整體來說我應該是浪漫的。浪漫有好多種,生活中的浪漫或許是一杯茶的時間或一束花喜悅,但時尚大片中最吸引我的肯定是黑暗的浪漫(可以借你看一下我的作品集哈哈)。Steven Klein這個名字聽起來有些陌生,但他的作品你肯定熟悉,Lady Gaga的Alejandro音樂錄影帶就是由他所執導。他的風格鮮明,暴力、情慾及對現實的諷刺,畫面的戲劇張力十足,可以試著Google他的作品,非常性感卻意味深重。得知他和瑪丹娜最新的合作“Secret Project”即將問世,真是期待萬分!
I'd say that I'm a romantic person. Receiving a bunch of flower, having a cup of a nice tea could be some ordinary romance, but when it comes to fashion, it's always the dark romantic that I love the most. You may not know Steven Klein by the name but definitely have seen his works, for example, music video of Lady Gaga's "Alejandro". The characteristic of him is very obvious: Violence, Fetish and the Ironic of Reality are his best. I love the power inside his images and am so excited for his new collaboration with Madonna called "Secret Project"! After all it's for Fashion, not for an ordinary day.