[ 9🈷8号,晚上8:15pm免费送🆓指纹手机遥控电子智能锁,祝您好运🙏🏼 ]
1. 套餐A🇸🇬
- 线上1000人𝐒$ 29.7
- 线上1400人𝐒$ 27.7
- 线上1800人𝐒$ 23.7
- 线上2100人S$ 21.7
🐑直播过后𝐒$ 30.7🐑
(凡购买所有套餐总数达𝐒$ 𝟓𝟎 免费送货)
2. 套餐B🇸🇬
- 线上1000人S$ 27.9
- 线上1400人S$ 25.9
- 线上1800人S$ 21.9
- 线上2000人S$ 19.9
🐑直播过后S$ 28.9🐑
(凡购买所有套餐总数达𝐒$ 𝟓𝟎 免费送货)
3. 套餐C🇲🇾
- 线上1000人RM 99
- 线上1400人RM 89
- 线上1800人RM 79
- 线上2000人RM 74
🐑直播过后RM 103🐑
4. 套餐D🇸🇬
- 线上1000人𝐒$ 24.9
- 线上1400人𝐒$ 23.9
- 线上1800人𝐒$ 19.9
- 线上2000人S$ 17.9
🐑直播过后𝐒$ 25.9🐑
(凡购买所有套餐总数达𝐒$ 𝟓𝟎免费送货)
5. 套餐E🇸🇬
- 线上1000人S$ 13.3
- 线上1400人S$ 11.3
- 线上1800人S$ 7.3
- 线上2000人S$ 6.3
🐑直播过后S$ 14.3🐑
(凡购买所有套餐总数达𝐒$ 𝟓𝟎免费送货)
6. 套餐F🇲🇾
- 线上1000人𝐑𝐌 35
- 线上1400人𝐑𝐌 33
- 线上1800人𝐑𝐌 25
- 线上2000人RM 21
🐑直播过后𝐑𝐌 37🐑
7. 套餐G🇸🇬
- 线上1000人𝐒$ 18.9
- 线上1400人𝐒$ 16.9
- 线上1800人𝐒$ 13.9
- 线上2000人S$ 11.9
🐑直播过后𝐒$ 20.9🐑
(凡购买所有套餐总数达𝐒$ 𝟓𝟎免费送货)
8. 套餐H🇸🇬
👨🍳550克左右潮式顶级斯里兰卡黄膏蟹/ 450克左右潮式顶级斯里兰卡黄膏蟹➕1罐酱料👨🍳
- 线上1000人S$ 63/ 𝐒$ 48
- 线上1400人S$ 61/ 𝐒$ 46
- 线上1800人S$ 57/ 𝐒$ 43
- 线上2000人S$ 55/ S$ 41
🐑直播过后S$ 65/ 𝐒$ 50🐑
(凡购买所有套餐总数达𝐒$ 𝟓𝟎免费送货)
9. 套餐I🇸🇬
- 线上1000人𝐒$ 51.5
- 线上1400人𝐒$ 47.5
- 线上1800人𝐒$ 37.5
- 线上2000人S$ 33.5
🐑直播过后𝐒$ 53🐑
(凡购买所有套餐总数达𝐒$ 𝟓𝟎免费送货)
10. 套餐J🇸🇬
- 线上1000人𝐒$ 50.8
- 线上1400人𝐒$ 48.8
- 线上1800人𝐒$ 41.8
- 线上2000人S$ 35.8
🐑直播过后𝐒$ 51.8🐑
(凡购买所有套餐总数达𝐒$ 𝟓𝟎 免费送货)
11. 套餐K🇲🇾
- 线上1000人𝐑𝐌 65.5
- 线上1400人𝐑𝐌 56.5
- 线上1800人𝐑𝐌 48.5
- 线上2000人RM 45.5
🐑直播过后𝐑𝐌 73.5🐑
🇸🇬新加坡朋友们如果购买总数达不到𝐒$ 𝟓𝟎, 可以过来本公司自取,或𝐒$ 𝟏𝟎送货服务,多谢大家的支持🙏🏼
[8th Sep, free delivery at 8:15pm 🆓 Biometric electronic smart lock, good luck 🙏🏼]
🇸🇬🇲🇾 only platform allows you to decide your “price”. CLB platform exclusively provides the market's freshest, unique and most favorable products 👨🍳Want to confirm if it is true, please look down 👇👇
1. Set A🇸🇬
👨🍳200g of premium French pork ball➕about 600g sea bass➕1 box of grouper porridge➕1 bottle of Holland beer🍺➕1 bottle of Mexico beer🍺➕2packs of dried noodles➕200g of French marinated low salt pork belly➕cooler bag👨🍳
1000 viewers 𝐒$ 𝟐𝟗.𝟕
1400 viewers 𝐒$ 𝟐𝟕.𝟕
1800 viewers 𝐒$ 𝟐𝟑.𝟕
2100 viewers 𝐒$ 𝟐𝟏.𝟕
🐑After the live broadcast 𝐒$ 𝟑𝟎.𝟕🐑
(Free delivery for purchases more than 𝐒$ 𝟓𝟎 combined)
2. Set B🇸🇬
👨🍳200g premium French pork cubes➕600g sea bass➕1 box of grouper porridge➕1 can of restaurant grade premium sauce➕500g dumplings➕2 packs of dried noodles➕200g French marinated low-salt pork belly➕ cooler bag👨🍳
1000 viewers 𝐒$ 𝟐𝟕.𝟗
1400 viewers 𝐒$ 𝟐𝟓.𝟗
1800 viewers 𝐒$ 𝟐𝟏.𝟗
2000 viewers 𝐒$ 𝟏𝟗.𝟗
🐑After the live broadcast 𝐒$ 𝟐𝟖.𝟗🐑
(Free delivery for purchases more than 𝐒$ 𝟓𝟎 combined)
3. Set C🇲🇾
👍1 kg of Hokkaido large scallops➕700g of red fish➕500g onion pancake➕150g of famous sauce👨🍳
1000 viewers 𝐑𝐌 𝟗𝟗
1400 viewers 𝐑𝐌 𝟖𝟗
1800 viewers 𝐑𝐌 𝟕𝟗
