【土耳其伊斯坦堡】大啖鄂圖曼宮廷菜:Asitane Restaurant / 科拉教堂(卡里耶博物館)
Kariye Müzesi — the Chora Museum, Mosque or Church is considered to be one of the most beautiful surviving examples of a Byzantine church. The Chora Church is not as large as some of the other surviving Byzantine churches of Istanbul but it is unique among them. The mosaics and frescoes in the Chora are the most beautiful examples dating from the last period of the Byzantine painting. The characteristic stylistic elements in those mosaics and frescoes are the depth, the movements and plastic values of figures and the elongation of figures.
This elegant Asitane restaurant next to the Kariye Museum serves Ottoman dishes devised for the palace kitchens at Topkapı, Edirne and Dolmabahçe. Its chefs have been tracking down historic recipes for years, and the menu is full of versions that will tempt most modern palates, including vegetarians. Dine inside or in the pretty outdoor courtyard during summer.
卡里耶博物館原名為 科拉教堂Chora Church,後來被改為清真寺,在13~14世紀時所有馬賽克畫都會塗上白漆,一直到20世紀中期,美國的拜占庭研究所發現,才把這些白漆去除,今天我們參觀博物館時,才可以看到精美絕倫的馬賽克拼圖。
Asitane Restaurant跟一般餐廳不太一樣,它的菜系是以宮廷菜為主,像是托卡比皇宮Topkapı Sarayı、多瑪巴哈切宮Dolmabahçe Palace的御膳房宮廷菜。餐廳的多位主廚長年研究奧斯曼的古老菜譜,盡量呈現最原始的口味,也因此讓我特別期待,想著在今日,不必身為皇家貴族也可以吃到。
Asitane Restaurant
#Istanbul #Turkey