Happy Children's Day!
I always try to do something simple but handmade for the kids on this day and this year's no different. These shrinky dink keychains took me only an afternoon to make but I know they will bring joy to the kids for a long time.
I hope it reminds them that the happiest things in life can be the most simple ones, and that you do not need a lot in order to feel contented. 知足常乐, is something I teach them from they were babies and I hope it stays. Well, my biggest gift to them is definitely not presents or anything tangible, but my unwavering ❤ for them. That is why they don't get toys or expensive stuff on this day. Haha.
Wrote the words BFF and their names to personalise each of the keychains because this year, I've been telling myself to be their best friend and try to listen and understand them more, instead of being an authoritarian parent who commands them to do this or that. I find that it suits them better and makes them happier, which in turns makes it easier for them to listen to me. Of course, at times they still need to obey my word because I'm their Mama after all lar. Lol. #自相矛盾
Still, parenthood is a journey of constant learning, discovering and finding out what works best for your kids. Every family differs and we should never be too quick to judge. Hoping that all of us can find the child in us, at least for this weekend, and have a blast celebrating Children's Day with our little ones.
祝大家儿童节快乐哦! ❤🎊🎂🎈🎁 #ahappymum #ahappymumtalks #childrensday #thebestgiftsarehandmade #iloveyoukiddos #礼轻情意重 #因为爱