即使21歲時在費城代打缺席大師的音樂會,劉孟捷都未曾如此緊張。他此次回台,手術前為了沒有遺憾,共舉行三場音樂會:其中4/17與5/30皆是與國家交響樂團NSO合作:530那一場指揮是呂紹嘉。但他告訴我,某些曲目對他而言,是Piece of Cake :惟獨衞武營這一場,曲目由他自己決定,現場錄影,並且找了金曲獎錄音師同步錄音。
等音樂會結束了,至少有一張CD,一段YouTube 影像:不論孟捷代表生命的那朵鮮花是否枯萎,他彈奏如天使的音聲不會飛離,它會停留在那夜,繼續釋放芬芳。
*劉孟捷為此次獨奏會寫下的文字:This past year has seen some unprecedented changes in the world. Many lives have been lost and many have changed. The world has changed while many of us confront the uncertainty of the future.
For most musicians, life has changed. For months, we have been conducting our lessons online, and concerts have mostly stopped or become an online experience as well. More time has been spent learning how to improve the online teaching experience than one could have imagined. While I have felt the duty to continue teaching, the format the pandemic requires for teaching leaves me unwilling to spend more time than I have to.
And truly, I have had other things to deal with. When the pandemic started to worry the American public in March, I was in the middle of a tour with the String Quartet-in-Residence at Curtis, the Vera Quartet. However, our concerts were canceled, and everything came to a sudden halt.
I felt the universe had sent me an unexpected gift, as I had also just received some terrible news concerning my worsening aortic arches and a diagnosis of kidney cancer. The sudden halt in my professional schedule seemed perfect in its timing. I was able to settle into a monastic existence, to simply practice and attempt to heal.
I see many musicians itching to be concertizing again, and many stepped into new territory, performing on the internet. Many took time to develop new podcasts, and to write new materials for their art. Sadly, many have struggled as they have fallen into desperation without any concert incomes. Altogether the music industry seems to be in peril, and many worry about how music and musicians will survive.
However, I had my own survival to think about. Having been through many difficult experiences in my life, I knew this might be the most difficult I would encounter. My Doctors describe me as a walking time bomb. My condition could be lethal at any moment if my blood pressure gets out of control. So while others wrestle with the fate of the music industry, I’ve needed to face my own fate and mortality.
Playing concerts can mean many things to people. At different times throughout my life, I’ve felt the need to express different aspects of myself. When I was young, I wanted to embody the spirit of romanticism, playing lots of Chopin and Schumann. Then there was a period of time when I wanted to challenge myself by showing off pyrotechnics. I had a brooding period where I turned to the pathos of Rachmaninoff, and then felt the need to return to the purity of Schubert and nobility of Brahms. Throughout this pandemic, I wanted to play Bach. Through Bach’s music I found a kind of spiritual sanctuary.
In considering the program for this concert, I felt again the urge to play music that reflects my current feelings and state of mind. The title of today’s recital, “Years of Pilgrimage” seems to fit exactly what I am experiencing.
Liszt wrote several volumes of “Années de pèlerinage” throughout his life to reflect on thoughts he had during his travels. He links his philosophical thoughts to the scenery which inspired them. “Au Bord d’un Source” describes feelings of rejuvenation while standing next to a clear stream of water, a symbol and source of life and energy. It seems to say, when the stream is so pure, life can be so full of joy.
In the Les jeux d'eaux à la Villa d'Este (The Fountains of the Villa d'Este), the water has a magical and supernatural quality, as Liszt himself wrote in the inscription: "But the water that I shall give him shall become in him a well of water springing up into eternal life,"( from the Gospel of John.)
For me, I have never felt more connected to Liszt than when he looked upon the valley of Obermann and questioned the meaning of existence. At this moment in my life, I often find myself reflecting my experiences of what I see and read into philosophical musings. Perhaps many people come to a time when this is so.
In all this I have felt gratitude for the love stories and sonnets that one can romantically indulge in, and for storms so violent that they threaten to destroy one’s spirit, even the hell-bound journey which brings up questions about the purpose of life…
On this journey, I felt full and alive as a human being. Looking back on this journey, I am grateful for everything, whether happy or sad, to have made an impact, found and imparted meaning to this life.
