[時事英文新聞] 電腦安全 Cybersecurity
無論同學是關心經濟 (economics)、財經 (finance)、科技 (technology)、政治 (politics),或是軍事 (military)發展,電腦安全 (cybersecurity) 在這些議題當中都扮演關鍵的角色! 希望我們的媒體可以多關注資安相關新聞。
Search the following terms on Google News for more information.
•cybersecurity 網路安全
•information security 資訊安全
•geopolitical conflict 地緣政治衝突
•launch cyber attacks 發起網路攻擊
•be hit by cyberattacks 受到網路攻擊
•hacker teams 駭客團隊
•white hat 白帽駭客: https://bit.ly/3CRPfrp
•black hat(電腦)駭客 / 黑帽駭客: https://bit.ly/3AD6Tgp
•data breach 數據洩漏
•cyber espionage 網路諜報、網路情蒐、網路間諜
•ransomware 勒索軟體
•cripple operations 癱瘓運作
•disable (v.) 使發生故障,使失靈,使無法正常工作
•critical infrastructure 重要的基礎設施、維生管線
•cyber preparedness 資安準備度
•cyberwarfare and electronic warfare capabilities 網路戰與電子作戰能力
•economic espionage 經濟間諜
•operation security 行動安全
•end-to-end encryption 端到端加密
•end-user education 終端使用者的教育
•increase awareness 增強意識
📌 U.S. Taps Amazon, Google, Microsoft, Others to Help Fight Ransomware, Cyber Threats
📌 LINE accounts of 100 Taiwan officials hacked in mass breach
📌 Food, Farms and Cyber Security: Agriculture Faces a Growing Problem
📌 Cyber preparedness could save America's 'unsinkable aircraft carrier'
📌 Why Cyber Security Stocks Have Rallied Over The Last Month
📌 A Cybersecurity Stop Sign: CISA Introduces Bad Practices
同時也有1部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過2萬的網紅賓狗單字Bingo Bilingual,也在其Youtube影片中提到,喜歡這集嗎?記得分享給你的家人朋友唷! 1【reprisal 報復】- 名詞 The Taliban said it will investigate reports of reprisals and atrocities. 2 【Eurasia 歐亞大陸】- 名詞 The bridge is...
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- 關於infrastructure英文 在 用字根學英文Infrastructure 的評價
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參加「2021永續港市論壇」 分享高雄智慧港市策略構想新藍圖
今日代表市府參加「2021永續港市論壇」,誠摯感謝中山大學及臺灣港務公司聯手,憑藉高雄港榮獲國際港埠協會本年度世界最佳「韌性基礎設施港口」之契機,廣邀產官學界專家以視訊方式進行交流,也感謝交通部王國材部長、中山大學鄭英耀校長、臺灣港務公司李賢義董事長與 Dr. Wooldrige from Cardiff University與我們分享揉合專業知識與實務經驗所凝聚出的寶貴建言,為高雄港市合作、共生共榮,帶來更多的想像空間與可能!
#亞洲新灣區5G AIoT創新園區國家級計畫,用智慧科技帶動產業轉型
自蔡英文總統與行政院蘇貞昌院長年初率各部會至高雄視察,刻由高雄市府積極擘畫推動的「亞洲新灣區5G AIoT創新園區」,即以政策宣示將全力支持此一國家級計畫,預計於5年內投入上百億經費,分由中央經濟部、國發會、通傳會、交通部等主導,推動「智慧設施」、「新創基地」、「產業群聚」、「人才培育」、「園區開發」及「場域應用」等6項重點工作。
由中央、地方攜手合作的招商引資,將以以大帶小建置5G AIoT產業自主生態系,並落腳於亞洲新灣區—此一驅動高雄城市轉型的創新場域,將以下列策略積極推進,以打造高雄成為智慧城市南向輸出基地:
(1) 「智慧設施」:布建全國第一的智慧化5G專頻專網基礎建設,提供未來進駐的廠商最完整的5G環境,進行研發、測試與應用。高雄已超前部署,在4月獲得NCC核准於「亞灣5G AIoT創新園區」設置4.8-4.9GHz頻段之實驗研發專頻,成為全台首處由政府申請的專頻專網實驗區域,提供亞灣進駐企業進行4.8-4.9GHz頻段技術驗證。
(2) 「新創基地」:建置新創基地,提供獎勵補助,引進國際新創加速器,打造完整新創服務體系,扶植具有創新能力的團隊創業。
(3) 「產業群聚」:透過中央研發補助資源挹注,透過強化計畫在地性、共創新、技術性,吸引5G相關產業落腳高雄亞灣。
(4) 「人才培育」:建立人才培育基地,培養數位科技專長人才。
(5) 「園區開發」:開發「高雄軟體園區二期」,提供將近4.7萬坪產業進駐空間,另市府同步規劃「青年智慧住宅」,解決5G、AIoT、AR/VR等數位科技業者進駐及居住需求。
(6) 「場域應用」:在高雄展覽館、流行音樂中心、電競館、港埠旅運中心等重要場館進行各5G AIoT科技應用試驗,智慧科技深入民眾生活。
市府樂見高雄港近年來的多元經營策略,已將環境永續發展落實於企業社會責任的踐行,自103年起持續推動迄今的「歐洲生態港 (Eco Port)」認證外,今年更藉著參與國際港埠協會(International Association of Ports and Harbors, IAPH) 所辦理的 2021「世界港口永續計畫 (World Port Sustainability Program,WPSP)」競賽檢視成果,於6月24日榮獲—韌性基礎設施 (Resilient Physical Infrastructure) 分類優勝港口,顯見高雄港推動的環境保護工作,已深獲國際肯定。
身為台灣第一大港灣城市,高雄背負著發展重工業、基礎工業的城市宿命,也為此承擔各項汙染威脅。除透過舊港再生計畫,如棧貳庫、水花園、大港橋等設施的持續推展,銜接至光榮碼頭的高雄流行音樂中心、舊港灣工業區的總圖、高雄展覽館等重大公共建設,高雄的改變,已是一項城市傳奇,然而除了交通、環境等硬體的提升外,市府有更宏大的企圖,透過亞洲新灣區5G AIoT產業聚落的逐漸成形,將能更加有力地扶持智慧科技及觀光休閒產業,高雄的港市合作,將在城市與港埠間的無間縫合中,再創新動能,也將為高雄開啟以科技軟實力躍上國際舞台的契機。
infrastructure英文 在 美國在台協會 AIT Facebook 的最佳解答
✨馬耐德(Nate Maynard)連續兩年(2014及2015 年)榮獲美國傅爾布萊特獎助學金,現為「鬼島之音Waste Not Why Not」節目製作及主持人,及銳思碳管理顧問股份有限公司高級顧問。
💕Why I chose Taiwan #14 – Environmental sciences scholar Nate Maynard discover Taiwan’s and its key role in supply chains
