2019/11/16 (六)【臨床試驗系列】-醫藥學術專員(Medical Writer)培訓初階班
醫藥學術專員(Medical Writer)、也有人會稱它為臨床試驗設計人員。
想知道這樣一個有挑戰性的工作更詳細的職務內容及需要具備什麼樣的能力嗎? 歡迎一起來參與這門被敲碗已久的Medical Writer培訓課程由專家來告訴你!!
課程日期:108年11月16日 (六) 09:00至17:00
黃靖雅 台塑生醫科技股份有限公司 臨床試驗事業部 醫藥學術副理
(1)對醫藥學術專員(Medical Writer)工作有興趣者
(3)目前從事臨床試驗相關工作者 (如PI,PM,RA,RD,MA,DM,ST,CRA, CRC,QC,QA等…)
一、 新藥開發與CRO概述Overview of drug development and CRO
-Objective of clinical trials
-Phases of clinical trail
-Role of CRO in clinical trial
二、 醫藥事務與醫藥學術寫作之介紹Introduction of Medical Affairs / Medical Writing
-Clinical trial process
-Role of MA in different stages of clinical trial
三、 臨床試驗計劃書設計與開發Protocol design and development
-Protocol content of ICH E6
-Study design
-Endpoints considerations
-Patient eligibility
-Study procedure
-Statistical considerations
-Reference & tools
四、 知情同意書設計Informed consent form design
-Human Subject Protection
五、 臨床試驗報告之準備Clinical study report preparation
-Report content of ICH E3
-Report sample template
-Reference & tools
六、 醫藥學術文稿的準備與出版Manuscript preparation and publication
-Manuscript IMRAD scheme
-Tips for manuscript writing
-Article submission and publication
七、 MedDRA的不良事件編碼Adverse event coding by MedDRA
-Introduction of MedDRA
-MedDRA hierarchical structure
-AE term selection: points for consideration
課程費用:每人2,100元 p.s.中午供餐及中場休息點心
台塑生醫科技股份有限公司 臨床試驗事業部 醫藥學術副理
台塑生醫科技股份有限公司 臨床試驗事業部 業務開發專員
台塑生醫科技股份有限公司 臨床試驗事業部 專案經理
台塑生醫科技股份有限公司 臨床試驗事業部 醫藥學術專員
受試者同意書(informed consent form)設計
受試者個案報告書(case report form)設計與製作
學苑信箱:bioschool@biotech-edu.com 學苑電話:02-2545-9721
「human design report」的推薦目錄:
human design report 在 姚松炎 Edward Yiu Facebook 的最讚貼文
【大嶼填海 為誰而建】
【漠視民意 事倍功半】
(Please scroll down for English Version)
陳彥璘 蔣偉騏 黎可頴 林穎茵 陳潔華
林芷筠 柳凱瑩 關兆倫 鄭炳鴻 敖鋅琦
黎永鋒 黃智鈞 司馬文 陳元敬 高嘉雲
劉紹禧 汪整樂 陳堯坤 雷雯
【Lantau Tomorrow - Who is it for ?】
In the 2018 Policy Address, Chief Executive Mrs. Carrie Lam announced the “Lantau Tomorrow Vision” which targets to construct artificial islands with a total area of about 1700 hectares through massive land reclamation. As Election Committee members of the Architectural, Surveying, Planning and Landscape Subsector, we have reservations on the objective, scale and procedures of the proposal:
【Oversupply of land, who is it for ?】
According to the projection of the Census and Statistics Department, population of Hong Kong will reach its peak at 2043 which means there will be an increase of 880,000 people compared to the current population. Population will then decrease gradually. If we disregard the current land and housing development and vacant residential units, the proposed artificial islands alone can accommodate 1,100,000 people. Why do we have to create more supply than demand?
Important information like planning visions and land use plan was not announced, justification of reclamation scale and site selection was also absent. This is unusual and far from satisfaction for such a massive development proposal. The CE claimed that the proposal is for “making Lantau a “Double Gateway” to the world and other Greater Bay Area cities.” This makes people speculate whether the land created will be for solving housing problem in Hong Kong?
【Public Opinion Ignored】
The public consultation on land supply has just completed and the Task Force on Land Supply has not concluded the public opinions. During the consultation process, a lot of ideas were discussed and submitted. The feasible land supply options include: brownfield sites, military sites, sites under private recreational leases, vacant government land and near-shore reclamation. Surprisingly, the CE announced the massive reclamation proposal before the report of the Land Supply Taskforce, without paying respect to the consultation and all public opinions collected. Moreover, comparing to massive reclamation, the options raised in the consultation process cost less, face less technical difficulties and have less impact to the environment. Professional knowledge is apparently not thoroughly considered in the proposal.
【Not Cost Efficient】
The CE mentioned the cost of reclamation will be “roughly 4-5 hundred billions”. However, engineering experts estimated that, including all the connecting roads and railways with consideration of recent trend of infrastructure over budget, the cost of constructing the artificial islands will be at least a thousand billions ---- this will be equivalent to half of Hong Kong’s foreign currency reserve. If unforeseen conditions were encountered during construction, such as drifting of artificial island in the Hong Kong–Zhuhai–Macau Bridge construction, the cost will be further soared. When we assess whether a project is cost efficient, we will try to see whether there is any lower cost alternatives that can achieve the same objective. The one-thousand-billion artificial islands are obviously not cost efficient as there are other options that cost a lot less such as developing the Fanling golf course and developing brownfield sites in the N.T.