The unusual time of this pandemic has marked a milestone for me. I have journeyed back home, and as it happened, this is the first time I have spent so much time in my hometown Kaohsiung in over 35 years. It’s particularly nostalgic to play these pieces as some of them were significant in my early musical career. Vallée d’Obermann was the piece I played in my first competition at the junior high school level, in which I won first prize on the national level, which allowed me to be qualified to apply for a special permission to study abroad. This meant my dream to be educated as a musician could be continued in an environment where I could develop fully. In the following year when I was 13, I won the first Asia-Pacific Youth PIano Competition with the Dante Sonata. The competition catapulted me into national attention as I was headlined in several newspapers, and especially since it was held in Kaohsiung, I became a local hero as well. During the same event, I had a fateful meeting with one of the important influences in my life, Mr. Gary Graffman, who then mentored me throughout not only the years when I was studying at Curtis, but throughout my illness and recovery as a pianist. Right before I departed to study in Philadelphia, I played my first solo recital throughout Taiwan, and along with the Dante Sonata, I also performed the three sonnets.
It’s perfect that now, back in Kaohsiung, all these memories have flooded back into my head. I feel so lucky to have been born here, and to have met my first teacher, Chin-Li Lee, who inspired me on the path to become a musician. Prof. Alexander Sung filled me with dreams of becoming an artist. I am grateful for his belief in my talent, when he chose to give a 12 year old such philosophical pieces to play.
Having once again spent some months in Kaohsiung, I can freshly appreciate the source of inspiration it once was for me. I have returned to the source to heal. Having already glimpsed hell’s gate several times, battered and weathered by the storms of life, I know there is a reason life is this way, and it all will be alright.
Meng-Chieh Liu
April, 2021
Franz Liszt(1811-1886): Sonetto 47 del Petrarca, Sonetto 104 del Petrarca, Sonetto 123 del Petrarca, from Années de pèlerinage, Deuxième année: Italie
李斯特於1846年先出版藝術歌曲《三首佩脫拉克十四行詩》(Tre sonetti del Petrarca),再改成鋼琴獨奏版。
「local music gospel」的推薦目錄:
- 關於local music gospel 在 文茜的世界周報 Sisy's World News Facebook 的精選貼文
- 關於local music gospel 在 Sam Tsang 曾思瀚 Facebook 的最佳貼文
- 關於local music gospel 在 Roger Chung 鍾一諾 Facebook 的最讚貼文
- 關於local music gospel 在 コバにゃんチャンネル Youtube 的精選貼文
- 關於local music gospel 在 大象中醫 Youtube 的最佳解答
- 關於local music gospel 在 大象中醫 Youtube 的精選貼文
local music gospel 在 Sam Tsang 曾思瀚 Facebook 的最佳貼文
歡迎大家於下星期一 (10月5日),下午1:30分瀏覽以下網頁 http://www.news.ccc.cuhk.edu.hk/middayoasis/ 網上觀賞,或親臨崇基學院禮拜堂欣賞「午間心靈綠洲」音樂會!
日期:十月五日 (星期一)
時間:下午1:30 – 1:55分
地點: 崇基學院禮拜堂
表演者 : 鍾一諾教授 (聲樂) 、Jezrael Lucero (鋼琴)
A Jazzy Afternoon of Gospel
Date: October 5 (Monday)
Time: 1:30pm-1:55pm
Venue: Chung Chi College Chapel
Performers: Prof. Roger Chung (Voice), Jezrael Lucero (Piano)
* 觀眾需於禮拜堂入口量度體溫。如額溫為37.5℃或以上,將不能進入禮拜堂。
* 觀眾需於入場時消毒雙手。
* 觀眾需於禮拜堂內全時間佩戴口罩。
* 觀眾需於禮拜堂入口登記姓名及聯絡方法。
Please beware:
* Temperature check is required at the entrance. If an audience’s forehead temperature is above 37.5°C, admittance would be declined.
* Hands must be disinfected at the entrance.
* Wearing face mask is required throughout all time at the venue.
* Audience must register and leave their contacts at the entrance.