2000 viewers 𝐑𝐌 𝟕𝟒
🐑After the live broadcast 𝐑𝐌 𝟏𝟎𝟑🐑
(Free delivery in West Malaysia)
4. Set D🇸🇬
👨🍳 2pcs pan-fried promfret➕300g pan-fried non-spicy Asam Prawn ➕1 can of restaurant premium sauce➕cooler bag👨🍳
1000 viewers 𝐒$ 𝟐𝟒.𝟗
1400 viewers 𝐒$ 𝟐𝟑.𝟗
1800 viewers 𝐒$ 𝟏𝟗.𝟗
2000 viewers 𝐒$ 𝟏𝟕.𝟗
🐑After the live broadcast 𝐒$ 𝟐𝟓.𝟗🐑
(Free delivery for purchases more than 𝐒$ 𝟓𝟎 combined)
5. Set E🇸🇬
👨🍳250g of Alor Setar's own recipe vegetables and spices👨🍳
1000 people online𝐒$ 𝟏𝟑.𝟑
1400 people online𝐒$ 𝟏𝟏.𝟑
1800 people online𝐒$ 𝟕.𝟑
2000 people online𝐒$ 𝟔.𝟑
🐑After the live broadcast 𝐒$ 𝟏𝟒.𝟑🐑
(Free delivery for purchases more than 𝐒$ 𝟓𝟎 combined)
6. Set F🇲🇾
👍350g of Alor Setar’s own recipe spice 👨🍳
1000 people online𝐑𝐌 𝟑𝟓
1400 people online𝐑𝐌 𝟑𝟑
1800 people online𝐑𝐌 𝟐𝟓
2000 people online𝐑𝐌 𝟐𝟏
🐑After the live broadcast 𝐑𝐌 𝟑𝟕🐑
(Free delivery in West Malaysia)
7. Set G🇸🇬
👨🍳1kg Premium Japanese Style Tempura Sotong Ring👨🍳
1000 people online𝐒$ 𝟏𝟖.𝟗
1400 people online𝐒$ 𝟏𝟔.𝟗
1800 people online𝐒$ 𝟏𝟑.𝟗
2000 people online𝐒$ 𝟏𝟏.𝟗
🐑After the live broadcast 𝐒$ 𝟐𝟎.𝟗🐑
(Free delivery for purchases more than 𝐒$ 𝟓𝟎 combined)
8. Set H🇸🇬
👨🍳550g premium Sri Lanka yellow cream crab / 450g premium Sri Lanka yellow cream crab➕1 can of sauce👨🍳
1000 people online𝐒$ 𝟔𝟑/ 𝐒$ 𝟒𝟖
1400 people online𝐒$ 𝟔𝟏/ 𝐒$ 𝟒𝟔
1800 people online𝐒$ 𝟓𝟕/ 𝐒$ 𝟒𝟑
2000 people online𝐒$ 𝟓𝟓/ 𝐒$ 𝟒𝟏
🐑After the live broadcast 𝐒$ 𝟔𝟓/ 𝐒$ 𝟓𝟎🐑
(Free delivery for purchases more than 𝐒$ 𝟓𝟎 combined)
9. Set I🇸🇬
👨🍳500g authentic Musang King Layered Cake➕ cooler Bag👨🍳
1000 people online𝐒$ 𝟓𝟏.𝟓
1400 people online𝐒$ 𝟒𝟕.𝟓
1800 people online𝐒$ 𝟑𝟕.𝟓
2000 people online𝐒$ 𝟑𝟑.𝟓
🐑After the live broadcast 𝐒$ 𝟓𝟑🐑
(Free delivery for purchases more than 𝐒$ 𝟓𝟎 combined)
10. Set J🇸🇬
👨🍳4️⃣pcs Super premium special mooncake [Tiramisu core + purple sweet potato jade + matcha red bean + lotus paste single yellow] ➕4️⃣pcs hundred year traditional moon cake [lotus paste + golden jade + double egg yolk lotus paste + double egg yolk golden jade]👨 🍳
1000 people online𝐒$ 𝟓𝟎.𝟖
1400 people online𝐒$ 𝟒𝟖.𝟖
1800 people online𝐒$ 𝟒𝟏.𝟖
2000 people online𝐒$ 𝟑𝟓.𝟖
🐑After the live broadcast 𝐒$ 𝟓𝟏.𝟖🐑
(Free delivery for purchases more than 𝐒$ 𝟓𝟎 combined)
11. Set K🇲🇾
👍4pcs hundred year traditional moon cake [lotus seed paste+golden jade+double egg yolk lotus seed+double egg yolk golden jade ]👨🍳
1000 people online𝐑𝐌 𝟔𝟓.𝟓
1400 people online𝐑𝐌 𝟓𝟔.𝟓
1800 people online𝐑𝐌 𝟒𝟖.𝟓
2000 people online𝐑𝐌 𝟒𝟓.𝟓
🐑After the live broadcast 𝐑𝐌 𝟕𝟑.𝟓🐑
(Free delivery in West Malaysia)