【Balanced Resources Allocation】
Land and housing problems need to be solved in 3 stages: short-term, medium-term and long-term. Resources have to be allocated appropriately to all stages in order to have a coherent result. If a thousand billions were invested in a single long-term project, the resources for short-term and medium-term solutions will inevitably be limited. Such resource imbalance cannot create the desired social return.
【Living with Natural Harmony】
Our memory is fresh with the destruction of Typhoon Mangkhut which we experience the consequence of global warming. Massive reclamation is a bad response to climate change. It will spend massive energy, vast amount of carbon emission and it will bring irreversible impact to the ecosystem. Although our CE claimed that “climate risks can be mitigated”, natural force is nothing human being can be compared. In addition, this scale of massive reclamation will need incredible amount of marine sand. It will bring forth ecological disaster to the reclamation area as well as the marine sand mining area. For sustainable development, land supply shall adopt methods that are harmonious with the environment and design that balance between human habitat and nature. Just following the “New Town Development” mode that was used a century ago is not going to be a good solution. Even reclamation is inevitable, progressive reclamation along the coast shall be considered first which is more friendly to the marine ecology and less impactful to climate change.
As Architects, Surveyors, Planners and Landscape Architects, we are deeply concerned with the land and housing problems in Hong Kong. We also understand this is an urgent issue that we have to face and tackle immediately. However, we doubt whether the “Lantau Tomorrow Vision” can solve the problem, indeed, we worry that it will even bring us irreversible impacts.
In the past 5 months during the public land consultation, the official land task force and many civil research groups have proposed many feasible solutions for land supply. We urge the CE, for the sake of sustainable development in Hong Kong and for our generations to come, suspend the “Lantau Tomorrow Vision” proposal. Let’s work together with the people for a better Hong Kong and bring hopes to our future.
Chan Yin Lun Jeremy, Tseung Wai Ki, Lai Ho Wing, Lam Wing Yan, Chan Kit Wah Eva, Lam Tsz Kwan, Lau Hoi Ying, Kwan Siu Lun, Chang Ping Hung, Ngo Tsz Kei, Lai Wing Fung, Wong Chi Kwan, Paul Zimmerman, Chan Yuen King Paul, Gavin Coates, Lau Siu Hay Derek, Wong Ching Lok Christopher, Chan Yiu Kwan, Lui Man
human design report 在 Flywu_立翔 Facebook 的最佳解答
#nike #kissmyairs #scientist
時光旅行曾被認為是個不可能的實驗計劃 , 人無法前往過去或未來去改變什麼。
2017年一群由四谷機械( SHIYA ROBOTIC )的科學家與研究員在秘密倉庫的超能力研究所 , 在80年代這群科學家藉由人體實驗刺激孩童的大腦 , 觸發出待開發的大腦潛能 , 使這群孩子擁有超越人類的力量 。編號CRL1003則參與超能力研究所裡的TIME TRAVEL實驗計劃 , 編號CRL1003是機動部隊隊長將帶領兩位成員前往十年後的未來。TIME TRAVEL實驗計劃只能去到未來15分鐘便會回到現實 。
而在2027由於經濟蕭條使得四谷機械的超能力研究所被強制關閉 ,
此時2027的CRL1003依舊堅持自己的理想持續創變 。
CRL1003與兩位機動部隊來到2027年並發現當初超能力研究所的未公開機密檔案 , 進而想要找出當初找她參與TIME TRAVEL實驗計劃的原因 , 在散落的文件中 , 她找到了研究員VOA1988的報告書發現了她料不想到的真相。
於是她隨著爆炸聲 , 走到了2027年的地下社會 , 遇見了MEW2911與SRD6469並在人群中看到研究員VOA1988與貌似自己的身影 , 當她想穿越人群去找尋那個自己時 , TIME TRAVEL15分鐘時間已到並回到2017年。
Time travel used to assumed an impossible experiment project based on the general cognition that human beings were unable to change anything in the past neither the future by moving onwards or backwards in time.
A group of scientists and researchers from Shiya Robotic.Ltd has been working on clinical trials since the 80s by stimulating children’s brains in a superpower lab hidden in a secret warehouse. The achievements of triggering brain potential grant these children outstanding power beyond human nature. In 2017, CRL1003, the captain of the mobile force, is assigned to lead two Tactical Unit members to travel toward the 10-year-after future. Each journey only lasts for 15 minutes and would be back to the present.
While travelling in 2027, CRL1003 and her two members find out the unreleased confidential documents of their lab. She tries to dig out the answer why the lab appointed her to join this project. By going over a mess of scattered documents, the report of Researcher VOA1988 eventually revealed the expected truth. CRL1003 follows (the) a explosion sound (, walking) and it leads her to a underground society in 2027. When she meets MEW2911 and SRD6469, she saw Researcher VOA1988 who looks just like her in the crowd. When she tries to walk pass the crowd looking for VOA1988, her 15-minute journey has ended and back to 2017.
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