她唸的是動畫組,我是創新媒體設計組,大四的時候我想要做雜誌(freeeze magazine),於是自己當採訪、編輯與設計,找了一位攝影師,與她約了時間與拍攝地點,晃晃蕩蕩到了那,
Freeeze magazine by Paixpro
Photo by Alice Ku
人生過敏 LIFE ALLERGY | 曾湘玲 Hltoo 個展
展覽日期:2021.04.10 — 04.30
展覽時間:14:00 — 19:00 (每週一公休)
展覽地點:良日激動所 Thatalright Art Space
「過敏」 - 身體的保護機制, 免疫系統面對一些外來因素的過度反應。
這些過敏反應累積下來的畫作猶如黏膩的唾液、分泌物般緩慢堆砌出 「我」 這個人。
於是有了這第一次的展覽, 作為一個與外界連結的私密起點。
"Allergy"- the body's coping mechanism. It is how our immune system reacts to the outside world.
Growth, Transformation, Stimulation, Pause, Respite, Struggle, Attachment, Security.
These are the emotions that I have experienced from allergic reactions then turned into paintings.
Such as sticky saliva and secretions, they piled up and reincarnated to who I am.
This is how this first solo exhibition was born, an intimate story that connects me to the outside world.
曾湘玲 Hsianglin Tseng , 筆名 Hltoo
1992年生,現職 插畫藝術家 / 視覺設計師。
Hsianglin Tseng / Hltoo.
Born in 1992, an Illustration artist, and visual designer.
Hltoo has a hard time identifying her name, who gets chills down her spine when being called by her real name (That only she knows).Ironically, “HItoo” is an abbreviated name that she couldn't even pronounce it herself.
People often misjudge Hltoo as an extrovert, truth to be told, she has an extremely contradicting mind that would make her wake up in the middle of the night and start spiraling. Hltoo doesn’t limit her art style, her work is dedicated to restless textures and catching strings of emotions from the space that she then turns into images.
Quiet yet powerful, she tries to use the warmth from pen and paper to communicate to the world.
✹《 Hltoo 》《 The Black Book 黑書 》雙冊計畫 即將在 嘖嘖 上線預購啦!✹
it has縮寫 在 孟買春秋 Facebook 的最讚貼文
英國通訊管理局 (Office of Communications) 吊銷 CGTN 在英國的廣播執照,直接說結論,因為該台受中國共產黨控制。那些整天大外宣朗朗上口的,CGTN 才是貨真價實的大外宣。
//This is because crucial information was missing from the application, and because we consider that CGTNC would be disqualified from holding a licence, as it is controlled by a body which is ultimately controlled by the Chinese Communist Party.//
請各媒體外電編譯部門快快全文翻譯,好讓大家知道英國民主已死!只有少康才能中興,恢復中天新聞 52 台刻不容緩,言論自由全靠中國黨了!
註:中國環球電視網(China Global Television Network,縮寫作CGTN),又稱中國國際電視台,是中央廣播電視總台擁有的一個全球性電視網。
it has縮寫 在 Eric's English Lounge Facebook 的最讚貼文
[時事英文] Trees can talk!
Forest Sounds:https://youtu.be/d0tU18Ybcvk?t=280
It's an information superhighway that speeds up interactions between a large, diverse population of individuals. It allows individuals who may be widely separated to communicate and help each other out. But it also allows them to commit new forms of crime.
1. the information superhighway 資訊高速公路
2. speed up(使)加速;提高(……的)速度
3. diverse 多種多樣的
4. help each other out 互相幫助
5. commit a crime 犯罪
No, we're not talking about the internet, we're talking about fungi. While mushrooms might be the most familiar part of a fungus, most of their bodies are made up of a mass of thin threads, known as a mycelium. We now know that these threads act as a kind of underground internet, linking the roots of different plants. That tree in your garden is probably hooked up to a bush several metres away, thanks to mycelia.
