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🔟 九月訂單已額滿,暫先不開放私訊了。欲購買《Ken的高頻單字筆記》的學員,請您等到十月再私訊我哦!
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📰 今天我們來讀讀【華爾街日報】
🖐🏽 五分鐘來關心國際時事— 中印緊張關係 🇨🇳 🇮🇳
📰 India-China Border Tensions: What We Know
Tensions are rising in remote Himalayan area between two nuclear-armed neighbors
📌 這篇文章關於印中邊界緊張關係 (India-China border tensions)。文章主要用了問答方式 (Questions and Answers) 呈現時間的來龍去脈。副標題提到印度和中國是擁有核能的鄰居 (nuclear-armed neighbors)。
Monthslong tensions between China and India flared again in recent days as the two sides exchanged claims the other’s troops crossed into their territory.
📌 第一段解釋兩國之間的糾紛:兩國都聲稱 (claim) 對方闖進自己的國土 (territory),作者用flare這個動詞很到位。
On Tuesday, the two sides traded accusations that the other fired warning shots in violation of agreements to avoid using weapons in disputed areas. Those would be the first shots by soldiers fired in anger along the disputed border in decades, though both sides denied firing any rounds.
While the troop movements, including what India described as an effort to block Chinese troops from taking control of a strategic high-altitude peak, didn’t result in any injuries this time, the confrontation between the two countries did erupt into a deadly clash in June that left 20 Indian soldiers and an undetermined number of Chinese soldiers dead.
India and China have been negotiating since then over ways to calm the border.
📌 這三段告知讀者兩國邊界的衝突細節:士兵 (soldier) 在爭議地方 (disputed areas) 開槍,在六月發生的致命衝突 (deadly clash)有20名印度士兵死亡,中國士兵死亡人數未確定的 (undetermined)。
What caused the exchange of accusations?
India said its troops acted on Aug. 29 to stop Chinese troops from crossing into territory India considers to be on its side of the disputed border and taking control of a strategic area along a lake in the Himalaya mountains. Indian troops from a special covert team scrambled ahead of a group of Chinese soldiers to control several crucial Himalayan heights on the southern bank of the lake, placing Indian forces in a strategically advantageous position to observe Chinese activities along the north bank of Pangong Lake, according to Indian officials.
China countered that it was Indian troops that crossed illegally beyond what it considers its side of what is known as the line of actual control, the de facto dividing line between the two countries since they fought a war in 1962.
📌 這兩段解釋什麽導致互相的指控 (accusation)。注意這些常用的字詞,strategic (戰略的),scramble (爭奪),crucial (重要的), advantageous (有利的),de facto (實際的)。
What happened in June?
What precisely happened remains unclear. The Indian government said that 20 of its troops died in a clash in an area known as the Galwan Valley and that casualties resulted on both sides. The Chinese government didn’t comment on casualties for either side, confirming only that a clash took place after Indian soldiers crossed into an area it considers under Chinese control.
📌 這段解釋六月發生的事情。需注意常用用語包括 precisely (精確地)、casualties (傷亡者)和comment on (評論)。
Why are India and China fighting?
The two countries fought a war in 1962, a little more than a decade after their births—India in 1947 and the People’s Republic of China in 1949—over the delineation of their borders. China dominated the short but intense war, focused on the eastern stretch of boundary between the countries. But the war didn’t settle the matter, and much of the 2,000-mile border remains in dispute.
📌 這段解釋爲什麽兩國打戰:作者回顧歷史,兩國在1962打戰,雖然在那場戰爭中中國佔上風,但是戰爭沒有解決問題 (settle the matter),兩國的2000哩的邊界仍然存在爭議 (remain in dispute)。
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📰 作者
Bill Spindle and Niharika Mandhana
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india-china war 在 公民聯盟 Facebook 的最佳解答
【這麼巧? 肺炎疫情反撲北京 中印邊界就打死人...】
影片是中華人民共和國(China)與印度(India)6月初在中印邊界爭議地帶西段的班公湖(Pangong Lake)對峙的情況,雙方每次都會出動大批人馬,擺開架式,至少氣勢要壓過對方...
但綜合外媒報導,15日中國邊防部隊在爭議地帶西段的拉達克(Ladakh)加勒萬河谷(Galwan valley)地區的衝突中,以棍棒與石塊擊斃了3名印度軍人,其中一名還是校級軍官。這是1962年中印戰爭(Sino-Indian War)以來,首度有印軍現役官兵被解放軍殺死,外媒立刻大幅報導。
#邊界衝突轉內銷 ?
india-china war 在 YaoIndia 就是要印度︱認識印度,從這裡開始 Facebook 的精選貼文
自五月初印度和中國軍隊在 #拉達克(Ladakh)對峙已近一個月時間,中印之間的情勢持續升溫。印度國防部長辛格(Rajnath Singh)更透露,近日有相當規模的 #解放軍 進入爭議地帶,是印度官方首次證實有大量中國軍隊陳兵邊境。
#隨時更新🇮🇳#新型冠狀病毒 印度疫情與規定變更
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YaoIndia 就是要印度︱認識印度,從這裡開始
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india-china war 在 Latest News & Videos, Photos about india china war 的相關結果
The border standoff between the Indian and Chinese militaries erupted on May 5 last year following a violent clash in the Pangong lake areas and both sides ... ... <看更多>
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Chinese troops pictured in Ladakh along the India-China border on Feb.15: China's Land Borders Law effectively negates the possibility of ... ... <看更多>
india-china war 在 Sino-Indian War - Wikipedia 的相關結果
The Sino-Indian War between China and India occurred in October–November 1962. A disputed Himalayan border was the main cause of the war. ... <看更多>