在英國時,認識一個畫社論漫畫的男生。還記得他說「it got crisis in some way. But that's what we believe in 」當時以為他是指混口飯吃有危機,直到今天才真正明白他說的。
#JesuisCharlie #charliehebdo #IamCharlie #NOTAFRAID #press #freedom
iamcharlie 在 Oon Shu An Facebook 的精選貼文
"This is a loss for all of humanity. The victims, people who believed with passion and intellect that humankind can be better, were struck down in the birthplace of the Enlightenment, the movement from which the modern world emanates.
The Charlie Hebdo gunmen also shot a police officer in the head as he lay dying on the sidewalk. These people are not just enemies of cartoonists or the ideals of the West. They’re enemies of human life. They care for nothing, believe in nothing worth believing in, and therefore their ideology, whatever it may be, is worthless. Moot. Not even worth our consideration for a moment.
They cannot kill everyone who disagrees with them. There are not enough bullets in the world for that. The most responsible thing we can do is be aware that the most likely threat to freedom will now come from within. We cannot, should not, police our own thoughts – or the thoughts of our fellow citizens. Because the First Amendment does not just protect our free speech; it protects all expression, including religion.
Before we lose our sense of optimism, however, try to keep some scale in mind: The idea of human rights is a relatively new one to human society, only a few hundred years old. It’s a part of our intellectual outlook now, inextricable from our daily lives, but it is still making its way into our hearts, our DNA. I can only hope that tragedies like the one in Paris would make our ideals stronger, not weaker.
Is that an ideal worth dying for? I think it is. Should anyone ever have to pay for it with blood? I pray to God not. And it doesn’t really matter that I don’t quite know how to believe in God. Today, I’m praying anyway." - Joe Randazzo, former editor of The Onion. From the article on http://www.dailytech.com/Editorial+Je+Suis+Charlie+Paris+Terrorist+Attack+Shows+the+Price+of+Free+Speech/article37058.htm #jesuischarlie #iamcharlie