音樂會將會由屢獲「CASH金帆音樂獎」的著名歌手、「鍾氏兄弟」成員兼中大醫學院教授鍾一諾,聯同天才鋼琴家Jezrael Lucero 為大家送上不同時代及風格的詩歌、爵士與福音音樂。
鍾一諾教授是香港著名音樂人、歌手、監製、作曲人、填詞人、電台主持;與其兄鍾一匡組成的「鍾氏兄弟」是一個在香港獲獎無數的音樂組合;他亦積極參於音樂推廣及教育活動,尤對爵士與福音音樂影響深遠。2012年,「鍾氏兄弟」榮獲華語金曲獎「年度最佳爵士藝人」獎項、2014年獲華語音樂傳媒大獎「最佳組合」、2014年CASH金帆音樂獎「CASH最佳歌曲大獎」、「最佳歌詞」、「最佳合唱演繹」(與大AL、梁球合唱)等殊榮。鍾一諾亦曾四度榮獲CASH金帆音樂獎「最佳旋律」大獎提名,包括:2011年的《朋友。愛》(與吳秉堅合寫)、2013年的《驚動創造》、2014年的《時代的顛覆者》以及2015年的《未種的花》。「鍾氏兄弟」也是著名唱片監製,曾監製過的歌手/音樂人包括世界聞名的七屆格林美得主美國福音音樂教父Andraé Crouch與時代曲一代歌后姚莉等等。2019年,鍾一諾教授出版首張個人專輯《Song Book 歌集》,以歌聲/鋼琴爵士二重奏的風格重新演繹12位香港作曲家的作品,並獲2019年CASH金帆音樂獎三項提名,包括「最佳歌詞」、「最佳編曲」及「最佳男歌手演繹」。
被譽為「當代莫扎特」,Jezrael Lucero 是一位失明的天才鋼琴家,精通各種音樂流派,包括爵士、藍調、節奏藍調、福音音樂、拉丁音樂、古巴音樂、鄉村音樂、流行和古典音樂。 定居香港後,他迅速成為本地現場音樂表演的常客,又為多位著名流行歌手錄音和編曲,其中包括樂壇天后林憶蓮、節奏藍調歌手方大同和屢獲殊榮的「鍾氏兄弟」。《Song Book 歌集》是首張Jezrael 以鋼琴家和編曲家身份製作的專輯,並是他與鍾一諾教授首次聯合
Program Description:
We have prepared a Jazzy Afternoon for you next Monday (Oct 5)! Visit this website http://www.news.ccc.cuhk.edu.hk/middayoasis/ at 1:30pm, or come to Chung Chi College Chapel and enjoy a wonderful Midday Oasis performance by multi-award winning vocalist Professor Roger Chung & virtuoso pianist Jezrael Lucero. The duo will perform jazz, gospel and hymns from around the world, classic and modern.
Professor Roger Chung, PhD, is a recording artist, producer, composer, lyricist, radio host, and music educator. The Chung Brothers, formed with his brother, is a celebrated musical duo with considerable influence in jazz and gospel music. They were named “The Best Jazz Artists” by the Chinese Music Awards, “The Best Group of the Year” by the Chinese Music Media Awards, and three-time winners of Hong Kong’s prestigious “Composers and Authors Society of Hong Kong (CASH) Golden Sail Music Awards.” He has collaborated with multiple-Grammy winning gospel legend Andrae Crouch, legendary Shanghai Diva Yao Lee, among others. “Song Book,” Chung’s first debut album as a solo jazz vocalist, is one of the best-selling albums in 2019.
Hailed as a “contemporary Mozart” by the Filipino media, Jezrael Lucero is a blind piano prodigy whose mastery of the instrument span across all different types of musical genres, including jazz, blues, R&B, gospel, latin, afro-cuban, country, pop and classical. Upon arrival in Hong Kong, he quickly became a tour de force in the local live music scene, and participated in recordings and arrangement works of major pop artists, including diva Sandy Lam, R&B boy of wonder Khalil Fong, and the award-winning gospel-blues group the Chung Brothers. “Song Book” is the first album that features Jezrael Lucero as a pianist and arranger at the forefront, and marks his first collaboration with Roger Chung as a co-producer.
“ 停一停,想一想,再重新出發 …”
“Pause and ponder, as we depart…”
Chung Chi Chaplaincy 崇基學院校牧室
Roger Chung 鍾一諾
Jezrael Lucero
local music gospel 在 Roger Chung 鍾一諾 Facebook 的最讚貼文
歡迎大家於下星期一 (10月5日),下午1:30分瀏覽以下網頁 http://www.news.ccc.cuhk.edu.hk/middayoasis/ 網上觀賞,或親臨崇基學院禮拜堂欣賞「午間心靈綠洲」音樂會!
日期:十月五日 (星期一)
時間:下午1:30 – 1:55分
地點: 崇基學院禮拜堂
表演者 : 鍾一諾教授 (聲樂) 、Jezrael Lucero (鋼琴)
A Jazzy Afternoon of Gospel
Date: October 5 (Monday)
Time: 1:30pm-1:55pm
Venue: Chung Chi College Chapel
Performers: Prof. Roger Chung (Voice), Jezrael Lucero (Piano)
* 觀眾需於禮拜堂入口量度體溫。如額溫為37.5℃或以上,將不能進入禮拜堂。
* 觀眾需於入場時消毒雙手。
* 觀眾需於禮拜堂內全時間佩戴口罩。
* 觀眾需於禮拜堂入口登記姓名及聯絡方法。
Please beware:
* Temperature check is required at the entrance. If an audience’s forehead temperature is above 37.5°C, admittance would be declined.