🇸🇬 Singapore friends, if the total value of purchases does not reach 𝐒$ 𝟓𝟎, you can come to our office to self pick it up, or pay a nominal fee of 𝐒$ 𝟏𝟎 delivery service. Thank you for your support🙏🏼)
「japanese noodles restaurant」的推薦目錄:
- 關於japanese noodles restaurant 在 Facebook 的最佳貼文
- 關於japanese noodles restaurant 在 Dairy & Cream Facebook 的最佳貼文
- 關於japanese noodles restaurant 在 Follow Me To Eat La - Malaysian Food Blog Facebook 的最讚貼文
- 關於japanese noodles restaurant 在 ロイドごはん Youtube 的最佳貼文
- 關於japanese noodles restaurant 在 Japanese Food Music Youtube 的最佳貼文
- 關於japanese noodles restaurant 在 ぶらぶらBurabura Youtube 的精選貼文
- 關於japanese noodles restaurant 在 Noodle Shop | Restaurant design, Noren curtains, Ramen shop 的評價
japanese noodles restaurant 在 Dairy & Cream Facebook 的最佳貼文
Looking for a different kind of hotpot experience? try @torikin signature Mizutaki — a high collagen chicken soup which takes up to 8 hours to prepare fresh daily in the restaurant. It’s served in sequence, starting from the cup of broth— rich, creamy but tastes of barely any seasoning 🐔 👍 Salt, Yuzu chilli and spring onion are the only condiments ready at the side for you to add freely according to your preference. 🧂 🌶
Next it’s the Sakura chicken which are ladled into a clean bowl with ponzu vinegar. Meanwhile, the server will add fresh chicken balls and vegetables to the pot as the third course. End off the meal with either rice/noodles that will be cooked using the broth to make your porridge/ramen.
This Mizutaki is priced at $37 per pax. There’s also other side dishes such as Hakata Gyoza ($17), Flavored Egg with Uni and Ikura ($10) or the homemade tofu
🔈 Exclusive Promotion
Simply flash this IG post and to redeem a complimentary side dish- Toriten (tempura chicken) worth $15! *Valid till 31 Jan 2020
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japanese noodles restaurant 在 Follow Me To Eat La - Malaysian Food Blog Facebook 的最讚貼文
<3 Tansen Izakaya Japanese Restaurant ❤
Best Budget Japanese Lunch Set Offer Happening Now At Tansen Izakaya! 🇯🇵🇯🇵
Delicious authentic Japanese cuisine - An amazing array of Rice Bowl Set & Noodles Set with 20 varieties to choose from. Price starts from as low as RM 13 for Mentaiko Tamago Don + 3 Side Dishes, 1 Chawanmushi & 1 Miso Soup! 😍😍
Add on Combo Sides at only RM8.80, with over 20 different items to choose from. Buy 2 & get 1 more additional side for free! That's extreme value!!😋😋
Be spoilt-for-choice with 8 different Premium sides are available as well at RM21.80, with the same buy 2-free-1 promo. Happening now LUNCH PROMOTION from 11am to 3pm!!👍👍