6. fungus 真菌*
7. mycelium 菌絲體
8. A be made up of B A是由B組成的**
9. act as 充當;起⋯⋯作用
10. be hooked up to 連接
11. thanks to sb/sth 幸虧;由於
**在「A be made up of B」中,B通常為複數,表示A是由許多B所組成,如「This group is made up of 40 girls.」。而「A be made of B」則為「A是由B製成的」,意即物理變化,在製作過程中原料的本質不變,可以從成品A中辨認出原料B,例如:「木椅」顯然是由「木頭」製成的——「This chair is made of wood.」。
The more we learn about these underground networks, the more our ideas about plants have to change. They aren't just sitting there quietly growing. By linking to the fungal network they can help out their neighbours by sharing nutrients and information – or sabotage unwelcome plants by spreading toxic chemicals through the network. This "wood wide web", it turns out, even has its own version of cybercrime.
12. the more…the more… 愈⋯⋯愈⋯⋯
13. nutrient 養分
14. sabotage 蓄意破壞
15. toxic chemical 毒性化學物質
16. it turns out 原來;結果表明
17. cybercrime 網路犯罪
18. wood wide web 森林資訊網*
*由於網址總以「World Wide Web」(全球資訊網)的縮寫「www」開頭,作者遂以「wood wide web」為諧音,來形容植物間的溝通網路。
It has taken decades to piece together what the fungal internet can do. Back in 1997, Suzanne Simard of the University of British Columbia in Vancouver found one of the first pieces of evidence. She showed that Douglas fir and paper birch trees can transfer carbon between them via mycelia. Others have since shown that plants can exchange nitrogen and phosphorus as well, by the same route. Simard now believes large trees help out small, younger ones using the fungal internet. Without this help, she thinks many seedlings wouldn't survive.
19. piece together 拼湊
20. Douglas Fir 黃杉(道格拉斯冷杉)
21. Paper Birch 美洲樺(紙皮樺)
22. nitrogen 氮
23. phosphorus 磷
24. by the same route 藉由相同的途徑
25. seedling 幼苗;苗木
Another report suggests that tomato plants can 'eavesdrop' on defense responses and increase their disease resistance against potential pathogen. So not only do the mycorrhizae allow plants to share food, they help them defend themselves. It's not just tomatoes that do this. Broad beans also use fungal networks to pick up on impending threats – in this case, hungry aphids. It was found that broad bean seedlings that were not themselves under attack by aphids, but were connected to those that were via fungal mycelia, activated their anti-aphid chemical defenses. Those without mycelia did not.
26. eavesdrop on 竊聽
27. defense response 防禦機制
28. disease resistance 抗病性;抗病力
29. pathogen 病原體
30. mycorrhizae 菌根(複數);mycorrhiza 菌根(單數)
31. broad beans 蠶豆
32. pick up on 注意到(他人未注意到的事物)
33. an impending threat 迫近的威脅
34. aphid 蚜蟲
35. under attack 遭受攻擊
36. chemical defense 化學防禦
But just like the human internet, the fungal internet has a dark side. Our internet undermines privacy and facilitates serious crime – and frequently, allows computer viruses to spread. In the same way, plants' fungal connections mean they are never truly alone, and that malevolent neighbours can harm them. For one thing, some plants steal from each other using the internet. Some of these plants, such as the phantom orchid, “steal” the carbon they need from nearby trees, via the mycelia of fungi that both are connected to.
37. have a dark side 有黑暗的一面
38. undermine 損害
39. facilitate 促使
40. in the same way 同樣地
41. never truly alone 從未真正獨自一人
42. malevolent 有惡意的;歹毒的
43. for one thing 首先;一方面
44. steal from 偷竊
45. the phantom orchid 雪蘭(幻影蘭花)
Overall, these fungal networks make communication between plants, including those of different species, faster, and more effective. We don't think about it because we can usually only see what is above ground. But most of the plants you can see are connected below ground, not directly through their roots but via their mycelial connections.
46. overall 總體而言
47. fungal networks 真菌網
《BBC報導》: https://bbc.in/2zCsLOR
圖片出處:之前在溪頭和阿里山拍的 🙂
CLIL(Content and Language Integrated Learning)是將學科內容和外語學習相結合,用外語教授科學、地理、歷史、藝術等內容,從而促進語言和學科知識的雙重學習:http://bit.ly/2K5l3PM
Earth Day 2019:https://bit.ly/2ShSjY4
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