"I’m from San Diego California originally. My undergrad was from Soka University of America; liberal arts with a concentration in environmental studies, and I work on fresh-water fishes mostly and basic fisheries. And then my Master’s program was at the Monterey Institute of International Studies with a concentration in ocean and coastal resource management. One of my professors was Taiwanese, and she said: ‘you gotta go to Taiwan,’ as most Taiwanese people living abroad will tell foreigners.
And I did go visit Taiwan for a cross-Strait research trip, and as the only environment person, I had to come up with something I could talk about in Taipei and Shanghai, and garbage was the most obvious thing. Because when you come to Taiwan, there’s no garbage, and I became fascinated: Why is there no garbage? I realized there really wasn’t much information in English about Taiwan’s waste management transformation, and that’s sort of how I got hooked and decided I wanted to live in Taiwan. That was 2013. And then I got the Fulbright Fellowship and spent a year at the National Aquarium in Kenting....and they haven’t been able to get me to leave. About six months ago, I started working for a private consulting firm called Reset Carbon. We help major brands and their supply chains set and achieve carbon supply chain targets. This is a new office that we just set up in Taiwan. The company’s headquarter is in Hong Kong, but we wanted to pivot to Taiwan because Taiwan’s the key supply chain link. We expect to see Taiwan growing in terms of sustainability reporting, carbon reduction goals, and Taiwan’s just a nice place.
There’s a couple things that I really enjoy about Taiwan. I think the best thing that doesn’t get enough coverage is biodiversity. Taiwan is a sub-tropical island. It’s full of native and endemic species, beautiful butterflies, fireflies, coral, whale sharks, tuna, bears...I can list the animals for hours. It’s easy for me to go and get access to nature, even without a car. I also enjoy biking and Taiwan has excellent biking infrastructure, and great bike companies that make fine products. Most aspects of my life in Taiwan are pretty good. I can’t complain. Food is great too. I think there’s also a general trust and enthusiasm for science in Taiwan. I mean there’s a lot of elected officials that are doctors, scientists, engineers, and the president has published papers as a PhD. And you know, the vice president was probably the most qualified person on Earth to lead the COVID response. In Taiwan, it feels like the scientists are pretty well-represented, and like being a nerd is kinda okay." -- Nate Maynard
✨Nate Maynard won Fulbright Fellowship two times in a row (2014-15, 2015-16), now serving as a program host and producer of “Waste Not Why Not” with Ghost Island Media and a senior consultant at Reset Carbon.
infrastructure英文 在 賓狗單字Bingo Bilingual Youtube 的精選貼文
1【reprisal 報復】- 名詞
The Taliban said it will investigate reports of reprisals and atrocities.
2 【Eurasia 歐亞大陸】- 名詞
The bridge is one of the projects to connect Eurasia through infrastructure.
3【elevate 提升】- 動詞(正式用語)
South Korea plans to elevate animals’ legal status.
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infrastructure英文 在 用字根學英文Infrastructure 的必吃

BBC, NY Times, Match (詞組搭配) 每月開班!請私訊林威老師lineID: linwayet 更多內容請點選下面link ![1] linebot (帥威小王子): @psy8287t點選即可 ... ... <看更多>
infrastructure英文 在 基建英文在PTT/mobile01評價與討論 - 區塊鏈資訊集合站 的必吃
在American infrastructure這個討論中,有超過5篇Ptt貼文,作者VeryGoodBoy也提到消息來源:(網址或出處) https://twitter.com/CNN/status/1483612731680952326 內容: ... ... <看更多>
infrastructure英文 在 英文單字強力教- infrastructure [ˋɪnfrə͵strʌktʃɚ] n. [U,C]... 的必吃
infrastructure [ˋɪnfrə͵strʌktʃɚ] n. [U,C] 〔常用單數〕基礎建設;公共設備Infrastructure investment is indispensable to a nation's economic development.... ... <看更多>