A third of the Himalayan ice cap is under threat.
A new report says rising temperatures could melt at least a third of the ice in the Hindu Kush Himalaya region by the end of the century, even if ambitious climate change targets are met. (The Hindu Kush Himalaya region is a stunning area that includes the world's highest peaks Mount Everest and K2.)
Climate researcher Aditi Mukherji spoke to News Stream today about the alarming study:
"Immediate impacts would be increase in disasters, glacier lake outburst floods which would affect the mountain community. and the other level of impact would be changes in the river flows."
A mother of twins based in Nepal, Mukherji goes on to say... "Glaciers have always been part of this landscape, but it is extremely likely that our children and grandchildren would just read about glaciers in books but not really able to see them anymore."
Just. Imagine. That.
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