* Hands must be disinfected at the entrance.
* Wearing face mask is required throughout all time at the venue.
* Audience must register and leave their contacts at the entrance.
音樂會將會由屢獲「CASH金帆音樂獎」的著名歌手、「鍾氏兄弟」成員兼中大醫學院教授鍾一諾,聯同天才鋼琴家Jezrael Lucero 為大家送上不同時代及風格的詩歌、爵士與福音音樂。
鍾一諾教授是香港著名音樂人、歌手、監製、作曲人、填詞人、電台主持;與其兄鍾一匡組成的「鍾氏兄弟」是一個在香港獲獎無數的音樂組合;他亦積極參於音樂推廣及教育活動,尤對爵士與福音音樂影響深遠。2012年,「鍾氏兄弟」榮獲華語金曲獎「年度最佳爵士藝人」獎項、2014年獲華語音樂傳媒大獎「最佳組合」、2014年CASH金帆音樂獎「CASH最佳歌曲大獎」、「最佳歌詞」、「最佳合唱演繹」(與大AL、梁球合唱)等殊榮。鍾一諾亦曾四度榮獲CASH金帆音樂獎「最佳旋律」大獎提名,包括:2011年的《朋友。愛》(與吳秉堅合寫)、2013年的《驚動創造》、2014年的《時代的顛覆者》以及2015年的《未種的花》。「鍾氏兄弟」也是著名唱片監製,曾監製過的歌手/音樂人包括世界聞名的七屆格林美得主美國福音音樂教父Andraé Crouch與時代曲一代歌后姚莉等等。2019年,鍾一諾教授出版首張個人專輯《Song Book 歌集》,以歌聲/鋼琴爵士二重奏的風格重新演繹12位香港作曲家的作品,並獲2019年CASH金帆音樂獎三項提名,包括「最佳歌詞」、「最佳編曲」及「最佳男歌手演繹」。
被譽為「當代莫扎特」,Jezrael Lucero 是一位失明的天才鋼琴家,精通各種音樂流派,包括爵士、藍調、節奏藍調、福音音樂、拉丁音樂、古巴音樂、鄉村音樂、流行和古典音樂。 定居香港後,他迅速成為本地現場音樂表演的常客,又為多位著名流行歌手錄音和編曲,其中包括樂壇天后林憶蓮、節奏藍調歌手方大同和屢獲殊榮的「鍾氏兄弟」。《Song Book 歌集》是首張Jezrael 以鋼琴家和編曲家身份製作的專輯,並是他與鍾一諾教授首次聯合
Program Description:
We have prepared a Jazzy Afternoon for you next Monday (Oct 5)! Visit this website http://www.news.ccc.cuhk.edu.hk/middayoasis/ at 1:30pm, or come to Chung Chi College Chapel and enjoy a wonderful Midday Oasis performance by multi-award winning vocalist Professor Roger Chung & virtuoso pianist Jezrael Lucero. The duo will perform jazz, gospel and hymns from around the world, classic and modern.
Professor Roger Chung, PhD, is a recording artist, producer, composer, lyricist, radio host, and music educator. The Chung Brothers, formed with his brother, is a celebrated musical duo with considerable influence in jazz and gospel music. They were named “The Best Jazz Artists” by the Chinese Music Awards, “The Best Group of the Year” by the Chinese Music Media Awards, and three-time winners of Hong Kong’s prestigious “Composers and Authors Society of Hong Kong (CASH) Golden Sail Music Awards.” He has collaborated with multiple-Grammy winning gospel legend Andrae Crouch, legendary Shanghai Diva Yao Lee, among others. “Song Book,” Chung’s first debut album as a solo jazz vocalist, is one of the best-selling albums in 2019.
Hailed as a “contemporary Mozart” by the Filipino media, Jezrael Lucero is a blind piano prodigy whose mastery of the instrument span across all different types of musical genres, including jazz, blues, R&B, gospel, latin, afro-cuban, country, pop and classical. Upon arrival in Hong Kong, he quickly became a tour de force in the local live music scene, and participated in recordings and arrangement works of major pop artists, including diva Sandy Lam, R&B boy of wonder Khalil Fong, and the award-winning gospel-blues group the Chung Brothers. “Song Book” is the first album that features Jezrael Lucero as a pianist and arranger at the forefront, and marks his first collaboration with Roger Chung as a co-producer.
“ 停一停,想一想,再重新出發 …”
“Pause and ponder, as we depart…”
Jezrael Lucero
Chung Chi College Chapel, the Chinese University of Hong Kong
Pele Ko