愛樂的朋友們,你是否想知道哪裡可以找到爵士樂的資訊?照過來照過來!美國國家歷史博物館的史密松森爵士網站完整收錄爵士樂的珍貴史料、大師錄音、線上藝廊等,並連結到史密松森機構的檢索平台SOVA ,豐富的資料庫等你來探索:#SmithsonianJazz #JazzAppreciationMonth #InternationalJazzDay Jazz Appreciation Month
International Jazz Day
As a music lover, are you curious about where to find more information about jazz? We’ve got you covered. National Museum of American History’s Smithsonian Jazz website provides an online rich database that features jazz collections and archives, online exhibitions, and the Smithsonian Online Virtual Archives (SOVA). Check out: http://americanhistory.si.edu/smithsonian-jazz
jazz appreciation day 在 美國在台協會 AIT Facebook 的最讚貼文
每年4月欣逢爵士欣賞月(Jazz Appreciation Month, JAM) 及國際爵士日(4月30日),全世界都聚焦在爵士樂這個人類歷史及文化的藝術珍寶。
今年為慶祝第四屆的國際爵士日,聯合國教科文組織親善大使、美國爵士樂教父賀比˙漢考(Herbie Hancock)將引領一場巨星雲集的爵士音樂會。此盛會將於巴黎舉行,這也是2011年11月聯合國教科文組織宣布4月30日為國際爵士日的誕生地。這場音樂會將同步直播於http://jazzday.com/concert/,歡迎爵士迷共襄盛舉,一同欣賞這場群星璀璨的爵士明星音樂會!
Join Us in Celebrating Jazz Appreciation Month and International Jazz Day!
Every April, Jazz Appreciation Month (JAM) and International Jazz Day (IJD, April 30) highlight the jazz as both a historical and a living treasure.
Since 2002, the Smithsonian Institution's National Museum of American History in partnership with the State Department, have celebrated Jazz Appreciation Month every April, culminating in International Jazz Day. Both initiatives aim to draw worldwide attention to the extraordinary heritage and history of jazz.
In celebration of this fourth annual International Jazz Day, an all-star concert headlined by UNESCO Goodwill Ambassador Herbie Hancock will be held in Paris, where in November 2011 UNESCO proclaimed April 30 as International Jazz Day. The concert on April 30 will be live-streamed at http://jazzday.com/concert/. You are invited to join us and view the 2015 All-Star Global Concert featuring a superb cast of Jazz musicians!