No. 36, Jalan SS 22/25
Damansara Jaya
47400 Petaling Jaya.
Operating hours:
Daily 11am - 12am
Tel: 010-811 1712/ 03-7495 3183
Read My Review 👉👉http://bit.ly/TansenIzakayaBestBudgetLunchSet
#FollowMeToEatLa #TansenIzakaya #LunchPromo
#LunchSet #BestOffer #Lunch #Japanese
japanese noodles restaurant 在 ロイドごはん Youtube 的最佳貼文
Visited a long-established super popular store for the first time in a long time! I visited "Suzukiya Kamihoshikawa store" in Yokohama city, Kanagawa prefecture. This is a popular restaurant that is always mentioned by iekei fans. Since opening in 1990, the line of shops has never stopped, and the ramen that is born from the elaborate craftsmanship has been highly evaluated. In addition, many of the shops that are independent from here are said to be famous, and in addition to the Okutsu-ya (Machida city) and Koshi-ya (Midori-ku, Yokohama city) that I visited with ROIDGOHAN, the Shimizu-ya in Chigasaki and Tokyo. Both the Izumiya and the Saitama Chigasaki are popular stores where you can line up. I haven't visited in a long time and I'm looking forward to it. Please have a look!
* It may differ from the actual topping.
* When shooting, we take the shop and the customers around us into consideration.
*Iekei-ramen, is a style of ramen with fatty pork-soy-sauce flavored soup with thick flat noodles. The affiliated ramen houses originating from Yoshimura-ya Ramen in Yokohama! The famous and legendary ramen shop because of the perfect originaly ramen, made from pork born and soy sauce, until then no one made.
いつもありがとうございます!( ´ ▽ ` )
#家系ラーメン #ラーメン #寿々㐂家 #ロイドごはん #横浜
—————《ロイド のサブチャンネル》—————————————
【フラメンコロイド のサブチャンネルもよろしくお願いします!】
『寿々㐂家 上星川店』https://tabelog.com/kanagawa/A1401/A140302/14000063/
—————《ロイドごはんオススメの動画! ROIDGOHANs’ Recommended video》———————————
78才おじいちゃん屋台ラーメンの朝『幸っちゃん』夜明けの銀座【飯テロ】Old Style Ramen Stall Yatai Japanese Street Food
神回【ラーメン二郎の貴重映像】全増しが出来るまで一部始終を大公開!【ラーメン二郎 ひばりヶ丘店】ramen
★フラメンコロイド 《フラメンコロイドの神話と伝説》

japanese noodles restaurant 在 Japanese Food Music Youtube 的最佳貼文
Pad Thai is Thai food. I love this food and I always order this when I eat at Thai restaurant.
I got request from my viewer and it is a very good opportunity, so I enjoyed cooking Pad Thai in this video.
@Ava Adams
Thanks for your request and giving me this opportunity:)
# Chapters & Ingredients
0:00 Introduction
0:12 Soak rice noodles in water
0:41 Make Pad Thai paste
2:43 Cut ingredients
5:20 Peel and wash shrimps
6:43 Crush peanuts
7:05 Beat n egg
7:31 Stir-fry ingredients
10:04 Final touch
I wanna express the Japanese aesthetic senses through my youtube video.
Please subscribe to my channel!
# Photographic equipment
SONY α7ii ILCE-7M2 https://amzn.to/3b1fxtb
TAMRON 28-75mm F/2.8 DiIII RXD https://amzn.to/2RKfvOL
RODE VideoMic Pro+ https://amzn.to/2GIeVdV
RODE VC1 https://amzn.to/2UffzaY
Manfrotto MKCOMPACTACN-BK https://amzn.to/38YTmlE
MTPIXI-B Manfrotto https://amzn.to/2UgEg6W
SLIK 106594 https://amzn.to/2S6EydH
# Instagram
- https://www.instagram.com/japanese_food_music/

japanese noodles restaurant 在 ぶらぶらBurabura Youtube 的精選貼文
It is an omnibus that is almost exclusively for cooking scenes. "Black fried rice", "Tamago-yaki", "Okonomiyaki", "Fried noodles", "Abura-kasu-Udon", "half-size fried rice", "Soy Sauce ramen" 町中華 明石焼き お好み焼き ラーメン
0:00 "Chinese restaurant Ryukaken" 中国料理 龍華軒
3:02 "Tamago-yaki Funamachi" 玉子焼 ふなまち
7:26 "Okonomiyaki Okaru" お好み焼 おかる
16:50 "Udon Restaurant Matsuya" うどん 松屋
19:24 "Ramen Restaurant Niryo-han" 二両半 鶴橋本店

japanese noodles restaurant 在 Noodle Shop | Restaurant design, Noren curtains, Ramen shop 的必吃
Noodle Shop Ramen Shop, Noren Curtains, Curtain Designs, Kintsugi, Restaurant Design, ... the considered Japanese philosophy at design-conscious noodle bar. ... <看更多>